2 research outputs found

    Efficient Aggregatable BLS Signatures with Chaum-Pedersen Proofs

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    BLS signatures have fast aggregated signature verification but slow individual signature verification. We propose a three part optimisation that dramatically reduces CPU time in large distributed system using BLS signatures: First, public keys should be given on both source groups G1\mathbb{G}_1 and G2\mathbb{G}_2, with a proof-of-possession check for correctness. Second, aggregated BLS signatures should carry their particular aggregate public key in G2\mathbb{G}_2, so that verifiers can do both hash-to-curve and aggregate public key checks in G1\mathbb{G}_1. Third, individual non-aggregated BLS signatures should carry short Chaum-Pedersen DLEQ proofs of correctness, so that verifying individual signatures no longer requires pairings, which makes their verification much faster. We prove security for these optimisations. The proposed scheme is implemented and benchmarked to compare with classic BLS scheme

    Overview of Polkadot and its Design Considerations

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    In this paper we describe the design components of the heterogenous multi-chain protocol Polkadot and explain how these components help Polkadot address some of the existing shortcomings of blockchain technologies. At present, a vast number of blockchain projects have been introduced and employed with various features that are not necessarily designed to work with each other. This makes it difficult for users to utilise a large number of applications on different blockchain projects. Moreover, with the increase in number of projects the security that each one is providing individually becomes weaker. Polkadot aims to provide a scalable and interoperable framework for multiple chains with pooled security that is achieved by the collection of components described in this paper