51 research outputs found
Response time is fully committed to the patient time when patients arrive until response or a response from the emergency room. The speed of the service in this context is the implementation of the act or examination by physicians and nurses in less than five minutes from the first arrival in er patient. Patient satisfaction family is based on the fulfillment hope the patient and family. The gratification of the family closely related to response time (time responding). The purpose of aware of the relationships response time a nurse with satisfaction the family patients in emergency room RSUD Dr.Pirngadi city medan. This is the kind of research descriptive correlation with delightful the study of cross sectional. The population of this research was 320 people by the number of sample of the 48 patients taken with relatives of the accidental of sampling techniques. Collecting data was done using a questionnaire and observation, then the data analysis by test chi-square. Based on the research indicates the presence of the relation of response time a nurse with the family satisfaction atients in emergency room RSUD Dr.Pirngadi city medan (p=0.002; a 0.05). Based on the result of the study can be in conclude that Rapid response time to increase life expectancy for patients, prevent a disability physical or death, and to increase the satisfaction of the family and the patient against services offered by hospital. Hence advised for hospitals, relations with leaves response time a nurse with satisfaction hospital patient and the management team can implement intervention to increase the satisfaction of the family patient against response time nurse
Kerusakan dan gangguan akibat komplikasi diabetes melitus (DM) diantaranya adalah gangguan fungsi jantung, yang mana aliran darah ke jantung terhambat atau terjadi iskemia, sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya angina pectoris bahkan menyebabkan serangan jantung (miokard infark). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian miokard infark pada penderita DM tipe 2. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh faktor usia dengan kejadian MCI āMiokard Infarkā di RS Advent Medan dengan nilai p value 0,019 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh faktor jenis kelamin dengan kejadian MCI āMiokardInfarkā dengan nilai p value 0,005 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh faktor hipertensi dengan kejadian MCI āMiokard Infarkā dengan nilai p value 0,005 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh faktor hiperglikemia dengan kejadian MCI āMiokard Infarkā dengan nilai p value 0,003 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh faktor obesitas dengan kejadian MCI āMiokard Infarkā dengan nilai p value 0,000 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh faktor kolesterol tinggi dengan kejadian MCI āMiokard Infarkā dengan nilai p value 0,001 (p<0,05). Sehingga disarankan bagi penderita lebih memperhatikan penyakit dan menjaga pola akivitas dan diet
Stunting or short is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five years of age (toddlers) due to chronic malnutrition and repeated infections, especially in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK), from fetus to child aged 23 months. Children are classified as stunted if their length or height is below minus two standard deviations of length or height of children their age. Stunting is a major threat to the quality of Indonesia's Human Resources (HR), as well as a threat to the nation's competitiveness. This is because children who fail to grow are not only disturbed by their physical growth, but also have impaired brain development, which of course will greatly affect their ability and achievement in school, as well as productivity and creativity in productive ages. The purpose is to prevent an increase in the incidence of stunting in toddlers. This activity is carried out in the form of health promotion through education about the first 1000 days of a child's life using the lecture method. The target of this activity is pregnant women. This activity was attended by 33 pregnant women and mother of toddler. The results of the evaluation showed that the knowledge of the activity participants increased after the education was carried out. Increased knowledge is in line with increasing public awareness of the importance of the 1000 HPK period so that it is expected that the prevalence of stunting increases can be prevented
Stunting or short is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five years of age (toddlers) due to chronic malnutrition and repeated infections, especially in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK), from fetus to child aged 23 months. Children are classified as stunted if their length or height is below minus two standard deviations of length or height of children their age. Stunting is a major threat to the quality of Indonesia's Human Resources (HR), as well as a threat to the nation's competitiveness. This is because children who fail to grow are not only disturbed by their physical growth, but also have impaired brain development, which of course will greatly affect their ability and achievement in school, as well as productivity and creativity in productive ages. The purpose is to prevent an increase in the incidence of stunting in toddlers. This activity is carried out in the form of health promotion through education about the first 1000 days of a child's life using the lecture method. The target of this activity is pregnant women. This activity was attended by 33 pregnant women and mother of toddler. The results of the evaluation showed that the knowledge of the activity participants increased after the education was carried out. Increased knowledge is in line with increasing public awareness of the importance of the 1000 HPK period so that it is expected that the prevalence of stunting increases can be prevented
Response time is fully committed to the patient time when patients arrive until response or a response from the emergency room. The speed of the service in this context is the implementation of the act or examination by physicians and nurses in less than five minutes from the first arrival in er patient. Patient satisfaction family is based on the fulfillment hope the patient and family. The gratification of the family closely related to response time (time responding). The purpose of aware of the relationships response time a nurse with satisfaction the family patients in emergency room RSUD Dr.Pirngadi city medan. This is the kind of research descriptive correlation with delightful the study of cross sectional. The population of this research was 320 people by the number of sample of the 48 patients taken with relatives of the accidental of sampling techniques. Collecting data was done using a questionnaire and observation, then the data analysis by test chi-square. Based on the research indicates the presence of the relation of response time a nurse with the family satisfaction atients in emergency room RSUD Dr.Pirngadi city medan (p=0.002; a 0.05). Based on the result of the study can be in conclude that Rapid response time to increase life expectancy for patients, prevent a disability physical or death, and to increase the satisfaction of the family and the patient against services offered by hospital. Hence advised for hospitals, relations with leaves response time a nurse with satisfaction hospital patient and the management team can implement intervention to increase the satisfaction of the family patient against response time nurse
A preliminary study by conducting interviews with inpatients turned out that the patients were dissatisfied with going to the hospital for treatment. Today's society tends to demand better, friendlier and higher quality public services. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of health service quality (physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) on the satisfaction of inpatients at Efarina Etaham Berastagi Hospital. This research is a survey research with explanatory research type to explain the influence of health service quality on patient satisfaction for inpatient treatment at Efarina Etaham Berastagi Hospital in 2023. The population is all 74 patients hospitalized at Efarina Etaham Hospital during June-July 2023. Samples were taken from the entire population (total sampling). The research results showed that the majority of respondents were in the early adulthood age group, namely 61 people (82.5%). The majority of respondents were female, namely 69 people (93.2%). Respondents had moderate education, namely 37 people (50.0%). The results of statistical tests show that there is an influence of reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on inpatient satisfaction. Doctors need to be punctual, nurses can provide help quickly, and provide the facilities that patients need.
Keywords: Quality of service, patient satisfaction, inpatient car
Ankle brachial Index (ABI) is an examination to determine of vascularization in the lower leg in T2DM patients. Vascular disorders in the lower legcan predicted nerve function problem in the legs (peripheral diabetic neuropathy). The purpose study was to exploration the ankle brachial index in T2DM patiens and its correlation with foot sensory. This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional design with population was type II DM patients in diabetic clinic Sari Mutiara Hospital. The number of samples was 65 respondents taken by accidental sampling with inclusion criteria did not have diabetic ulcers, heart or kidney disease and exclusion criteria were ABI values> 1.3. Conclusion: The lower of ABI values indicate a problem of foot sensory in T2DM patients.It is recommended for T2DM patients to routinely to assest of ABI and leg sensitivity and control glikemic levels
Hubungan Paparan Asap Rokok Terhadap Kejadian Prehipertensi Pada Usia 26-30 Tahun Di Desa Wihni Durin Kecamatan Silih Nara Kabupaten Aceh Tengah
Asap rokok merupakan salah satu sumber radikal bebas yang menyebabkan penyakit degenerative. Salah satu penyakit degenerative adalah penyakit jantung. Karbonmonoksida yang terdapat dalam asap rokok dapat menurunkan transfer oksigen kejaringan yang membutuhkan. Salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan paparan asap rokok adalah kejadian Prehipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan paparan asap rokok dengan kejadian prehipertensi di Desa Wihni Durin Kec. Silih Nara Kabupaten Aceh Tengah 2019. Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan Cros sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu berjumlah 40 orang yang berusia 26-30 tahun. Kemudian di tarik sampel dengan menggunakan teknik sampel Random Sampling. Jadi sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 36 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dari hasil uji chy-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan = 0.05 diperoleh nilai p = 0.008 yang artinya terdapat hubungan erat pada kedua variabel tersebut. Yang berarti ada hubungan antara paparan asap rokok dengan kejadian prehipertensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa paparan asap rokok yang terjadi dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah. Disarankan kepada masyarakat perlu menjaga kesehatan dengan cara hindari merokok dan paparan asap rokok dan perlu memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar bebas dari asap rokok, untuk menjaga tekanan darah stabil agar terhindar dari kejadian prehipertensi
Ankle brachial Index (ABI) is an examination to determine of vascularization in the lower leg in T2DM patients. Vascular disorders in the lower legcan predicted nerve function problem in the legs (peripheral diabetic neuropathy). The purpose study was to exploration the ankle brachial index in T2DM patiens and its correlation with foot sensory. This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional design with population was type II DM patients in diabetic clinic Sari Mutiara Hospital. The number of samples was 65 respondents taken by accidental sampling with inclusion criteria did not have diabetic ulcers, heart or kidney disease and exclusion criteria were ABI values> 1.3. Conclusion: The lower of ABI values indicate a problem of foot sensory in T2DM patients.It is recommended for T2DM patients to routinely to assest of ABI and leg sensitivity and control glikemic levels
Pelaksanaan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Banjir Di Kecamatan Medan Maimun, Kelurahan Aur, Kota Medan
Bencana banjir termasuk kejadian yang sering terjadi pada setiap datangnya musim penghujan. Banjir disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor hujan, faktor hancurnya retensi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), faktor kesalahan perencanaan pembangunan alur sungai, faktor pendangkalan sungai dan faktor kesalahan tata wilayah dan pembangunan sarana dan prasarana. Meningkatkan kesadaran, pengetahuan, dan keterlibatan warga dalam mengenali potensi risiko banjir di Kecamatan Medan Maimun, Kelurahan Aur. Mengadopsi praktik-praktik ramah lingkungan, serta berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan drainase dan pengendalian banjir di Kecamatan Medan Maimun, Kelurahan Aur. Tempat Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Medan Maimun, Kelurahan Aur, Kota Medan disalah satu rumah kader puskesmas pada tempat biasa posyandu dilaksanakan. Waktu Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2023. Setelah dilaksanakan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan juga sosialisasi didapatkan masyarakat terlibat aktif dalam serangkaian kegiatan yang kami lakukan. Mulai dari menyimak dan memahami materi sampai dengan mempraktekkan. Harapannya ketika masyarakat mereka dapat mengaktualisasikan ilmu dan pemahaman yang mereka dapat selamat mengikuti kegiatan ini. Adapun kesimpulan dari pengmas ini yaitu tTerjadinya peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang pencegahan dan penanggulangan risiko banjir dalam mitigasi banjir di Kecamatan Medan Maimun, Kelurahan Aur. Masyarakat membentuk kelompok siaga becana banjir juga diwilayah mereka masing-masing sebagai relawan dalam mengantisipasi banjir. Masyarakat berkomitmen aktif terlibat dalam program pencegahan banjir yang digulirkan oleh pemerintah kota, seperti partisipasi dalam kampanye pembersihan drainase atau program penanaman pohon di sekitar sungai. Disarankan kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat, khususnya kelompok rentan, dalam pengelolaan sumber daya untuk mengurangi risiko bencana. Disarankan kepada pihak ditingkat kelurahan aur untuk konsisten memberikan sosialisasi terkait penanggulangan bencana dan mengajak masyarakat untuk rutin melaksanakan gotong royong agar mencegah terjadinya bencana khususnya banjir. Disarankan kepada pemerintah Kota Medan untuk melakukan penerapan upaya peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang telah dikaji serta memfokuskan penanganan permasalahan banjir dengan membedakannya dengan permasalahan infrastruktur lainnya supaya penanganannya lebih tepat sasaran dan dapat menjangkau seluruh wilaya
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