25 research outputs found

    Textual Patterns for PR on City Marketing when dealing with a German and Italian speaking area

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    Aquesta contribució pretén explorar els models textuals i les característiques lingüístiques que porten a l’èxit en l’estratègia de màrqueting subjacent a la promoció recíproca d’una ciutat i un gran esdeveniment esportiu. Els factors d’imatge rellevants de les dues realitats que s’han de transferir mútuament, un cop definides pels promotors, requereixen una realització lingüística i textualment coherent. Generalment ja es posa atenció en els aspectes lingüísticament superficials, però sovint no s’incideix prou amb la cohesió del text quan s’informa sobre un esdeveniment relatiu a la ciutat. KEY WORDS: Mutual City and Event Marketing, Coordinated Communication, Key Image Factors to be Mutually Transferred, Textual Cohesion, Textual Patterns, Linguistic Features. PARAULES CLAU: màrqueting mutu de ciutat i esdeveniment, comunicació coordinada, factors d’imatge clau a ser mútuament transferits, cohesió del text, models textuals, característiques lingüístiques

    Competence Evaluation in German as a Foreign Language for PR

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    This contribution presents the findings of an investigation of the competences, levels of performance and progress of students who were enrolled in German as a Foreign Language (GFL) courses within the Public Relations program at the University of Udine (Italy). Besides domain-specific, methodological, personal and socio-communicational as well as linguistic and culture-specific competences, the intercultural competence and competence awareness are highlighted. The data gathered during two academic years are performance- and process-oriented. They have been analyzed on the basis of a multi-perspective approach. The Kassel-Competence-Grid served as a diagnostic instrument for competence evaluation in professional settings. In order to assess the students’ language competence, various tools closely connected to the Common European Framework of Reference were applied

    Potenzial interkultureller Konzeptualisierung und Hermeneutik am Beispiel des Fl\ufcchtlingsdiskurses

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    In diesem Beitrag soll untersucht werden, wie in gr\uf6 ftm\uf6gliche Breitenwirkung erzielenden Online-Kommunikaten deutscher und \uf6sterreichischer Akteure des politischen Zentrums sowie der politischen Peripherie das Zusammenspiel kultureller Konstellationen im weiteren Sinn innerhalb des Fl\ufcchtlingsdiskurses die kulturelle Identit\ue4t der eigenen bzw. der anderen Bezugsgr\uf6 fe konzeptuell-semiotisch konstruiert und inwieweit kulturelle Unterschiede populistisch oder zum besseren Verst\ue4ndnis der involvierten Kulturen genutzt werden. Dabei soll eine Methode erprobt werden, die einerseits die Einfl\ufcsse der kulturellen Konstellationen wie Landes- bzw. Regionalkultur vs. andere Kulturgemeinschaften, jeweiliges Selbstverst\ue4ndnis der drei Gesellschaftssektoren, Organisations- und Gruppenkulturen erfasst sowie ihre Synergie auswertet, andererseits auch die erforderlichen interdisziplin\ue4r ausgerichteten hermeneutischen Instrumente definiert

    PR-Textsorten im interkulturellen Vergleich

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    Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes \ufcber die deutsche PR-Sprache sind korpusbasierte Erhebung und interkultureller Vergleich wesentlicher Merkmale von relevanten Textsorten der 6ffentlichkeitsarbeit im deutschsprachigen Raum geplant, die mit italienischen Daten in Bezug gesetzt werden und Aufschluss \ufcber das unterschiedliche Verh\ue4ltnis von fachlichem Denken und Fachinformationsstruktur geben sollen


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    As illustrated in the Introduction, the volume contains a selection of papers presented at the Second Symposium on Global Corporate Communications, organized by the Public Relations Course at Udine University for the international academic network Global Communications Project. The contributions are aimed at reviewing the role of PR in a global market, focusing on how organizations communicate locally, when a global PR strategy is applied, while being aware not only of cultural diversity, but of transforming this diversity into a strength. Since the crucial mission of every PR activity can be summarised as communication beyond cultural barriers which may be cross national or concern different social groups/ knowledge areas, the editor wanted to introduce in her own contribution a pragmalinguistic point of view which is needed but still missing in the PR field

    Graz Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2003: textuelle und sprachliche Strategien bei der Repositionierung der Imagefaktoren

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    The following work investigates how the marketing strategy created by Graz \u2013 cultural capital of Europe 2003 has been realized on the linguistic-textual level. Graz caught the opportunity offered by its nomination and the correlated great event of modifying deeply its traditional image and positioning the new brand worldwide. Graz needed a unique profile; it had to change former image factors like \u201cdreamy \u2013 quiet\u201d, \u201coff the road\u201d, \u201cunknown \u2013 in the shadow of other Austrian cities\u201d into completely new attributes: self-confident, quick, creative, surprising, intelligent, exacting, ironical. The target groups should identify these qualities not only with Graz as a cultural centre but also with its political and economical spheres. Examining a chosen corpus the paper analyses which kind of texts should transfer the new image, which textual and linguistic strategies were applied, which differences they present in comparison with former publications

    Discourse Strategies in Corporate Communication for Enhancing Democracy

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    Analyzing the contribution of Public Relations to Democracy and more specifically how Corporate Communication can involve publics in participatory decision-making processes, not only PR tools should be investigated but also the discourse strategies applied for attaining this aim. In democratic settings, addressees have to contribute to developing the social reference system, making choices based on correct information, efficiently processed, as well as expressing them using suitable linguistic means. In this context, I want to explore, within a functional linguistic framework, the discursive strategies for: \u2013 activating the targets as citizens and not primarily as customers \u2013 transferring knowledge \u2013 building consensus as well as competencies. Analyzing the contribution of Public Relations to Democracy and more specifically how Corporate Communication can involve publics in participatory decision-making processes, not only PR tools should be investigated but also the discourse strategies applied for attaining this aim. In democratic settings, addressees have to contribute to developing the social reference system, making choices based on correct information, efficiently processed, as well as expressing them using suitable linguistic means. In this context, I want to explore, within a functional linguistic framework, the discursive strategies for: \u2013 activating the targets as citizens and not primarily as customers \u2013 transferring knowledge \u2013 building consensus as well as competencies. Analyzing the contribution of Public Relations to Democracy and more specifically how Corporate Communication can involve publics in participatory decision-making processes, not only PR tools should be investigated but also the discourse strategies applied for attaining this aim. In democratic settings, addressees have to contribute to developing the social reference system, making choices based on correct information, efficiently processed, as well as expressing them using suitable linguistic means. In this context, I want to explore, within a functional linguistic framework, the discursive strategies for: \u2013 activating the targets as citizens and not primarily as customers \u2013 transferring knowledge \u2013 building consensus as well as competencies. Analyzing the contribution of Public Relations to Democracy and more specifically how Corporate Communication can involve publics in participatory decision-making processes, not only PR tools should be investigated but also the discourse strategies applied for attaining this aim. In democratic settings, addressees have to contribute to developing the social reference system, making choices based on correct information, efficiently processed, as well as expressing them using suitable linguistic means. In this context, I want to explore, within a functional linguistic framework, the discursive strategies for: \u2013 activating the targets as citizens and not primarily as customers \u2013 transferring knowledge \u2013 building consensus as well as competencies

    Argumentationsstrukturen der politischen Kommunikation vs. politische 6ffentlichkeitsarbeit

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    In diesem Beitrag soll untersucht werden, ob und inwiefern in der deutschsprachigen politischen Kommunikation bzw. 6ffentlichkeitsarbeit unterschiedliche Argumentationsstrukturen festzustellen sind. Um erste Arbeitshypothesen zu formulieren, wird ein minimales Sample aus der Gesamtmenge relevanter Akteure und ihrer Textsorten herausgegriffen. Dabei werden schriftkonstituierte Texte von Akteuren des bundesdeutschen politischen Handlungsfeldes analysiert, die darauf zielen, den Sender im \uf6ffentlichen Diskurs gut zu positionieren sowie Konsens \ufcber Entscheidungen zu erreichen

    La brochure turistica nell\u2019area germanofona: caratteristiche testuali e tendenze evolutive

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    In questo articolo ci si propone di analizzare costituenti e tendenze evolutive attualmente osservabili nel genere testuale \u2018brochure turistica\u2019 realizzato nell\u2019area germanofona, precisamente nel suo sottogenere \u2018guida alla citt\ue0\u2019. A questo scopo ci si avvale delle cognizioni della linguistica testuale da un lato, dell\u2019interrogazione di un corpus pluricentrico creato ad hoc e della prospettiva degli emittenti influenti dall\u2019altro. Dopo aver definito il genere in questione, si illustrano il corpus e le strategie comunicative del settore turistico germanofono per poi passare alle molteplici relazioni che il genere intreccia all\u2019interno del suo dominio comunicativo. Infine, si sondano le caratteristiche e le trasformazioni riscontrabili nei testi realizzati, focalizzando aspetti multimodali, l\u2019interazione tra costituenti testuali centrali e periferici nonch\ue9 risvolti di ibridazione