9 research outputs found

    Work Organisation and Innovation - Case Study: Company X, Slovenia

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    [Excerpt] Company X is one of the largest and most successful commercial grocery retailing chains in south-eastern Europe (Euromonitor, 2011). It was established over 60 years ago in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Company X is the largest Slovenian retailer with 24,000 employees and approximately a third of the market share for its sector (Gvin.com, 2012). Company X also operates in six other countries in the region: Serbia (9% market share), Croatia (9% market share), Bosnia and Herzegovina (5% market share), Montenegro (19% market share), Bulgaria (0.5% market share) and Albania (1% market share) (Company X, 2011). Company X’s main activity is retail and wholesaling of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). The chain has been expanding its core activity by selling clothing, furniture and household appliances as well. Company X has 1,581 outlets including hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, specialised stores, etc. (Company X, 2011)


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    Diplomska naloga ima sedem poglavij. V uvodu je opredeljen predmet in namen naloge ter cilji, ki jih želimo z delom doseči. V drugem poglavju, s katerim se tudi prične teoretični del naloge, najprej na splošno predstavimo nevarne snovi, nato pa podrobneje in bolj osredotočeno predstavimo še eksplozivne snovi. Naslednje poglavje je posvečeno zakonom, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati za skladiščenje in prevoz nevarnih snovi v cestnem prometu. V nadaljevanju sledi kratka predstavitev obrata Laže, nadaljujemo pa z opisovanjem nabave, skladiščenja in izdaje eksploziva, kar je tudi podkrepljeno s praktičnimi primeri. Sledi predstavitev prevoza eksplozivnih snovi v cestnem prometu, kjer je glavni poudarek na poteku transporta, vozilih za opravljanje transporta, njihovih označbah in usposobljenosti voznikov. Za konec pa na primeru prikažemo uporabo eksplozivnih snovi v kamnolomu Laže. Skozi diplomsko delo spoznamo celoten postopek skladiščenja in transporta eksplozivnega blaga. Za pravilno in varno izvajanje del je potrebno veliko ustrezne dokumentacije in znanja. Ob upoštevanju predpisov lahko preprečimo ali vsaj zmanjšamo obseg nesreče, povezane z eksplozivi.The thesis consists of seven chapters. The introduction defines the subject and the objective. It lists the intended results of the work. The theoretical part of the thesis begins with the second chapter, which introduces dangerous goods in general. Then, explosives are described in more detail. The next chapter deals with the legislation that must be observed when storing and transporting dangerous goods on the road. There is a brief presentation of the Laže plant, followed by a description of the procurement, storage and issuing of explosives, which is also supported with examples from practice. This is followed by a presentation of the transport of explosive goods by road, focusing on the transport process, vehicles used for transport, labeling and driver qualifications. The paper concludes with an example of the use of explosives in the Laže quarry. Through the paper we learn about the whole process of storage and transportation of explosive goods. A lot of documentation and knowledge is required for safe and proper execution. Compliance with the regulations makes it possible to avoid or at least minimise accidents with explosive materials

    Analiza posojilnih zavez

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    Evaluation of welfare in commercial turkey flocks of both sexes using the transect walk method

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    The study was conducted between March and September 2019 in six meat-type turkey flocks with similar management standard procedures using the transect walk method. The concept of the method is based on visual observation of the birds while slowly walking across the entire farm in predetermined transects. Each flock was evaluated at three different times during the fattening cycle: at 3 to 4, 12 to 13, and 19 to 20 weeks of age, and total number of males and females that were immobile or lame, had visible head, vent, or back wounds, were small, featherless, dirty, or sick, had pendulous crop, or showed aggression toward birds or humans were recorded. At each visit, NH3_3 and CO2_2 were measured within the facilities. In the first assessment, the most frequently observed welfare indicators were small size (0.87%) and immobility (0.08%). Males showed a significantly higher prevalence of small size (p < 0.01), sickness (p < 0.05), and dirtiness (p < 0.1) compared to females. In the second assessment, the most common findings in both sexes were dirtiness (1.65%) and poor feather condition (1.06%), followed by immobility (0.28%). Males were significantly dirtier (p < 0.001), had more immobile birds (p < 0.01) and birds with vent wounds (p < 0.1), but had fewer sick birds (p < 0.05). In the last assessment, an increase in immobile, lame, sick, and dead birds was recorded, indicating an increase in health problems. Higher CO2_2 (3000 and 4433 ppm) and NH3_3 (40 and 27.6 ppm) values were noted only at the first assessment in two facilities. Further analyses showed that slightly elevated NH3_3 and CO2_2 levels did not influence the occurrence of welfare indicators. This study is the first description of the welfare of commercial turkey flocks in Slovenia

    Recommendations for the dental management of adult patients with head and neck cancer in Slovenia treated with radiation therapy

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    Priporočila za zobozdravstveno obravnavo bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu (RGV) v Sloveniji, zdravljenih z obsevanjem sledijo priporočilom The Royal College of Surgeons of England v sodelovanju z The British Society for Disability and Oral Health, dopolnjujejo Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu v Sloveniji in hkrati upoštevajo obstoječe zmožnosti slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema. Namen priporočil je prepre-čevanje oz. zmanjšanje zapletov v ustni votlini, ki nastanejo zaradi obsevanja. Opredeljujejo način zobozdravstvene oskrbe pred, med in po zdravljenju raka na vseh treh nivojih zobozdra-vstvene oskrbe, kar zagotavlja njeno pravočasnost in dostopnost. Priporočila predstavljajo poenoteno mnenje vseh deležnikov na področju zobozdravstvene obravnave bolnikov z RGV v državi.Recommendations for the dental treatment of patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) in Slovenia treated with radiation follow the recommendations and guidelines of the Royal College of Surgeons of England created in association with the British Society for Disability and Oral Health, the Recommendations for the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer in Slovenia and at the same time consider the existing capabilities of the Slovenian health care system. The recommendations aim to prevent or reduce complications in the oral cavity due to radiation therapy. They define the dental care before, during and after radiation therapy at all three levels of dental care, which ensures the timeliness and accessibility of dental care. The recommendations represent a unified opinion of all stakeholders in the field of dental treatment of HNC patients in the country

    Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu v Sloveniji

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    no abstractPriporočila za obravnavo rakov glave in vratu (RGV) v Sloveniji sledijo priporočilom in usmeritvam, povzetim v publikaciji neprofitne mreže 30 vodilnih severnoameriških inštitucij za obravnavo raka, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, in hkrati upoštevajo obstoječe zmožnosti slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema. Smernice predstavljajo poenoteno mnenje vseh štirih najpomembnejših deležnikov na področju obravnave rakov glave in vratu v državi: Klinike za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Kliničnega oddelka za maksilofacialno in oralno kirurgijo ter Stomatološke klinike UKC Ljubljana, Klinike za otorinolaringologijo, cervikalno in maksilofacialno kirurgijo UKC Maribor ter Onkološkega inštituta Ljubljana