44 research outputs found

    Strategije učenja i hrvatski učenici engleskoga kao stranog jezika

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    The article describes a study of the language learning strategies used by Croatian EFL learners. The study was carried out on 362 subjects of different age, gender and proficiency level. The Croatian translation of Oxford\u27s SILL Version 5.1 was used to assess the strategies the results described in the paper show that Croatian learners\u27 strategy use was in the medium range, that females used strategies more often than males and that strategy use correlated with EFL achievement. lnstead of using the six-part division established by Oxford, the author carried out a factor analysis procedure in an effort to capture better the dynamics of the SILL data of her specific sample. The isolated factors revealed the following types of strategies: memory, communicative, metacognitive, cognitive, comprehension and socioaffective strategies

    Interakcija komunikacijske jezične kompetencije u prvome i drugome jeziku

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    The paper focuses on a study whose aim was to look into interactions between L1 and L2 communicative language competences of EFL language users. The author looks into primary school (year 8) learners\u27 performances on communicative language tests that measured both their L1 and L2 competences. The sample included close to 400 participants with differing starting age in EFL learning. The tests had the same underlying design in both languages. Results of L1 measures were compared with results on L2 tests. Findings were analyzed at several levels.U članku se opisuje istraživanje kojeg je cilj bio ispitati interakciju komunikacijske jezične kompentencije u prvome i drugome jeziku. Autorica je izmjerila performansu u materinskome i engleskome jeziku hrvatskih učenika osmoga razreda osnovne Å”kole pomoću komunikacijski orijentiranih testova. Testovi su bili jednako koncipirani i za mjerenje kompetencije u materinskome i u stranome jeziku. Uzorak je uključio gotovo 400 ispitanika. Rezultati na testovima za materinski jezik uspoređeni su s rezultatima testova za engleski jezik. Nalazi su analizirani na nekoliko razina

    Dinamika ovladavanja strukturom \u27there is/there are\u27 u engleskome kao inome jeziku

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    Prompted by the lack of research into acquisition of existential there by young learners of L2 English, in the study described below we looked into how Croatian learners acquire this grammatical construction, which is very relevant both from the theoretical perspective and for pragmatic reasons. We addressed the issue from a longitudinal perspective and took into consideration some individual and contextual factors that we found relevant for understanding acquisition of existential there. The study was carried out as part of the Croatian national research project entitled Acquisition of English as a foreign language from an early age: Analysis of learner language. Our fi ndings suggest that there are patt erns that young learners display during mastering this important construction. It seems that these acquisitional patt erns may develop in dynamic ways and are infl uenced by a number of factors (such as L1, amount of exposure to English). We conclude that it is not only very important to expose learners as early as possible to the pragmatic use of there construction that does not involve only the immediate context, but also to the function of bringing existence of something to mind, as both pragmatic functions share the same conceptual representation. The insights we obtained can be useful to curriculum and material designers, as well as practicing teachers.Iako se gramatička struktura there u engleskom jeziku smatra iznimno važnom, vrlo je malo istraživanja dosad provedeno koja bi ponudila dublji uvid u proces njezina usvajanja. Nedostak takvih spoznaja posebno je uočljiv kad je riječ o usvajanju engleskog kao inog jezika kod mlađih učenika. U ovom smo radu pokuÅ”ali ispitati usvajanje konstrukcije there kod hrvatske djece koja ovladavaju engleskim kao inim jezikom, a pritom smo u obzir uzeli relevantna osobna učenička obilježja i karakteristike konteksta u kojem su učili. Istraživanje je provedeno u sklopu nacionalnog znanstvenog projekta Usvajanje engleskoga jezika u ranoj dobi: analiza učenikova međujezika. NaÅ”i nalazi pokazuju da ovladavanje tom jezičnom strukturom karakterizira dinamični razvoj tijekom kojeg se izdvajaju utjecaji faktora poput J1 ili izloženost engleskom jeziku. Uvidi do kojih smo doÅ”li mogu biti korisni kreatorima nastavnih programa i materijala te nastavnicima praktičarima

    Mirjana Vilke (1931 - 2012)

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    Razlike u učenikovu trudu- utjecaj nastavne sredine

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    Correlations between two teaching setting measures (the learner\u27s attitudes towards the teacher and towards the English course) and the effort the learner expends in order to learn English as a foreign language are looked into and discussed


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    U uvodnome dijelu rada daje se sažet povijesni pregled kretanja u nastavi stranih jezika vezanih uz kurikul i ciljeve učenja. U drugome se dijelu iznose rezultati analize 11 europskih kurikula s obzirom na različite aspekte uključenosti stranih jezika u obvezno obrazovanje. Analize su provedene u sklopu znanstvenog projekta Kompetencije za druÅ”tvo znanja i razvoj nacionalnog kurikuluma u Hrvatskoj. Nakon analiza pojedinačnih kurikula, kurikuli se uspoređuju. U trećem dijelu rada, a na temelju uvida stečenih analizom europskih kurikula, iznosi se niz preporuka za Hrvatsku.The introductory part of the article provides a concise historical overview of the position of foreign language teaching relating to curriculum and learning aims. The second part gives the results of analysis of 11 European curricula in relation to various aspects of involvement of foreign language in compulsory education. The analyses were carried out as part of the research project Competences for the Knowledge Society and Development of the National Curriculum in Croatia. After analyzing individual curricula, they are compared. The third part of the article expresses a number of recommendations for Croatia based on the ļ¬ ndings in the analysis of European curricula

    Stavovi prema nastavniku kao faktor u učenju stranog jezika

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    The article deals with an investigation of the attitudes of learners of English as a foreign language towards their teacher of English. The attitudes are analysed with respect to age, sex and achievement. A connection between almost all the measures of attitudes included in the investigation and learning achievement is established on the basis of the results obtained

    Strah od stranog jezika i razumijevanje sluŔanjem kod monolingvalnih i bilingvalnih učenika engleskoga kao stranoga jezika

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    This paper discusses the results of a research study focusing on foreign language anxiety and listening comprehension in learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The study was carried out on a sample of 56 monolingual and 56 bilingual Croatian learners of EFL. The results point to significantly higher levels of language anxiety among monolingual than among bilingual learners in all three stages of the foreign language learning process, and significantly higher levels of listening comprehension of bilingual learners compared to monolingual learners. A significant negative relationship between language anxiety and achievement in EFL listening comprehension was established in both of the studied groups.Rad analizira rezultate istraživanja straha od jezika i razumijevanja sluÅ”anjem u učenju engleskoga kao stranoga jezika. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 56 monolingvalnih i 56 bilingvalnih učenika osnovne Å”kole. Rezultati potvrđuju statistički značajan viÅ”i stupanj straha od jezika kod monolingvalnih nego kod bilingvalnih učenika u svim trima fazama kao i statistički značajan viÅ”i stupanj razumijevanja sluÅ”anjem kod bilingvalnih nego kod monolingvalnih učenika. Ustanovljena je statistički značajna negativna povezanost između straha od jezika u svim fazama i uspjeha u učenju engleskoga kao stranog jezika u obje ispitivane grupe

    Efekt spola na neke varijable učenja stranog jezika koje ovise o učeniku

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    The article investigates the effects of gender on several foreign language learning (FLL) variables. Results of an extensive study of these effects are presented and discussed