96 research outputs found

    Effets de la lisibilitĂ© du texte et de l’image sur l’efficacitĂ© du message publicitaire

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    Dans le domaine de la publicitĂ©, le modĂšle de Petty et Cacioppo (1979) est encore largement reconnu pour tenter d’expliquer les processus de persuasion et de changements d’attitude du consommateur. Ce modĂšle ne tient pas compte du degrĂ© d’élaboration cognitive du message par le rĂ©cepteur ce que vient rĂ©soudre le modĂšle de Mick (1992). Nous tentons d’établir des liens entre ces deux modĂšles Ă  partir d’une recherche exploratoire portant sur les effets de lisibilitĂ© d’un texte et d’une image publicitaire.Nous avons mesurĂ© les effets de la manipulation de certaines variables (niveaux d’implication, niveaux de lisibilitĂ© d’un texte et niveaux de lisibilitĂ© d’une reprĂ©sentation picturale du message publicitaire) sur le changement d’attitude, la mĂ©morisation et la comprĂ©hension du message publicitaire. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que nos hypothĂšses se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es justes sous implication forte, mais les modĂšles ne permettent pas de prĂ©dire le comportement du consommateur, en particulier la comprĂ©hension, sous implication faible.In advertising, in the field of persuasive communication, Petty & Caccioppo's "Elaboration Likelihood Model" (1979) is still considered as an important milestone to explain attitudes changes. This model did not take into account levels of subject's comprehension. Mick (1992), in his information processing model, related levels of objective and subjective comprehension in advertising processing to ad perceptions, attitudes and memory. Our objectives are to elaborate relations between those two models in a readability context.A 2x2x2 experiment was designed to test the effects of two levels of text readability, two levels of picture readability, and two levels of issue-involvement on the attitudes toward the advertising message and the intend to behave accordingly. The "Elaboration Likelihood Model" hypotheses were tested. Results show some suppport for our hypothesis under high involvement but not under low involvement. This research comfirm the importance of intelligibility and comprehensibility in the advertising strategy

    When activism may prove counterproductive: An exploratory study of anti-brand spoof advertising effects in the tobacco industry

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    First stage of research on the effects of anti-tobacco brand spoof ads on the consumer, this paper proposes an exploratory study of netnographic inspiration of the comments left on YouTube by individuals freshly exposed to anti-tobacco brand spoof ads. The results show that anti-tobacco brand spoof ads generate more positive emotions than negative emotions, particularly among non-smokers, and that individuals respond according to the source to which they attribute the ads (i.e., an activist, the tobacco industry or the government). The discussion of the results led to anticipate that anti-tobacco brand spoof ads could prove counterproductive...spoof advertising ; anti-tobacco activism ; persuasion ; netnography
