26 research outputs found
Substitution models for nucleotide data partitions of the <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. coxI dataset selected using the AIC in PartitionFinder for BI and ML runs.
<p>Substitution models for nucleotide data partitions of the <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. coxI dataset selected using the AIC in PartitionFinder for BI and ML runs.</p
Primer combinations used for AFLP.
<p>Primer combinations used for AFLP.</p
Results of population genetic statistics of mtDNA for both parasites and hosts.
<p>Results of population genetic statistics of mtDNA for both parasites and hosts.</p
Individual-based cluster representation of all sampled <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. (a) and <i>Synodontis</i> spp. (b) as revealed by the Bayesian inference of population structure.
<p>Each colour represents one assumed population cluster K. Multiple coloured bars display an individual’s estimated membership proportion in more than one population (q), i.e. admixture. Turkana—medium 1–3 refers to three different localities: 1, Central Island; 2, Kerio River delta; 3, Kalokol.</p
Sampling localities, coordinates and sample sizes.
<p>Sampling localities, coordinates and sample sizes.</p
Results of PCoA for (a, b) <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. and (c, d) <i>Synodontis</i> spp. based on the genetic distances generated by GenAlEx software.
<p>Results are presented for the first three axes, because the second and the third axis explained similar levels of variability. In PCoA, all individuals were labelled with different colours based on their geographical or species origin. Asterisks (a, b) indicate clearly separated clusters comprising solely <i>Wenyonia</i> Turkana samples. <i>Synodontis</i> samples (c, d) from all localities clustered together without forming distinguishable groups. <i>S</i>. <i>nigrita</i> individuals clustered together and even showed a tendency to create a separate group (d). Turkana—medium 1–3 refers to three different localities: 1, Central Island; 2, Kerio River delta; 3, Kalokol.</p
Results of the AMOVA based on <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> for <i>Wenyonia virilis</i> and <i>Synodontis</i> spp.
<p>AFLP data from Lake Turkana and the Nile; Turkana freshwater and saline part. Estimations are based on 999 permutations and the significant at P<0.001.</p
Results of the <i>Synodontis</i> spp. and <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. migration hypotheses tested with the coalescent based software MIGRATE, showing comparisons of marginal likelihoods and model probabilities for each dataset.
<p>Results of the <i>Synodontis</i> spp. and <i>Wenyonia</i> spp. migration hypotheses tested with the coalescent based software MIGRATE, showing comparisons of marginal likelihoods and model probabilities for each dataset.</p
Migration hypotheses tested by software MIGRATE, datasets represented here are a) host; b) parasite.
<p>Arrows depict direction of historical gene flow.</p
Phylogenetic tree of the <i>cox I Wenyonia</i> spp. computed by MrBayes for a) the model of molecular evolution; b) the best-fit partitioning schemes.
<p>Branches are collapsed into groups, which correspond to sampling locations. Statistical support for each group was obtained from the Bayesian posterior probability.</p