8 research outputs found

    Correlation between experimental log k<sub>w</sub> values and those predicted by the developed model.

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    <p>Correlation between experimental log k<sub>w</sub> values and those predicted by the developed model.</p

    MS/MS fragmentation spectrum of protonated compound 14 (m/z 471, A) and metabolite M1 (m/z 587, B) along with proposed structures of formed fragment ions.

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    <p>MS/MS fragmentation spectrum of protonated compound 14 (m/z 471, A) and metabolite M1 (m/z 587, B) along with proposed structures of formed fragment ions.</p

    Common ions present in MS/MS fragmentation spectra of compound 14 and its three main biotransformation products.

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    <p>M1 – hydroxylated metabolite, M2 – debrominated metabolite, M3 – metabolite both hydroxylated and debromianted.</p

    3-dimentional structures of compound 1 isomers obtained after optimization in the HyperChem software.

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    <p>3-dimentional structures of compound 1 isomers obtained after optimization in the HyperChem software.</p