15 research outputs found

    Digitalization of Building Site Management in the Construction Industry

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    聽With Industry 4.0, a digital transformation has started in the construction industry. However, 4.0 technologies have difficulties in the integration of digital systems due to the diversity and complexity of the processes in the construction industry. Multidisciplinary work in architectural projects and the need for high productivity require digital renovation planning in the construction industry. The application of the technologies that emerged because of digital transformation on the building site has revealed the concept of the smart building site. Within the framework of many current issues such as the smart building site, the digital transformation on the building sites needs to be explored and defined. In this study, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on the publications in this field by evaluating the transformation potentials of the digitalized building sites of the future. Academic publications that will raise awareness in the improvement of building site management and the development of digital systems have been determined. Conceptual integrity was created by seeing the research gap for digitalization in building site management and it was aimed to guide researchers in future studies. As a result, based on the research area analysis and the diversity of academic publications, it was seen that the studies in the field of architecture were insufficient compared to the engineering fields

    A design framework and a digital toolset supporting the early-stage explorations of responsive kinetic building skin concepts

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    In this paper we present the first phase of our research on the development of a framework for early-stage responsive kinetic building skin design. The aims of this study were: to formulate a methodological and instrumental basis for the construction of the framework, to conduct an initial pre-assessment of its features, and finally to provide the first example of how the framework could be applied in practice. Importantly, at this point our goal was not yet to indicate the framework\u27s effectiveness, but rather focus on formulating its foundations. A pilot design experiment, aimed at the probing of the framework\u27s characteristics, suggests the emergence of its two noteworthy features. Firstly, it allows to freely but at the same time also systematically explore six design aspects of responsive architecture: form, functionality, performance, kinetic behaviors, system mechanics and responsiveness. Secondly, it helps to explore these six aspects using diverse means: parametric models, digital simulations, computational analyses, physical models and interactive prototypes. These features suggest that the framework could be a valid and useful means of supporting designers in the complex task of creating architectural concepts of responsive kinetic structures. \ua9 2015, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

    Zmiany zachodz膮ce w architekturze kinematycznej na przestrzeni XX i XXI wieku

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    Kinematics has accompanied architecture from its beginning and is strongly associated with its evolution. Over the centuries, it has changed form and function. However, its rank grew at the beginning of the 20th century. Along with the widespread change of the design method in the early 90s of the twentieth century, its forms have become more complex. The study showed that with the development of design techniques, this time should be treated as a breakthrough in the design of kinematic architecture.Kinematyka towarzyszy艂a architekturze od jej pocz膮tk贸w i jest silnie zwi膮zana z jej ewolucj膮. Na przestrzeni wiek贸w ruch zmienia艂 swoj膮 form臋 i funkcj臋. Jego znaczenie wzros艂o jednak dopiero na pocz膮tku XX wieku, kiedy wraz z nowymi teoriami przestrzennymi oraz ewolucj膮 sztuki przesta艂 by膰 traktowany wy艂膮cznie w kategoriach u偶ytkowych. Wraz ze zmian膮 sposobu projektowania na pocz膮tku lat 90 XX wieku jego formy sta艂y si臋 bardziej z艂o偶one. W pracy wykazano, 偶e ten czas nale偶y traktowa膰 jako prze艂omowy w projektowaniu architektury kinematycznej


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    Artyku艂 opisuje zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy XX wiecznymi utopijnymi koncepcjami architektonicznymi zestawionymi z wsp贸艂cze艣nie realizowanymi obiektami lub prototypami, poprzez analizy wykorzystania ruchu w sztuce, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem rze藕by i architektury. Ruch i dynamika od zawsze stanowi艂y element, kt贸ry fascynowa艂 cz艂owieka. Ruch pojawia si臋 najpierw w rze藕bie za spraw膮 Marcela Duchampa, w 艣lad z jego dzie艂ami id膮 mi臋dzy innymi Alexander Calder i George Ricky. Dopiero p贸藕niej architekci dostrzegaj膮 w nim element mog膮cy zmieni膰 spos贸b tworzenia i my艣lenia o architekturze. Jednym z pierwszych, kt贸rzy twierdz膮, 偶e architektur臋 i rze藕b臋 nale偶y traktowa膰 jako to偶same, jedynie zr贸偶nicowane skal膮 jest L谩szl贸 Moholy-Nagy. Celem pracy jest opisanie oraz pr贸ba analizy podstaw idei ruchu w utopijnych koncepcjach architektonicznych i urbanistycznych XX wieku. Autor przedstawia reprezentatywne przyk艂ady, a za takie uznaje teorie Yony Friedmana, japo艅ski Metabolizm oraz koncepcje Archigramu. Zestawia je ze wsp贸艂cze艣nie realizowanymi obiektami lub prototypami - apartamentem Garego Changa i Muscle NSA autorstwa ONL. Praca stanowi pr贸b臋 poszukiwania analogii pomi臋dzy wy偶ej wymienionymi koncepcjami, a wsp贸艂cze艣nie stosowanymi rozwi膮zaniami. Autor zauwa偶a, 偶e wsp贸艂cze艣ni architekci bardzo ch臋tnie wykorzystuj膮, po odpowiednich modyfikacjach i doprecyzowaniu, koncepcje powsta艂e wcze艣niej jako wy艂膮cznie utopijnie wizje.Article describes the relationship between utopian ideas of the twentieth century juxtaposed with contemporary architectural structures or prototypes through the analysis of the use of movement in art, focusing on sculpture and architecture. Motion and dynamics have always been part of what has fascinated humans. The movement appears first in sculpture through Marcel Duchamp, he is followed by Alexander Calder and George Ricky. Afterwards architects saw in movement an element that could change the way of thinking about development of contemporary architecture. One of the first who claim that the architecture and sculpture should be regarded as the same, the only difference being the scale, was L谩szl贸 Moholy-Nagy. Main aim of this study is to describe and attempt to analyse the basis of the idea of utopian movement in architecture and urban planning concepts of the twentieth century. The author presents representative examples for the theories considering Yona Friedman, Japanese Metabolism and Archigram concepts and comparing them with contemporary objects or prototypes, for example Gary Chang apartment and ONL鈥檚 Muscle NSA. The work is an attempt to seek analogies between the above-mentioned concepts and solutions used today. The author notes that contemporary architects are eager to use the concepts of earlier utopian visions


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    Artyku艂 analizuje zale偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy rozwojem narz臋dzi projektowych, a wykorzystaniem ruchu w architekturze. W pierwszej cz臋艣ci zaprezentowane zosta艂y metody projektowe stosowane wsp贸艂cze艣nie w architekturze kinematycznej. Wyr贸偶niamy tu projektowanie animacyjne, projektowanie generatywne, projektowanie parametryczne oraz inteligentne systemy adaptacyjne. W zale偶no艣ci od stosowanych metod projektowych uzyskujemy r贸偶nego rodzaju formy ruchu. Zr贸偶nicowanie to wp艂ywa r贸wnie偶 na ostateczne efekty funkcjonalnoprzestrzenne. W pracy przebadane zosta艂y zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy narz臋dziami projektowymi, a powodem zastosowania ruchu. Autor analizuje dwa powody zastosowania ruchu: estetyczny oraz funkcjonalny. Przeprowadzone badania wykazuj膮, 偶e wraz z rozwojem stosowanych narz臋dzi projektowych, wzrasta poziom skomplikowania ruchu obiekt贸w. Wraz z rozwojem technik projektowych ruch obiekt贸w architektonicznych sta艂 si臋 zjawiskiem bardziej powszechnym. Jednak najistotniejsze jest, 偶e wzrost jego z艂o偶ono艣ci sprawia, 偶e uzyskujemy ciekawsze pod wzgl臋dem formalnym i funkcjonalnym formy. Architektura, kt贸r膮 kreujemy w ten spos贸b, staje si臋 wieloznaczna, fascynuje wsp贸艂czesnego odbiorc臋.The article analyses the relationship between the development of design tools and the use of movement in architecture. In the first part design methods used today in kinetic architecture were presented. In kinetic design such methods are being used: animation design, generative design, parametric design and intelligent adaptive systems. Depending on the design methods we obtain different forms of movement, this diversity also affects the final functional and spatial effects. This paper has examined the relationship between design tools, the reason for implementation of movement. The author analyses the two main reasons for the use of movement, distinguishing between aesthetic and functional. The following study concerns the impact of design tools used in the kind of movement. Research shows that with the development of used design tools, increases the complexity of the movement. The development of the means of movement in architectural buildings has become increasingly common phenomenon. However, it is essential that the increase in its complexity makes it get more interesting in terms of formal and functional effect. Architecture that we create in this way, becomes more complex and therefore fascinating for contemporary customer


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    With the development of technology and the materials used, shell structures have developed into more complex forms. This article is a comparison between contemporary and historical shell structures. The change is an effect of the evolution in the design process that is the result of parametric design thinking. The study aims to investigate the impact of new technologies on the architectural form of shell structures. Was there any pivot point in the history of shell structures? The secondary objective of the study is the focus on lighting in such forms and their evolution with the view of the evolution of lighting solutions applied in architecture. With the use of new technologies, shell structures can have a new form and complex detail. They may vary in scale from small objects to large-scale structures

    Technologia wytworzenia i zastosowania ekologicznego pustaka emptyseed w architekturze

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    Nowadays, finding natural substitutes for mass-produced materials is one of the main tasks faced by scientists and designers. There is an increasing emphasis on the theme of ecology and the need for sustainability. Variants and methods are sought which will create environmentally friendly materials in a fast, relatively inexpensive and ecological way. The aim of this paper is to present different proposals of natural building materials and to demonstrate the research process in the search for an environmentally friendly facade material, analyzing it in terms of strength, durability and aesthetics. One of the reasons for this is the steadily deteriorating environmental conditions. Thus, architects strive to improve environmental safety.Wsp贸艂cze艣nie odnalezienie naturalnych zamiennik贸w dla masowo wykorzystywanych materia艂贸w jest jednym z podstawowych zada艅 stawianych przed naukowcami i projektantami. Coraz cz臋艣ciej k艂adzie si臋 nacisk na tematyk臋 ekologii i potrzeb臋 zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju. Szukane s膮 warianty oraz metody, kt贸re w szybki, wzgl臋dnie tani i ekologiczny spos贸b stworz膮 materia艂y przyjazne dla 艣rodowiska. Celem artyku艂u jest przedstawienie r贸偶nych propozycji naturalnych budulc贸w i wykazanie procesu bada艅 w poszukiwaniu przyjaznego dla 艣rodowiska materia艂u elewacyjnego, analizuj膮c go pod k膮tem wytrzyma艂o艣ci, trwa艂o艣ci oraz estetyki. Jedynym z powod贸w tych dzia艂a艅 s膮 stale pogarszaj膮ce si臋 warunki 艣rodowiskowe; z tej przyczyny architekci staraj膮 si臋 wp艂yn膮膰 na popraw臋 bezpiecze艅stwa ekologicznego

    Wp艂yw budownictwa na 艣rodowisko. Metody 艣wiadomego kszta艂towania architektury pod k膮tem rozwi膮za艅 ekologicznych

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    Shaping an ecologically conscious society is a process that also affects architecture. Currently, designers are eagerly looking for solutions that are beneficial in terms of carbon footprint. For the proper multi-criteria assessment and selection of adequate solutions, it is necessary to use appropriate tools such as, for example, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method or the rules of ecological certification (BREEAM and LEED). The work presents a review of tools and methods for the objective selection of ecological solutions in the process of architectural design.Kszta艂towanie 艣wiadomego w kontek艣cie ekologii spo艂ecze艅stwa jest procesem, kt贸ry wp艂ywa r贸wnie偶 na architektur臋. Obecnie projektanci ch臋tnie poszukuj膮 rozwi膮za艅 korzystnych pod wzgl臋dem 艣ladu w臋glowego. W celu w艂a艣ciwej wielokryterialnej oceny i doboru adekwatnych rozwi膮za艅 niezb臋dne jest korzystanie z odpowiednich narz臋dzi takich jak na przyk艂ad metoda Life Cycle Assesment (LCA), czy regu艂 certyfikacji ekologicznej (BREEAM oraz LEED). W pracy dokonano przegl膮d narz臋dzi i metod obiektywnego wyboru rozwi膮za艅 ekologicznych w procesie projektowania architektonicznego


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    Dyskryminacja ze wzgl臋du na pochodzenie etniczne jest zjawiskiem pojawiaj膮cym si臋 w ca艂ej Europie, r贸wnie偶 na terenie Gda艅ska. Prawie po艂owa respondent贸w ankiety przeprowadzonej w Gda艅sku zauwa偶a, 偶e g艂贸wnym powodem dyskryminacji jest odmienne pochodzenie etniczne. Na podstawie dost臋pnych bada艅 autorzy przybli偶aj膮 rozmiar zjawiska i jego konsekwencje w kontek艣cie Gda艅ska. Aspekt historyczny oraz bie偶膮ce wydarzenia pozwalaj膮 na okre艣lenie genezy problemu. Artyku艂 wykazuje, i偶 architektura poprzez odpowiedzialne, zaanga偶owane i 艣wiadome projekty ma mo偶liwo艣膰 wp艂ywania na zmian臋 zachowa艅 spo艂ecze艅stwa. Podejmowanie interwencji miejskich, maj膮cych na celu polepszenie jako艣ci 偶ycia staje si臋 coraz cz臋stszym kierunkiem dzia艂a艅 inicjowanym zar贸wno przez mieszka艅c贸w, jak r贸wnie偶 jednostki miejskie. Psychologia 艣rodowiskowa, jest w stanie u艂atwi膰 proces projektowania poprzez ukazywanie zale偶no艣ci pomi臋dzy oddzia艂ywaniem 艣rodowiska fizycznego, a cz艂owiekiem. Prezentowane przyk艂ady architektoniczno-urbanistyczne potwierdzaj膮 tez臋, i偶 architektura mo偶e pozytywnie wp艂ywa膰 na spo艂ecze艅stwo w aspekcie jego integracji i sustensywnego rozwoju. Przeanalizowane przyk艂ady r贸偶ni膮 si臋 zar贸wno skal膮, jak i przyj臋tym programem. Jednak ka偶dy pokazuje, jak interwencje o zr贸偶nicowanej skali i formie mog膮 pozytywnie wp艂ywa膰 na spo艂ecze艅stwo. Szeroki zakres podejmowanych dzia艂a艅 i indywidualne podej艣cie do kwestii integracji oraz wyr贸wnywania szans obrazuje, w jaki spos贸b nale偶y unika膰 dyskryminacji i znajdowa膰 nowe p艂aszczyzny porozumienia miedzy cz艂onkami spo艂ecze艅stwa.Discrimination based on ethnic origin is occurring in Gda艅sk. Based on available research, size of the problem was define. Almost half of the respondents of the survey conducted in Gda艅sk notices that the main reason for discrimination is a different ethnic origin. Historical aspect and current events allow to identify possible source of the problem. Responsible, involved in issue architecture can change a behavior of society. Taking part in urban interventions to improve the quality of life is becoming more and more popular. Actions are taken by both, private individuals and cities. There is a way to enrich the design process by using information based on social psychology which shows the relationship between man and his physical environment. The analyzed examples differ both in scale and the adopted method. However, all of them show how interventions varying in scale and form can positively influence society. A wide range of activities and an individual approach to integration and equal opportunities shows how to avoid discrimination and find new levels of understanding between members of society

    Level of Detail Categorization for the Application in Urban Design

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    Urban planning and urban design involve complex processes that require detailed information about the visual information of a place at various scales. Different graphic tools, such as game engines, are evolving to use urban representation fields. The concept of "level of detail" (LOD) has been used to categorize the level of detail in AEC applications such as BIM and GML for urban representation models. However, there is a need to distinguish between different LOD&nbsp; concepts commonly used in various fields, as these terms have different interpretations and implications. This article presents a novel approach to re-categorizing the level of detail concept in AEC applications, led by the traditional use of LOD and in parallel with urban planning scales. From an urbanist perspective, a four-stage LOD classification framework has been studied: LOD 1000 for urban and neighbourhood scales, LOD 2000 for the plaza and square scales, LOD 3000 for architectural and street scales, and LOD 4000 for protected and private areas. Key words: urban representations, Level of Detail (LoD), Level of Development (LOD),&nbsp; Urban design,urban planning, Optimization, visual information, AEC.</p