15 research outputs found

    Network representation of the biological functions significantly altered by 8-weeks of RR-MBI in IBD patients.

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    <p>Networks shown: A) Cellular morphology and tissue development related genes with UBC, MAPK8, NF-ÎşB and ERK1/2 as primary regulatory nodes; B) Genes involved in cell death, apoptosis and inflammation with UBC, APP and IRF7 as a critical regulatory node. We used the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis tool (IPA 8.0) to generate the networks of genes altered by RR-MBI in <b>IBD</b> patients and merged the major networks with obvious related functions. Each node represents a gene and each edge represent a molecular interaction. The intensity of the node color indicates the degree of upregulation (red) and downregulation (green), while white nodes indicate non-modified genes that may be affected in a non-transcriptional manner.</p

    The syllabus for the relaxation response-based group mind body intervention (RR-MBI) for irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

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    <p>Session content varied by week but always included an activity that elicited the relaxation response (RR) and a discussion of the homework from the previous week. Homework for the sessions included eliciting the RR daily, daily mini-relaxation exercises, filling out a diary sheet, making an entry in an appreciation journal, and practicing cognitive restructuring exercises and other skills previously learned.</p><p>The syllabus for the relaxation response-based group mind body intervention (RR-MBI) for irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.</p