48 research outputs found

    Funkcije LR gena osim redukcije Puccinia triticina

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    Wheat leaf rust race specific resistance controlling genes (Lr) caused 0.01-0.03 decrease of SAGR = divided first two internodes with stem length. In addition, nitrogen transport in upper parts by those genes was 3-19% higher in comparison to near isogenic lines with nonspecific Lr 22a and Lr 22b genes. RAR (divided root nitrogen content with sum of up ground and root ones) values of Lr16, Lr29 and Lr37 between Lr1, Lr15 or Lr19 and nonspecific genes were explained by hydrolytic stability of endo-proteases responsible for cleaving of glutens disulphide bridges. According to RAR, Lr 34 seemed to be specific Lr gene but increased SAGR as was by nonspecific Lr genes focused SUTs as adequate for its conformity. Two different drought and heat stress respond systems were linked to Lr genes; one based on gluten degradation consequential through photosynthesis decrease and another on accelerated transfer of starch products and water in stem.Geni za specifičnu otpornost prema prouzrokovaču lisne rđe pÅ”enice (Lr) smanjivali su rast sledećih delova stabla (SAGR) za 0,01-0,03 u poređenju sa osnovnom sortom Tačer ili Lr 22b linijom. RAR, odnosno podeljen sadržaj azota u korenu sa zbirom navedene vrednosti i one u nadzemnom delu u stadijumu sejanaca, bio je umanjen u odnosu na poslednje pomenute genotipove. Ubrzanje transporta proteina u nadzemne delove preko gena za specifičnu otpornost je bilo 3-19%. Enzimi za specifičnu otpornost su svrstani u glutenaze, odnosno endoproteaze, odgovorne za oslobađanje sumpora iz disulfidnih mostova pri prolasku proteina kroz klicu. Razlike po RAR-u između Lr 1, Lr 15, Lr 19 sa istim vrednostima i neÅ”to različitih Lr 16, Lr 29 i Lr 37 od Lr 22b i Lr 38 linija nosilaca nespecifičnih Lr gena bilo je objaÅ”njeno različitom hidrolitičkom stabilnoŔću. Lr 34 je po RAR-u bio sličan grupi specifičnih gena, ali poviÅ”en SAGR u odnosu na Tačer i produžen LP ukazivali su na enzimatsku familiju transportera Å”ećera pre nego ABC transportere. Dva različita sistema za tolerantnost prema suÅ”i odnosno stresu usled visokih temperatura vazduha povezana su sa genima za otpornost prema Puccinia triticina. Rasno specifični geni su umanjivali fotosintezu preko produkata degradacije glutena u listu, ujedno poviÅ”ujući LGR i snižavajući SAGR, dok su nespecifični delovali obrnuto i stoga povezani sa degradacijom skroba. Kod linija sa poslednje pomenutim genima primećeno je ranije gubljenje fotosintetičke aktivnosti postojećih organa i brži rast sledećih na uÅ”trb prethodno formiranih

    Interaction of Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Lr Genes Focusing Wheat Growth and Residues

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    Seedlings of ten Lr near-isogenic lines (NIL) and four wheat lines with enhanced resistance to Puccinia triticina were treated with overdosed neonicotinoid insecticides. The enzyme of Lr 20 gene accelerated thiacloprid degradation while Lr 29 gene accelerated thiamethoxam degradation according to NILs upper plant parts lengths reduction by 6% or 10% six days after the last of three daily treatments. Lr 27 and Lr 33 effects were intermediate on thiamethoxam but only in the driest conditions. Among other NILs the growth was increased 1-5% by N faster release of S or Cl. The accumulation of Lr 20 and Lr 9 facilitated treatment in the late grain filling period when the amount of their circled residues in seed was permissible. In semiarid regions, when thiamethoxam was applied before June, respecting the adequate leaf area duration of prevalent varieties, interaction with Lr 29 could be also practical through simultaneous release of fungi reducing elements

    Tolerantnost sejanaca sorti pŔenice preko ubrzane degradacije glifosata

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    Lengths of seedlings aboveground parts of nine wheat varieties grown in greenhouse were reduced by 4-20%. They were tested during April at around 20oC after twice daily treatments with glyphosate based herbicide (0.5 ml in 1l water solution, 0.5 dl on 0.5 m2). When results of permanent artificially and daily lighted trials were compared, four groups of varieties were recognized same as was when near isogenic lines containing different leaf rust resistance genes (Lr NILs) were focused in winter. Growth of variety Pobeda decreased more when seedlings were not permanent lighted which confirmed the common herbicide effect. Tolerance of other varieties was again explained by enzymatic degradation of glyphosate and chlorophyll inhibition by consequential phosphorus acids. Varieties Simonida, Tavita and Rapsodia were similar by reaction to glyphosate as Lr 1 and Lr 21 NILs. NS 40S contained Lr 3a with increased hydrolytic stability compared to Lr 24 but able to cleave external single phosphorus for the difference of Lr 19 or Lr 29. Their final effect was similar to previous stated of Lr 15 NIL during the winter. Varieties Gora and Metka had gene Lr 19, Enigma Lr 29 while Ilina Lr 24. Focusing herbicide residua transfer in seed probability, accounting optimal time for recovering ability of chlorophyll and temporary higher temperatures necessary for Lr genes even parasite free activity the varieties Gora, Metka and Enigma appeared to be possible solution for glyphosate apply near wheat heading in semiarid regions.Dužine nadzemnih delova sejanaca devet sorti pÅ”enice gajenih u staklari bile su redukovane 4-20%. Testirane su pri temperaturama oko 20oC tokom proleća posle dva dnevno uzastopna tretmana herbicidom na bazi glifosata (0,5 ml u 1l vodenog rastvora, 0,5 dl na 0,5 m2). Na osnovu razlika između stalno veÅ”tački i dnevno osvetljenog ponavljanja prepoznate su četiri grupe sorti, Å”to je potvrdilo rezultate dobijene kod izogenih linije različitih gena otpornosti prema prouzrokovaču lisne rđe (NIL) testiranih tokom zime. Rast sorte Pobeda bio je usporeniji kada nije bila permanentno osvetljena te je prepoznat uobičajen efekat herbicida. Tolerantnost drugih sorti je bila povezana sa ubrzanom degradacijom glifosata te uticajem posledične fosforne kiseline na inhibiciju hlorofila. Sorte Rapsodija, Simonida i Tavita su po reakciji prema herbicidu bile slične Lr 1 i Lr 21 liniji. Ubrzano žućenje lista NS 40S bilo je zavisno od gena Lr 3a neuticajnog na poslednje fosforne residue nakon otpuÅ”tanja kiseonika, dok je sličan efekat hidrolitički najstabilnijeg Lr 15 u NIL isključen na osnovu analiza uticaja na degradaciju glutena. Na osnovu pomenutih kriterijuma, sorte Gora i Metka su sadržale Lr 19, Enigma Lr 29 a Ilina Lr 24. PoÅ”tujući pre svega viÅ”e vremena za eliminaciju originalnih rezidua herbicida blizu klasanja, česte temperature uslove povoljne za aktivnost Lr gena, posledice na rast te brži oporavak hlorofila, za tretman u to doba u semiaridnim regionima, sorte s Lr genima kao Gora, Metka i Enigma su prepoznate kao moguće praktično reÅ”enje. Tretman sorte Ilina je rizičan usled očekivanog izostanka efekta a ostalih usled rezidua

    Synthesis of Selected Naturally Occurring Glucosides of Volatile Compounds. Their Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Properties

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    Naturally occurring glucosides of benzyl alcohol, (Ā±)-menthol, (+)-borneol, thymol, carvacrol and eugenol were synthesized by the Koenigs-Knorr-ZemplĆ©n method (yields 19.5ā€“52.2 %). Their Ī²-D-glucopyranosidic structures were determined by one- and two-dimensional homoand heteronuclear 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The Ī²-configuration was additionally confirmed by the hydrolysis with Ī²-glucosidase. Tetraacetyl-Ī²-D-glucopyranosides, as intermediates, were GC-MS analyzed. Diastereomeric Ī²-glucoside tetraacetates of (Ā±)-menthol were well separated on the HP-101 column. The mass spectra of glucopyranoside tetraacetates were mutually compared, as well as with the spectra of their aglycones

    Prouzrokovači truleži korena i prizemnog dela stabla pŔenice

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    During the 2004/05 growing season, plant deterioration was recorded at various stages of wheat crop development in the following locations: Rimski Å ančevi, Kać, Kikinda, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Kovin, Smederevo, and Smederevska Palanka. Plant samples were collected and used for pathogen identification. The results showed that the main causal organisms responsible for the outbreak of root and stem base rot in wheat were fungi of the genus Fusarium. At the Rimski Å ančevi location, of the 1,308 plants of the wheat cultivar Zlatko that were subjected to analysis, 722 (55.2%) had root rot caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium, 14 (1.1%) had roots deteriorated by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis, while only 9 (0.7%) had symptoms typical of the causal agent of foot rot, Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides.U proizvodnoj 2004/05. godini na viÅ”e lokaliteta: Rimski Å ančevi, Kać Kikinda, Zrenjanin, Pančevo, Kovin, Smederevo, Smederevska Palanka zabeleženo je propadanje biljaka u različitim fenofazama razvoja useva pÅ”enice. Na prikupljenim uzorcima vrÅ”ena je identifikacija patogena. Rezultati analize pokazali su da su glavni uzroci truleži korena i prizemnog dela stabla pÅ”enice bile gljive iz roda Fusarium. Od 1308 analiziranih biljaka sorte Zlataka, kod 722 (55,2%) su prouzrokovač i truleži korena bile gljive iz roda Fusarium, kod 14 (1,1%) biljaka uzrok propadanja korena bila je gljiva Gaeumannomyces graminis, svega 9 (0,7%) analiziranih biljaka bilo je sa simptomima proouzrokovača sočivaste pegavosti Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides

    Synthesis of Selected Naturally Occurring Glucosides of Volatile Compounds. Their Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Properties

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    Naturally occurring glucosides of benzyl alcohol, (Ā±)-menthol, (+)-borneol, thymol, carvacrol and eugenol were synthesized by the Koenigs-Knorr-ZemplĆ©n method (yields 19.5ā€“52.2 %). Their Ī²-D-glucopyranosidic structures were determined by one- and two-dimensional homoand heteronuclear 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The Ī²-configuration was additionally confirmed by the hydrolysis with Ī²-glucosidase. Tetraacetyl-Ī²-D-glucopyranosides, as intermediates, were GC-MS analyzed. Diastereomeric Ī²-glucoside tetraacetates of (Ā±)-menthol were well separated on the HP-101 column. The mass spectra of glucopyranoside tetraacetates were mutually compared, as well as with the spectra of their aglycones

    Synthesis of selected naturally occurring glucosides of volatile compounds. Their chromatographic and spectroscopic properties

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    Naturally occurring glucosides of benzyl alcohol, (+/-)-menthol, (+)-borneol, thymol, carvacrol and eugenol were synthesized by the Koenigs-Knorr-Zemplen method (yields 19.5-52.2%). Their beta-D-glucopyranosidic structures were determined by one- and two-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. The beta-configuration was additionally confirmed by the hydrolysis with P-glucosidase. Tetraacetyl-beta-D-glucopyranosides, as intermediates, were GC-MS analyzed. Diastereomeric beta-glucoside tetraacetates of (+/-)-menthol were well separated on the HP-101 column. The mass spectra of glucopyranoside tetraacetates were mutually compared, as well as with the spectra of their aglycones

    Climate change and its influence on occurrence of yellow rust in Serbia

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    There are challenges in monitoring the occurrence of rusts since population structure of wheat pathogens continuously change under selection pressures of agroecological conditions, resistant varieties and applied pesticides. Climate-change impacts on occurrence of yellow rust in Serbia were estimated in experiments involving efficacy testing for fungicides and breeding material resistance. The significant influence of climatic elements and varieties on disease index of yellow rust was confirmed and the most influencing were average temperatures in January (P = 0.000), variety (P = 0.000) and interaction between year and variety (P = 0.000). Furthermore, yield loss was significantly affected by the disease index of yellow rust (P = 0.000) and varieties (P = 0.000), but relationship of disease index and yield loss was not straightforward

    Tularemia ā€“ a case report

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    Prikazana je prethodno zdrava žena u dobi od 44 godina, koja je razvila tonziloglandularni oblik tularemije praćen kožnim osipom. Klinički tijek kao i neučinkovitost prethodne terapije penicilinom upućivali su na moguću tularemiju. Inicijalno pozitivan nalaz imunokromatografskog testa je sugerirao dijagnozu koja je potvrđena seroloÅ”ki testom aglutinacije (serokonverzija titra protutijela). Provedena je terapija gentamicinom tijekom 10 dana s dobrim kliničkim učinkom.We present a previously healthy 44-year-old female patient who developed tonsilloglandular form of tularemia with skin rash. Clinical course of disease as well as unsuccessful penicillin therapy indicated possible tularemia. Initially positive finding of immunochromatographic assay suggested the diagnosis that was confirmed with serological agglutination test (seroconversion of antibody titers). Gentamicin therapy was implemented for 10 days with good clinical effect

    The international program wheat varieties (IWWPMP) resistance to the powdery mildew causing agent

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    IWWPMP (International Winter Wheat Powdery Mildew Program) is being conducted over a long period of time and our team is involved in it for over two decades. In the last couple of years, the Coordinator of this program has been Dr. Stevan Leath from the North Carolina State University, U.S.A The attached paper discloses the 1990-1992 results obtained in the localities of Kragujevac and Novi Sad. Our investigations revealed that not all the varieties included in this program are resistant to Powdery Mildew. In the three years of our investigations (1990-1992) at the two localities (Kragujevac and Novi Sad), the number of resistant and the number of susceptible varieties has been approximately the same