206 research outputs found

    Extraosseous Osteosarcoma of the Esophagus: A Case Report

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    Extraosseous osteosarcoma (EOO) is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm that is located in the soft tissues without direct attachment to the skeletal system and that produces osteoid, bone, or chondroid material. EOO is an extremely rare disease, accounting for only 1% of soft tissue sarcomas, and typically presents in either an extremity or the retroperitoneum. This paper presents the case of a 45-year-old Caucasian male with extraosseous osteosarcoma of the esophagus

    Fluorescence Bronchoscopic Surveillance in Patients With a History of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Background Second lung primaries occur at a rate of 2% per patient per year after curative resection for non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of fluorescence bronchoscopy using the Xillix® LIFE-Lung Fluorescent Endoscopy SystemTM (LIFE-Lung system) in the surveillance of patients for second NSCLC primaries after resection or curative photodynamic therapy (PDT)

    Pulmonary Embolism Following Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are concerning causes of morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing general surgical procedures. Laparoscopic surgery has gained rapid acceptance in the past several years and is now a commonly performed procedure by most general surgeons. Multiple anecdotal reports of pulmonary embolism following laparoscopic cholecystectomy have been reported, but the true incidence of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery is not known. We present a case of pulmonary embolism following laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hernia. The literature is then reviewed regarding the incidence of pulmonary embolism following laparoscopic surgery, the mechanism of deep venous thrombosis formation, and the recommendations for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures

    Minimally invasive resection of benign esophageal tumors

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    ObjectiveBenign tumors of the esophagus are uncommon. Traditionally, resection has required thoracotomy or laparotomy. In this study we present our experience with resection of these tumors using a minimally invasive approach.MethodsA retrospective review of patients who underwent resection of benign esophageal tumors between 1990 and 2005 was conducted. Operative approach, tumor size, and outcomes after surgery were recorded.ResultsTwenty patients were identified (leiomyoma: n = 15; stromal tumor: n = 3; granular cell tumor, n = 1; schwannoma: n = 1). Four patients underwent an open approach (right thoracotomy); the remainder were resected using minimally invasive techniques (thoracoscopy, n = 9; laparoscopy, n =7). There were no postoperative leaks or other major complications after surgery. Two patients required repair of a mucosal injury during resection. Mean tumor size in the open group was 8.1 cm (range 7–10 cm) compared with 3.5 cm (range 0.9–8 cm) in the minimally invasive group. Median length of stay was 5.5 days in the open group compared with 2.75 days in the minimally invasive group. Five patients subsequently required fundoplication for worsening (n = 3) or new-onset (n = 2) gastroesophageal reflux disease after tumor resection.ConclusionsMinimally invasive resection of benign esophageal tumors is technically safe and associated with a shorter length of stay compared with open approaches. Although no specific cutoff for size could be identified, most tumors greater than 7 cm were removed by thoracotomy. The subsequent development of reflux may be related to the esophageal myotomy required for resection
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