13 research outputs found

    Contribution to Analysis of Technical Possibilities in Designing Artificial Humps for Vehicle Speed Limitation

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the criteria thatshould be taken into consideration when designing the profileof the given humps that would force the drivers to maintain thedesired speed limit and at the same time not to pose any threaton the stability of the vehicle itself and the stability of vehicleand traffic safety

    Could stoppage of fuel supply from one wing tank andanger stability and control of aircraft?

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    The paper deals with the consequences of stoppage of fuel supply from one wing tank for stability and control of aircraft. It is shown that the counterbalancing of the weight of the blocked fuel causes the development of the additional moment about the transverse axis of the aircraft, which changes the loaded index at landing. It is pointed out that the intersection of the changed loaded index at landing and actual landing weight could be displaced out of the operating limits of the aircraft in the balance graph. The question is raised whether the manufacturers have considered the described stoppage in fuel supply when laying down the operating limits, i.e. has the adequate safety reserve been provided

    Durability of Universal Joint Elements Depending on Damages in the Phase of Transitional Occurrences

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    The paper considers the influence of the relationship betweenthe dynamic behaviour of the universal joint and thedamage in the period of transitional occurrences. Based on thetheoretical study of the shaft system with universal joints, theclassification, arrangement and value of dynamic loads havebeen determined, and the dynamic model desoibed by differentialequations has been defined. Laborat01y testing havebeen directed towards checking the safety and durability comparedto the structural requirements, precision and quality ofproduction, as well as mechanical and thermal treatment for acharacteristic type of a universal joint

    Simplified Approach to Determination of Critical Axial Load of Marine Line Shafting

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    The critical axial load of the marine line shafting is obtainedby using simplified mechanical models of two span barswith various supporting modes, loaded with constant compressiveforce. The values of critical forces plotted as functions ofthe ratios of span lengths, for several ratios of span flexuralJigidities,are shown in diagrams

    Stability of Antenna-Column of Neglectable Own Weight in Design of Wireless Traffic Network

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    The paper deals with the problem of elas1ic stability of antenna-column ofneglec/able own weight subjected to the actionof effective load on its lop. The determination of critical bucklingforce is based upon the derived exact solution to !he equilibriumequation of the column of continuously variable crosssection loaded with conswnl compressive force

    Influence of Axial Force in The Intermediate Shaft on the Load Capacity of the Paired Cardan Mechanism

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    The design of intermediate shaft with axially movablesplined joint must be adapted to the variable position of theshaft axis, i.e. to the change of the joint angle during operation.This design is also used for the reduction of axial forces whichare caused by inaccuracy in the production and assembling ofC(ll·dan mechanisms. The axial force which is generated by frictionof contact swfaces in the splined joint is the function of themagnitude of the transfeJTed torsion moments, splined dimensions,lubrication conditions, and materials used for contactswfaces. It will cause additional bearing loads at cross journalsand in the shaft supports, as well as unallowed vibrations andnoise during operation, thus affecting the safety and lifetime ofthe Cardan mechanism. The theoretical and empirical analysisof Cm·dan mechanisms, which have been studied with andwithout axial forces in the splinedjoint and its effect on durabilityof mechanism elements have been presented

    Ways and Possibilities of Preparing Data in Airport for Balance in Check-In and Check-Out...

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    This paper deals wilh the criteria and requirements in developinggeneral autonomous software related to handling aircraftat the ailp011. ft gives an ove1view of almost all the influencingfactors which are relevant to "processing" an aircraftboth upon aiTival as well as on departure. It gives a brief descriptionof the conventional balancing method which is beingused, of 1/ze latest advancement in the field, and it offers a concretesuggestion for improving the reliability of criteria andresultsin aircraft handling.The main idea of this initial work is to unify all the necessaryactivities and to register them. by one computer, from landinguntil take-off, including computer communica1ion withother ai1ports and companies. Cun·ently, the programs of certainair companies are being used and they have produced individualsoftware in co-operation wilh the manufacturers only forcertain types of aircraft that are cwTently employed by !hem.Since the range of aircraft types landing at ahports is growing,!here is the need to find a universal program which can calculatethe balance chart for each aircraft based, of course, onthe manufacturer-supplied design data

    Calculation of Critical Vehicle Speeds Negotiating Through Curve

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    A great number of very severe traffic accidents occurs as thedirect result of destabilisation of the vehicle negotiating a curve,most often caused by excessive speed of the vehicle for the givencurve configuration, and for the given surface condition. Therefore,the issue of determing the speed in negotiating curve is notjust a problem met by experts involved in the analysis of the actualtraffic accidents, but also a question without which the preventivesafety measures in road traffic cannot be thought of,both regarding the construction and design of the roads, and regardingspeed limitations at certain points. The aim of this papersis to define a exactly analyticall method for case of actualvehicle negotiating a curve situation

    Influence of Lateral Vehicle Acceleration on Distribution of Braking Forces as Causes of Traffic Accidents

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    Considering previous calculation of vehicle speeds negotiatingcwvcs, in this paper we are trying to define and detenninelateral accelerations which occur when a vehicle negotiates acun1e. We have also analysed how the speed of negotiating acwve influences the braking force, which is in many traffic accidentsthe cause of the accident, if the braking system is not adjustedto the speed (and vice versa)

    Correlation of the Surface Macro-Profile, Vehicle Speed and Traffic Safety

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    way disturbed from its static balance will start to vibrate asa whole, or only some of its parts, i.e. it will startto move periodicallyaround the position of its static balance thus obviouslydisturbing the stability of the vehicle movements and the drivingcomfort and reducing the strength of materials of single vehicleelements. Basic cause for this dynamic excitation is the microand macro profile of the swface along which the vehicle moves.Vibrating vehicle has a reduced stability in movement.Due to traffic safety reasons transversal road humps needto be installed at a section at which the mot01ist who misreadthe traffic signals need to be forced to reduce their speed, that is,care must be taken of a number of various factors endangeringtraffic safety. This paper will try to analyse eve1ything that is includedin the "Programmed macro-profile of road"