2,392 research outputs found


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    The present paper deals with common fixed point theorem in fuzzy metric space by employing the notion of occasionally weakly compatible mappings. Our result generalizes the recent result of Singh et. al. [16].Keywords : Common fixed points, fuzzy metric space, compatible maps, occasionally weakly compatible mappings and weak compatible mappings.Â

    Evaluation of lipid profile and apolipoproteins in cord blood from Tribal and nontribal population of Udaipur region, India

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    Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in India. The important factor associated is dyslipidemia. A strong relationship has been seen in epidemiological studies between cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. The present study was planned to analyze cord blood lipid profile, apolipoproteins and atherogenic index in tribal and nontribal population and compare them gender wise.Methods: Our study group consisted of 250 healthy full-term newborn. The cord blood was collected immediately after a normal delivery. The blood was tested to determine lipid profile, apolipoproteins and atherogenic index. Results: The results showed that the levels of lipid profile, apolipoproteins and ratio (TC/HDL, TC/LDL, HDL/LDL, and LDL/HDL) were higher in non-tribal population than tribal ones. Gender wise comparison revealed higher levels in male non-tribal neonates as compared to female non-tribal neonates. The apolipoproteinB and Atherogenic index (ApoB/ApoA-1) were higher in females than male non-tribal neonates in cord blood. The trends were reversed in the tribal population.Conclusions: The result concluded that tribal and non-tribal population, also female and male neonates have genetic variation and difference in lipid metabolism

    Evaluation of some minerals in cord blood from tribal and nontribal population of Udaipur region

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    Background: Vitamins and minerals collectively referred to as micronutrients have important influence on the health of pregnant women and the growing foetus. (1) Pregnancy is related to increase demand of all nutrients and deficiency any of these can affect pregnancy, delivery and outcome of pregnancy. (2) Disorders in mineral element nutrition and metabolism can lead to wide variety of malformations. Data on mineral values in newborn are very less in contrast to adult hence the present study was planned to analyse some of minerals in the umbilical cord blood of tribal and nontribal population and compare them gender wise.Methods: Our study group consisted of 200 healthy full term newborn. The cord blood was collected immediately after a normal delivery to estimate calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron.Results: The results showed that the levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron were higher in non-tribal population than Tribal ones. The levels of calcium and iron were higher in female nontribal neonates as compared to male non-tribal neonates. Calcium was statistically significant (p=0.04) when compared with male and female non-tribal neonates. The trend showed increase levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in females of tribal population than cord blood of male tribal neonates.Conclusions: The result shows that tribal and non-tribal population, also female and male neonates have genetic variation and difference in mineral metabolism

    Application of Neuro-Fuzzy system to solve Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents the application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in solving the traveling salesman problem. Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neuro-fuzzy architecture model is used for this purpose. TSP, although, simple to describ

    Design Simulation of Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped Inverter System for Solar Photovoltaic Applications

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    This paper presents design and simulation of Neutral Point Clamped multi-level inverter system connected to a solar photovoltaic system. The design of multilevel inverter is based on neutral point clamped topology. The improved space vector pulse width modulation enables better performance and output of the system in both qualitative as well as quantitative factor. The system is connected to solar photovoltaic system and the output is realized in the form of voltage and current from the output of inverter. In the present research the system is analyzed for high power application of the solar photovoltaic system. Simulation is done on MATLAB Simulink platform. The output obtained have shown promising and efficient result after the application of proposed topology


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    Background: One of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the modern period is coronary heart disease. The fetal origin concept has shown that the origins of this epidemic can be found as early as fetal life. A few research have compared the lipid profiles of cord blood from pre-term and term newborns, opening the door to early chronic disease prevention. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare lipid parameters in pre-term and term maternal serum and neonatal cord blood. Methods: In 300 newborns cord blood and 300 maternal serum samples, a cross-sectional research was performed. The placental side of the umbilical cord was used to collect cord blood samples, which were then examined for their lipid profiles, which included measurements of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), and apolipoproteins including ApoA and ApoB. Results: When lipid parameters from maternal serum and neonatal cord blood were compared, maternal serum had statistically significant higher values for the apolipoproteins, atherogenic index (AI), and lipid profile. Lipid parameters (TC, TG, LDL, very low density lipoprotein, Apolipoprotein B, and AI) were higher in mothers of pre-term babies and also in cord blood of pre-term neonates. Comparison of lipid parameters of pre-term and term mothers and neonatal cord blood was highly significant. Conclusion: There was a significant association of cord blood and maternal lipid parameters; hence, change in maternal lipid levels might influences the lipid levels in the cord blood of neonates


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    Objective: P. aeruginosa produces a range of metabolites including pyocyanin that enhance its ability to resist antibiotics and becomes capable of surviving adverse conditions.Method: In this report, eight plants (extracted with five solvents) were screened for antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa by microbroth dilution method. Afterward tested for inhibition of pyocyanin in presence and absence of plant extracts.Result: Among these D. muricata and S. quitoenes exhibited good antibacterial potential. Inhibition of pyocyanin is identified as a potential anti-virulence strategy. Therefore, acetone extract of six plants exhibited MIC ≤3.125mg/ml and methanol extract of three plants exhibited MIC ≤6.25mg/ml were used to check pyocyanin inhibition in P. aeruginosa. In acetone extracts, significant pyocyanin inhibition was found in I. pestigirdis and C. colocynthis. In methanol extracts, C. colocynthis and D. muricata showed considerable pyocyanin inhibition.Conclusion: Overall result indicates that the best antimicrobial compound (growth inhibitor) may not be best inhibitor of pyocyanin biosynthesis or vice-versa. Moreover, I. pestigirdis, C. colocynthis and D. muricata seems to contain compounds which inhibit the growth of bacteria as well as the biosynthesis of pyocyanin.Â


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    Objective: To developed mucoadhesive gastro-retentive films of amoxicillin trihydrate, metronidazole and famotidine by using polymers and plasticizer for eradication of H. pylori infection. Methods: The mucoadhesive gastro-retentive films of amoxicillin trihydrate, metronidazole and famotidine were prepared using solvent casting method. The optimized gastro-retentive films were characterized by using various parameters such as DSC, drug content uniformity, in vitro drug release, FTIR spectroscopy, SEM and ex-vivo drug permeation studies across the mucous membrane. The prepared mucoadhesive gastro-retentive films were evaluated with in vitro growth inhibition study and in vivo bacterial clearance study. Results: The FTIR spectra indicated that there was no any interaction between the drugs and polymer. Drugs content was found to be in the range and there was no significant change in the surface morphology of the films after under storage. The bioadhesive property of prepared films exhibited highly bioadhesive property when increased the amount of chitosan and PAA (Polyacrylic Acid) used. We found that CH-PAA IPC (Chitosan-Polyacrylic Acid Inter-polymer Complex) films exhibited greater bioadhesion. The percent of growth inhibition by using each drug such as amoxicillin, metronidazole and famotidine was found to be 51.61%, 46.59% and 34.76%, respectively whereas the combination of drugs were exhibited highest % growth inhibition. The % inhibition was found to be 81.00%. The optimized formulation CH-PAA IPC (C1P2G2) and CH film (C1G2) showed highest growth inhibition of H. pylori bacteria. The growth inhibition was found to be 96.77% and 92.26%, respectively. In vivo Bacterial Clearance Studies showed that the drugs loaded CH-PAA IPC film (C1P2G2) formulation exhibited better clearance from infection than CH film (C1G2) formulation and plain drugs solution at same doses. Drugs loaded CH-PAA IPC film formulation was found to be effective in the treatment of H. pylori infections effectively. Conclusion: The developed gastro-retentive films of amoxicillin trihydrate, metronidazole and famotidine combination could be used for batter management of mucosal ulcer disease and eradication of H. pylori bacteria
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