20 research outputs found

    Profil Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Supir Angkutan Antar Kota Pekanbaru-bangkinang

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    This study aims to determine the economic profile of domestic inter-city transport driver Pekanbaru-Bangkinang and tofind out how what is being done inter-city transport drivers to meet the economic needs of the family. Population of this research is all driver sub-urban which status and ownership of the vehicle is a rental that has been married as many as 11 sub-urban transport drivers.This study used quantitative descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The collection of data through observation and questionnaires.The theory used is the theory of economic sociology, the theory of a survival strategies and the theory of patron-client. The results can be generalized that the income of the transport drivers suburban still being sufficient for household so that they meet the needs of families with pursuing a strategy of how to get a lot of passengers, and by working together with his wife for earning money for family life, as his wife opened a small shop at home and using a strategy of active, passive strategies, and networking strategies for survival. Home ownership status generally is proprietary with the physical condition ofthe househas been largely permanent which have private wells and generally have been using an electric kilometer. When family get illness usually taken to the nearest health centers and clinics, while in education, all children can educated although not up to the college level.Keywords: household economy , survival strategies, minibus transport driver

    Tradisi Munjung Di Dalam Pesta Pernikahan Adat Jawa Di Desa Air Panas Kecamatan Pendalian IV Koto Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Munjung tradition in the wedding party of Java is a serving food tradition in a wedding party. Nowadays, munjung which is used differently with in the past. It was done simple and aimed to the family member only. However it is aimed to the society right now. This tradition is also influenced by the society economic level. The research carried out at Air Panas village, Pendalian IV Koto subdistricts, Rokan Hulu regency and aimed to know how the implementation of munjung tradition between in the past and right now, when the tradition has changed and how the society perspective trought the used of munjung tradition. The research method used in this research is qualitative method. Qualitative method is used to know the fact or reality, condition and focused on the social fenomena. The relation between this research and the method is in this research, it would be know about munjung tradition based on the norm. Therefor researcher will collect the data and facts about it in Air Panas vilage, Pendalian IV Koto subdistricts, Rokan Hulu Regency. The data collection technique used are interview and observation. The data analysis technique are collecting the data, analized the data, the result finding, condusions and recommendation . Based on the result finding, the used of munjung tradition has changed from the first aim and the used and motivation of the implementation. Giving help is purposed to take a feedback in the future in munjung tradition, the sincerity in giving help is already vanish which is it was the first aim of this tradition. The changing of the used of this tradition was caused the new tradition or culture from the other influenced this tradition and the level of society economic. Therefor, there is a consumtive society culture. The other findings is about the implementation of munjung tradition. This tradition is not only used for wedding party, but also for other party such as khitanan, syukuran, akekah and some of wirid in once a week

    Gardening Coconut Farmers Local Wisdom In The Village Topang Kecamatan Rangsang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

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    This research purpose of this study to analyze how the behavior of farmers in the Topang which has palm plantation which starts from clearing, processing, nursery, plant up to collect the results and the behavior of the last farmers in preparing the land. farmers cleared the land himself with reason as a source of livelihood. Farmers who cultivate farming land with their own hands, without having to hire someone else to do it. To be a successful farmer should do their own farmers to comply with what is expected by each farmer. The first beginning farmers develop their plantations without government permission letter regarding land ownership in processed by farmers because the government has not contributed at that time. Behavior of farmers in processing a piece of land to plantations was not using it by burning palm plantation farmers use the traditional way to keep the preservation of the environment. Their behavior shows that there must be a way to burn to cultivate a piece of land, but there are many more ways to do it wisely. The behavior of farmers who are still stuck with the old ways that do not cause damage to the function of forests. The accusations being leveled at farmers who cultivate land by burning was never true. Because farmers clearing land must pass through that long to work his land

    Perubahan Sosial Budaya Suku Sakai Kampung Minas Barat Kecamatan Minas Kabupaten Siak

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    There are so many changes happened in Sakai Tribe community in Kampung Minas Barat Kabupaten Siak guch as : religion changes, economic changes and education changes. They are very advance and it can be seen from the way of thinking, attitude and behavior and their habitual activities. Now they are able to accept new cultures that come in their society. Tihis research is almed to know what changes are happening to them and what factors caused that. This research used qualitative sample using snowball sampling and there are three (3) important respondents in sakai tribe society. Observation and interview were used as colleting data method to know about the real condition of socio culture changes of sakai tribe in kampung minas barat. It was found that sakai tribe have some internal factors which came from their community and eksternal factors which came from outside of their community like technology tools etc

    Kehidupan Waria di Kota Dumai (Studi Kasus Waria Menghadapi Tekanan Sosial)

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    Transvestites are men who prefer to play a role as women in their daily lives. Transvestites can be interpreted as analogous to the behavior of men who are graceful, soft and womanish .. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the characteristics of transvestites, to know what are the social pressures experienced by transvestites and to know how or how transvestites face pressure social community. The theory used is the theory of aberration. Deviations are all actions that are not in accordance with the norms of social berlaku.Tekanan experienced by study subjects were from families and communities around such derision received by transvestites, the anger of families, punches and even evicted from the house by the family. Efforts made by the subject of research in facing social pressure is to run away from home to avoid ridicule from the local community and the anger and the blows that come from the family.Keywords: Sex, Deviant Behavior, effort and Pressur