15 research outputs found

    Spread Complexity in free fermion models

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    We study spread complexity and the statistics of work done for quenches in the three-spin interacting Ising model, the XY spin chain, and the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. We study these models without quench and for different schemes of quenches, such as sudden quench and multiple sudden quenches. We employ the Floquet operator technique to investigate all three models in the presence of time-dependent periodic driving of parameters. In contrast to the sudden quenched cases, the periodically varying parameter case clearly shows non-analytical behaviour near the critical point. We also elucidate the relation between work done and the Lanczos coefficient and how the statistics of work done behave near critical points.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figure

    Complexity and quenches in models with three and four spin interactions

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    We study information theoretic quantities in models with three and four spin interactions. These models show distinctive characteristics compared to their nearest neighbour counterparts. Here, we quantify these in terms of the Nielsen complexity in static and quench scenarios, the Fubini-Study complexity, and the entanglement entropy. The models that we study have a rich phase structure, and we show how the difference in the nature of phase transitions in these, compared to ones with nearest neighbour interactions, result in different behaviour of information theoretic quantities, from ones known in the literature. For example, the derivative of the Nielsen complexity does not diverge but shows a discontinuity near continuous phase transitions, and the Fubini-Study complexity may be regular and continuous across such transitions. The entanglement entropy shows a novel discontinuity both at first and second order quantum phase transitions. We also study multiple quench scenarios in these models and contrast these with quenches in the transverse XY model.Comment: 12 Pages, 11 Figure

    FOTOC complexity in an extended Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model

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    We study fidelity out-of-time-order correlators (FOTOCs) in an extended Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model and demonstrate that these exhibit distinctive behaviour at quantum phase transitions in both the ground and the excited states. We show that the dynamics of the FOTOC have different behaviour in the symmetric and broken-symmetry phases, and as one approaches phase transition. If we rescale the FOTOC operator with time, then for small times, we establish that it is identical to the Loschmidt echo. We also compute the Nielsen complexity of the FOTOC operator in both phases, and apply this operator on the ground and excited states to obtain the quasi-scrambled state of the model. The FOTOC operator introduces a small perturbation on the original ground and excited states. For this perturbed state, we compute the quantum information metric to first order in perturbation, in the thermodynamic limit. We find that the associated Ricci scalar diverges at the phase transition on the broken-symmetry phase side, in contrast to the zeroth order result. Finally, we comment upon the Fubini-Study complexity in this model.Comment: Minor corrections. 10 Pages, 5 Figure

    Impediments of reporting dengue cases in India

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    Dengue has emerged as one of the most important mosquito-borne, fatal flaviviral disease, apparently expanding as a global health problem. An estimated 3.6 billion people are at risk for dengue, with 50 million infections per year occurring across 100 countries globally. The annual number of dengue fever cases in India is many times higher than it is officially reported. This under reporting would play a major role in the government’s decision-making. Underestimating of the disease in India encumbers its people from taking preventive measures, discourages efforts to ensnare the sources of the disease and deliberates efforts for vaccine research. In this article, we highlight the probable impediments of under reporting leading to its impact on national and global public health and also offer key remedies to effectively address the issues across the clinics to the community level. Keywords: Dengue, Under-reporting, Surveillance, Vaccin

    Antioxidant & Antimicrobial Activities of Cocos Nucifera Linn. (Arecaceae) Endocarp Extracts

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    ABSTRACT: Cocos nucifera (CN), commonly known as Coconut tree, is used for its several beneficial health effects as antitumor, anthelmintic, antidotal, antiseptic, aperients, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, depurative, diuretic, hemostat, pediculicide, refrigerant, stomachic,styptic, suppurative and vermifuge. Our objective was to determine the antioxidant activities, DPPH radical scavenging activities and antimicrobial activities of the ethanolic (cold percolation:RNM-01 & hot percolation:RNM-02) extracts, dry distilled extract(RNDS) and aqueous extract(hot percolation: RNA) of endocarp of cocos nucifera from Karnataka region in India. Agar disc diffusion method was used for in vitro antibacterial and antifungal screening. The overall results provide promising baseline information for the potential use of the crude anti-oxidant extracts from CN in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infection as well as for the reduction of other human diseases. As it has been already reported that there is an inverse relationship between dietary-intake of antioxidant-rich foods and the incidence of a number of human diseases, therefore these results are interesting

    Comparative study on the outcome of primary skin closure versus delayed primary skin closure in case of emergency laparotomies

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    Introduction: One of the most common complications that one can encounter is the surgical site infection (SSI) after any surgical procedures especially after exploratory laparotomy for perforative peritonitis. A surgical wound is considered as infected when there is purulent drainage from the wound. The purpose of the present study was to compare the primary wound closure technique and delayed primary wound closure technique with regard to the rate of wound infection and other complications which are usually associated with the infection like wound dehiscence, stitch sinuses, incisional hernias and duration of hospital stay. Materials and Methodology: 120 participants were randomly divided into two groups with 60 subjects each for primary wound closure and delayed primary wound closure. Data was coded and entered in Microsoft Excel sheet and the data analysis was done using SPSS-17. Association between qualitative variables will be analysed using Chi-square test. Associations between quantitative variables were analysed using independent sample t-test. Non parametric tests were if whenever necessary. When a p value of less than 0.05 is considered as statistically significant.&nbsp

    Modern Minimal Invasive Access Opening: Case Report

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    In summary, directed dentin and enamel conservation is the best and only proven method to buttress the endodontically treated molar. No man-made material or technique can compensate for tooth structure lost in key areas of the PCD. The primary purpose of the redesigned access is to avoid the fracturing potential of the endodontically treated molar. Current case report presents a case of an anterior tooth with conservative access opening according to clark and khadami. Central to our philosophy should be balance needs to be restored to these 3 needs, which are almost always in conflict when performing complete cusp-tip to root-tip treatment. Current case report presents a case of an anterior tooth with conservative access opening according to clark and khadami