507 research outputs found

    The Partnership of Public Health and Anthropology

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    Public health focuses on health of the population and it is concerned with threats to health based on population health analysis. Anthropology covers most aspects that concern human beings. Both sciences converge on community and this fact represents a foundation for the partnership between public health and anthropology. Biological/medical anthropology is one of the highly developed fields of anthropology and the most important for public health

    The Correlation between Athletic Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Intrinsic Motivation of Student Athletes at the Secondary Level

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    The research question addressed in this project is: Is there a correlation between athletic and academic intrinsic motivation secondary students ? The motivating factor for this capstone was the study of high academic success by highly successful student athletes in high school. This capstone was designed to investigate if intrinsic motivation attributes of athletics are transferred to the academic focus of the athletes. This capstone details related literature on intrinsic motivation in both the athletic and academic setting, the use of the Academic and Sports Motivation Surveys, and results of the surveys. The study of Marionville High School student athleteā€™s responses revealed that there is a strong negative correlation between athletics and academics. The correlation between athletics and academics will aid school administrators, teachers, coaches, and student athletes in better understanding and developing academic structures that will ensure success. The author describes the importance of intrinsic motivation, selfdirected and autonomy for student athletes in secondary education

    Extracorporeal shock - wave lithotripsy in the management of bile duct stones

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    An Anthropological View of Nutrition and Art in Wider Area of SelŔka Valley, Slovenia

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    The paper presents nutrition as a fundamental biological function in connection with art from wider ŠkofjeloŔko-SelŔka area on the examples of medieval wall paintings-frescoes, painted beehive panels and examples of folk art such as small breads, DražgoŔe breads and some other folk arts related to nutrition. The study on nutrition and art was included in the multi-year project Research of the Population Structures of Slovenia, with which we determine the types of populations, the direction of their development, their ecological, genetic and other effects, as well as their interactions


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    Authors in this paper draw attention to four different relations in Strategic Management research. Firstly, it is about the differences of the philosophical approach between realism and constructivism as the two most employed approaches in the development of Strategic Management. Apart from the development of topics, there was a very moderate research of the development of the field itself and the foundations for its development. There had been just several discussions of the philosophical foundations of strategy. Secondly, it is about the extensive historical overview of the research on the process of strategic management. The authors have developed a pattern of existing schools of strategic management in the three groupings. Thirdly, it scales down the level of research from the macro level down to the individual level- the top manager. Fourthly, it suggests the bridge between the theoretical concepts of schools of strategic management and the empirical testing in order to prove its relevance and practical use for top manager in everyday lives. The paper proposes a new classification of the schools of strategic management. The further research should be directed toward elaborating propositions into hypothesis and following the suggestions and remarks when performing empirical testing on four suggested schools of strategic management.Ovaj je rad usmjeren na četiri različita aspekta istraživanja strateÅ”kog menadžmenta. Prvi aspekt odnosi se na filozofski pristup između realizma i konstruktivizma, kao dva najčeŔće koriÅ”tena pogleda u razvoju strateÅ”kog menadžmenta. Osim Å”to se disciplina razvijala u pogledu dijapazona tema, postoje vrlo skromna istraživanja o razvitku discipline kao takve i njegovim izvorima za daljnji razvoj. Postoje samo nekoliko diskusija o filozofskim izvoriÅ”tima strategije. Drugi aspekt je ekstenzivan povijesni razvitak istraživanja o procesu strateÅ”kog menadžmenta. Autori članka razvili su pregled postojećih Å”kola strateÅ”kog menadžmenta u tri grupacije. Treći aspekt je onaj u kojem se nastoji spustiti razina istraživanja s makro razine na nižu razinu individualca - najviÅ”eg poslovodstva. Četvrti aspekt sugerira most koji povezuje teoretske koncepte Å”kola strateÅ”kog menadžmenta i empirijsko istraživanje kako bi se dokazala relevantnost Å”kola i njihova praktična uporaba za svakodnevni rad najviÅ”eg poslovodstva. Rad predlaže novu podjelu Å”kola strateÅ”kog menadžmenta. Daljnja istraživanja trebala bi biti usmjerena na razvijanje predloženih tvrdnji u hipoteze i provođenje empirijskog istraživanja prema napomenama na četiri predložene Å”kole strateÅ”kog menadžmenta


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    The purpose of this paper is to foster realistic reflections on the importance of stimulating research and development activities within national enterprises employing over 250 employees, based on the experience of prominent individuals, members of the top management team within these enterprises. Within research of the growth of Croatian enterprises and thereby the national economy, one of the questions that should be asked is: "Does the implementation of innovations ensure the growth of Croatian enterprises and thus the economy?" This question arises from the existing structure of Croatian enterprises in terms of their distribution according to economic activity and concentration of the employees. In fact, both of these parameters are not favourable for economic growth. The research results, based on 67 validly completed questionnaires, generally indicate that business experience is gained over a longer period of time. Therefore, the impact of research and development and thus eventually innovation may result from incremental processes

    Povećanje uključenosti potroÅ”ača na druÅ”tvenim mrežama: pratiteljima utjecajnih osoba ā€˜sviđa seā€™ vidjeti lice u objavi

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    Purpose ā€“ The purpose of the study was to test whether Instagram influencers can affect followersā€™ engagement using a simple modification to an Instagram post content. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The study focused on the posts sampled from Croatian Instagram SMIs with more than ten thousand followers. Ten posts from each SMI were analysed for both low engagement, i.e. the number of likes, and high engagement, i.e. the number of comments, along with information on whether a face and other features of an SMI features were shown in a post. Findings and implications ā€“ Human face in a post increases engagement, but only the lower type (i.e. the number of likes a post receives), even when the effect of the number of followers is statistically controlled for. A higher type of engagement (i.e. the number of comments) is not affected by the presence of a face in a post. Limitations ā€“ A lack of formal operationalization of SMIs leads to a more conservative sample of only those SMIs with more than ten thousand followers. The content of the posts preceding the analysed post, which could have influenced the followersā€™ behaviour, could not be measured due to the study design. Originality ā€“ Although previous research has shown that a face in an Instagram post leads to more likes and comments among friends, the relationship between SMIs and their followers lacks the exact reciprocity of like-for-like. Given that the followersā€™ gains are not straightforward in this kind of relationship, the finding that a face shown in a post can affect engagement is worth scientific attention.Svrha - Svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati mogu li utjecajne osobe na Instagramu utjecati na uključenost pratitelja pomoću jednostavnog dodatka objavi. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup - Istraživanje je provedeno na objavama hrvatskih utjecajnih osoba na Instagramu s viÅ”e od deset tisuća pratitelja. Deset objava svake od utjecajnih osoba analizirano je prikupljanjem podataka o nižoj uključenosti, to jest broju oznaka ā€˜sviđa mi seā€™, i viÅ”oj, to jest broju komentara ispod objave, zajedno s informacijom o tome prikazuje li objava ljudsko lice i nekoliko brojčanih opisa utjecajne osobe. Rezultati i implikacije - Ljudsko lice na objavi utjecalo je na nižu razinu uključenosti pratitelja, veći broj oznaka ā€˜sviđa mi seā€™ uočen je na objavama koje pokazuju lice kontrolirajući efekt broja pratitelja na uključenost. ViÅ”a razina uključenosti pratitelja ne razlikuje se s obzirom na prikazivanje lica u objavi. Ograničenja - Nepostojanje jednoznačne definicije pojma utjecajna osoba utjecalo je na odabir konzervativnog uzorka utjecajnih osoba s viÅ”e od deset tisuća pratitelja. Osim toga, nije bilo mogućnosti kontrolirati sadržaj objava koje su prethodile analiziranim objavama, a mogle su utjecati na ponaÅ”anje pratitelja. Doprinos - Iako su prethodna istraživanja pokazala da je lice na objavi na Instagramu povezano s većim brojem oznaka ā€˜sviđa mi seā€™ i većim brojem komentara u kontekstu prijateljskih odnosa, utjecajne osobe i pratitelji nemaju takvu vrstu direktnog reciprociteta u međusobnom davanju oznaka ā€˜sviđa mi seā€™ i uzajamnog komentiranja objava. S obzirom da dobitci pratitelja nisu jednoznačni, nalaz da unutar takvog odnosa jednostavna preinaka objave može povećati uključenost pratitelja vrijedna je znanstvene pozornosti
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