4 research outputs found

    Laboratorijske analize krvnog seruma i urina pasa sa akutnom renalnom insuficijencijom izazvanom gentamicinom

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    The use of aminoglucoside antibiotics can be a potential risk for renal parenchyma damage and consequently acute renal failure (ARF). ARF is a syndrome that develops from progressive nephron damage resulting in the loss of renal function. Numerous experimental models have been used to study acute renal failure mainly describing histo-pathological changes in the structure of this organ. Our investigations were conducted in order to evaluate the functional capacity of kidneys in dogs with ARF induced by application of gentamicin in high doses of 80 mg/kg/24 , during 7 days. For that purpose, physico-chemical properties of the urine, concentrations of relevant parameters in the sera and urine and endogenous creatinine clearance were estimated. Our results indicate that gentamicin, in doses 20 times higher than therapeutic ones, causes progressive ARF starting from the 3 day of application.Pod određenim uslovima upotreba aminoglukozidnih antibiotika može predstavljati potencijalni rizik za nastanak oÅ”tećenja u parenhimu bubrega i posledične akutne renalne insuficijencije (ARI). ARI je sindrom koji nastaje usled progresivnog propadanja nefrona, Å”to dovodi do gubitka sposobnosti bubrega da obavljaju svoju funkciju. Za proučavanje akutne renalne insuficijencije koriŔćen je veći broj različitih eksperimentainih modela pri čemu su uglavnom opisivane histopatoloÅ”ke promene u ovom organu. NaÅ”a ispitivanja su imala za cilj da se utvrdi funkcionalna sposobnost bubrega pasa u toku akutne renalne insuficijencije, izazvane visokim dozama gentamicina (80 mg/kg/24h), aplikovanim tokom 7 dana. U tom cilju su određivane fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mokraće, koncentracija relevantnih sastojaka u serumu i urinu kao i klirens endogenog kreatininina. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se dozama gentamicina, dvadeset puta većim od terapijskih, već posle tri dana aplikacije izaziva ARI koja ima progresivan tok do kraja ogleda

    HistopatoloŔke promene na bubrezima pasa sa akutnom renalnom isuficijencijom izazvanom gentamicinom

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    If applied in high doses and for a longer period, aminoglycoside antibiotics are potential risk for renal tissue and may cause acute renal failure (ARF). ARF is a syndrome that develops from progressive nephron damage resulting in the loss of renal function. Our investigations were conducted to evaluate the histopathological changes in the structure of kidney, following application of 80 mg/kg/24 h gentamicin during 7 days. Functional capacity of kidneys was evaluated by endogenous creatinine clearance. Our results indicate that gentamicin, in doses 20 times higher than the therapeutic ones, cause progressive ARF starting from the 3rd day of application. Histopathological changes were characterized by cloudy swelling at the beginning of the observation period, followed by vacuolar and reticular dystrophy and later on necrosis of the tubulocytes in the proximal nephron segments. During the experiment, histopathological lesions were intensifying and were manifested by the appearance of lympho-histiocytic infiltrate in the interstitium and furthermore by hypercellularity of glomerules.Ukoliko se primenjuju u većoj dozi ili tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda, aminoglukozidni antibiotici predstavljaju potencijalni rizik za oÅ”tećenje bubrežnog tkiva, Å”to često dovodi do razvoja akutne renalne insuficijencije (ARI). ARI predstavlja sindrom koji se razvija usled propadanja većeg broja nefrona, Å”to ima za posledicu gubitak bubrežne funkcije. Svrha naÅ”ih istraživanja bila je da se utvrdi priroda i stepen histopatoloÅ”kih promena u bubrezima pasa, nastalih kao posledica primene gentamicina u dozi od 80 mg/kg/24h tokom 7 dana. Funkcionalna sposobnost bubrega eksperimentalnih životinja ispitivana je izračunavanjem endogenog klirensa kreatinina. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da gentamicin primenjen u dozi 20 puta većoj od terapijske, izaziva progresivnu ARI, počevÅ”i od 3. dana ogleda. Inicijalne histopatoloÅ”ke prornene karakteriÅ”e pojava mutnog bubrenja (3. dan), a tokom ogleda one se razvijaju u smislu pojave vakuolarne i rctikularne distrofije, sve do nekroze epitelnih ćelija proksimalnih bubrežnih kanalića. Tokom eksperimenta histopatoloÅ”ke lezije se pojačavaju i manifestuju pojavom limfohistiocitnog ćelijskog infiltrata u intersticijurnu kao i hipercelularnoŔću glomerula

    Roentgen-craniometric and roentgen-cephalometric analysis of points on the German shepherd dog breed

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    Viscerocranium condition and development teleroentgen analyses have been avoided for quite a long time, mostly due to the technical impossibility of proper fixation of animals during recording and numerous differences in defining reference proints for linear and angular measurements. Since the available literature offeredus such field data only from research on monkeys, and since there is no ideal standard for the German shepherd dog breed but only numerous variations, we have attemated to standardize elements (points) which relate the skeleton structure and teeth to other cranium bone elements. A total of 15 German shepherd dogs, 12 months old and of body mass 25-30 kilograma, was examined and the results of teleroentgen analyses were checked on skull preparations after killing the animals. The most important radiocraniommetric points on the profile x-ray of a 12 months old German shepherd dog which could be used as reference parameters in the teleroentgenogram analyses are Nasion - N, Spina nasalis anterior - SnA, point A, Prosthion - Pr, Infradentale - Id, Pogonion - Pg, Gnathion - Gn, Menton - Mn, point Sella - S, Basion - Ba, Spina nasalis posterior - SnP, Porion -Po, Orbitale - Or, Gonion - Go, Articulare - Ar and Condylion - Co. Dog head point H and point Iv were taken as typical points for the mesocephal type of dog without analogy with human medicine. Studying the x-rays in sagittal or frontal dog head projection, we determined the most important radiocraniometric points of impor-tance for the formulation of regular interrelationships of certain regions of the neuroviscerocranium: Zygion - Zy, Eurion - Eu, Ectomaxillare - Em, Ectomalare - ecm, points Elm, Ein, and the points Ecm, Ecp, Ecl and En were characteristic only for veterinary radiocraniometry. The following soft tissue points were detemined after analysis of the dog head skin profile by the radiocephalometric method. Glabela -G, Nasion - Na', Pronasale - Pm', Labrale superior - Ls', Labrale inferior - Li', Supramentale - Sm', Pogonion - Pg', Gnathion - Gn', and the following points were derived for the first time without any analogy with human radiocephalometry: Dorsum -D', Prosthion - Pr', Menthon - M' and the point in the Iv' vasorum incisure. The derived radiocephalometric points on the dog head frontal x-ray were: Zygion - Zy', Eurion - Eu', ectomalare - ecm', point en' and Rostrum - R'

    Ultrazvučna ispitivanja promena u parenhimu bubrega pasa sa akutnom renalnom insuficijencijom izazvanom gentamicinom

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    In this study we investigated the feasibility of ultrasonography in the evaluation of renal parenchyma structural changes in dogs with acute renal failure (ARF) induced by high doses of gentamicin (40 mg/kg body mass, at 12hr intervals during 7 days). Acute renal failure was induced in all experimental animals after three days and the disease had a progressive tendency till the end of the experiment. Morphometric analyzes of the kidneys did not reveal changes in the size of the organ as compared to the values observed at the beginning of the study. Initial changes in the echostructure of the renal parenchyma were observed in 92% of the animals starting from day 3 of the experiment. They were manifested as enhanced echogenicity of the codex and a less prominent corticomedullar junction and these findings correlated with the onset of ARF. During the experiment, changes in the renal structure intensified and on day 9 marked hyperechoity of the codex and complete loss of the corticomedullar junction were observed in the majority of experimental animals. Our results confirmed the correlation between the changes in renal structure estimated by nephrosonography and the progress of ARF.U ovom radu su vrÅ”ena ispitivanja mogućnosti ultrazvučne dijagnostike promena u parenhimu bubrega pasa sa akutnom renalnom insuficijencijom eksperimentalno izazvanom s.c. aplikacijom visokih doza gentamicina (40 mg/kg), dva puta dnevno, tokom sedam dana. Postojanje akutne bubrežne slabosti je dokazano kod svih oglednih životinja već 3. dana eksperimenta sa tendencijom progresije bolesti do kraja ogleda. Analizom rezultata morfo-metrijskih ispitivanja bubrega nisu utvrđene promene u veličini ovih organa tokom eksperimenta u odnosu na vrednosti izmerene 0. dana. Prisustvo inicijalnih promena u ehostrukturi bubrežnog parenhima u smislu povećanja ehogenosti korteksa i slabije diferencijacije kortiko-medulamog prelaza, kod većine pasa (11) ustanovljeno je 3. dana ogleda, Å”to se podudara sa razvojem ARI. Tokom eksperimenta promenĆ© u bubrežnoj strukturi su se intenzivirale, tako da je 9. dana kod većine pasa ustanovljena izrazita hiperehogenost korteksa sa potpunim gubitkom kortiko-medularne granice. Ovi naÅ”i nalazi potvrđuju da postoji korelacija između rezultata dobijenih ehosonografskim ispitivanjima bubrega pasa i razvoja ARI