668 research outputs found

    Some hard families of parameterised counting problems

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    We consider parameterised subgraph-counting problems of the following form: given a graph G, how many k-tuples of its vertices have a given property? A number of such problems are known to be #W[1]-complete; here we substantially generalise some of these existing results by proving hardness for two large families of such problems. We demonstrate that it is #W[1]-hard to count the number of k-vertex subgraphs having any property where the number of distinct edge-densities of labelled subgraphs that satisfy the property is o(k^2). In the special case that the property in question depends only on the number of edges in the subgraph, we give a strengthening of this result which leads to our second family of hard problems.Comment: A few more minor changes. This version to appear in the ACM Transactions on Computation Theor

    The parameterised complexity of counting connected subgraphs and graph motifs

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    We introduce a family of parameterised counting problems on graphs, p-#Induced Subgraph With Property(Φ), which generalises a number of problems which have previously been studied. This paper focuses on the case in which Φ defines a family of graphs whose edge-minimal elements all have bounded treewidth; this includes the special case in which Φ describes the property of being connected. We show that exactly counting the number of connected induced k-vertex subgraphs in an n-vertex graph is #W[1]-hard, but on the other hand there exists an FPTRAS for the problem; more generally, we show that there exists an FPTRAS for p-#Induced Subgraph With Property(Φ) whenever Φ is monotone and all the minimal graphs satisfying Φ have bounded treewidth. We then apply these results to a counting version of the Graph Motif problem

    The Complexity of Approximately Counting Tree Homomorphisms

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    We study two computational problems, parameterised by a fixed tree H. #HomsTo(H) is the problem of counting homomorphisms from an input graph G to H. #WHomsTo(H) is the problem of counting weighted homomorphisms to H, given an input graph G and a weight function for each vertex v of G. Even though H is a tree, these problems turn out to be sufficiently rich to capture all of the known approximation behaviour in #P. We give a complete trichotomy for #WHomsTo(H). If H is a star then #WHomsTo(H) is in FP. If H is not a star but it does not contain a certain induced subgraph J_3 then #WHomsTo(H) is equivalent under approximation-preserving (AP) reductions to #BIS, the problem of counting independent sets in a bipartite graph. This problem is complete for the class #RHPi_1 under AP-reductions. Finally, if H contains an induced J_3 then #WHomsTo(H) is equivalent under AP-reductions to #SAT, the problem of counting satisfying assignments to a CNF Boolean formula. Thus, #WHomsTo(H) is complete for #P under AP-reductions. The results are similar for #HomsTo(H) except that a rich structure emerges if H contains an induced J_3. We show that there are trees H for which #HomsTo(H) is #SAT-equivalent (disproving a plausible conjecture of Kelk). There is an interesting connection between these homomorphism-counting problems and the problem of approximating the partition function of the ferromagnetic Potts model. In particular, we show that for a family of graphs J_q, parameterised by a positive integer q, the problem #HomsTo(H) is AP-interreducible with the problem of approximating the partition function of the q-state Potts model. It was not previously known that the Potts model had a homomorphism-counting interpretation. We use this connection to obtain some additional upper bounds for the approximation complexity of #HomsTo(J_q)

    FPTAS for Weighted Fibonacci Gates and Its Applications

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    Fibonacci gate problems have severed as computation primitives to solve other problems by holographic algorithm and play an important role in the dichotomy of exact counting for Holant and CSP frameworks. We generalize them to weighted cases and allow each vertex function to have different parameters, which is a much boarder family and #P-hard for exactly counting. We design a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for this generalization by correlation decay technique. This is the first deterministic FPTAS for approximate counting in the general Holant framework without a degree bound. We also formally introduce holographic reduction in the study of approximate counting and these weighted Fibonacci gate problems serve as computation primitives for approximate counting. Under holographic reduction, we obtain FPTAS for other Holant problems and spin problems. One important application is developing an FPTAS for a large range of ferromagnetic two-state spin systems. This is the first deterministic FPTAS in the ferromagnetic range for two-state spin systems without a degree bound. Besides these algorithms, we also develop several new tools and techniques to establish the correlation decay property, which are applicable in other problems

    The parameterised complexity of counting even and odd induced subgraphs

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    We consider the problem of counting, in a given graph, the number of induced k-vertex subgraphs which have an even number of edges, and also the complementary problem of counting the k-vertex induced subgraphs having an odd number of edges. We demonstrate that both problems are #W[1]-hard when parameterised by k, in fact proving a somewhat stronger result about counting subgraphs with a property that only holds for some subset of k-vertex subgraphs which have an even (respectively odd) number of edges. On the other hand, we show that each of the problems admits an FPTRAS. These approximation schemes are based on a surprising structural result, which exploits ideas from Ramsey theory

    The complexity of weighted boolean #CSP*

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    This paper gives a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of computing the partition function of an instance of a weighted Boolean constraint satisfaction problem. The problem is parameterized by a finite set F of nonnegative functions that may be used to assign weights to the configurations (feasible solutions) of a problem instance. Classical constraint satisfaction problems correspond to the special case of 0,1-valued functions. We show that computing the partition function, i.e., the sum of the weights of all configurations, is FP#P-complete unless either (1) every function in F is of “product type,” or (2) every function in F is “pure affine.” In the remaining cases, computing the partition function is in P