23 research outputs found

    Risk Management and Adaptation for Extremes and Abrupt Changes in Climate and Oceans: Current Knowledge Gaps

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    Perspectives for risk management and adaptation have received ample attention in the recent IPCC Special Report on Changes in the Oceans and Cryosphere (SROCC). However, several knowledge gaps on the impacts of abrupt changes, cascading effects and compound extreme climatic events have been identified, and need further research. We focus on specific climate change risks identified in the SROCC report, namely: changes in tropical and extratropical cyclones; marine heatwaves; extreme ENSO events; and abrupt changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Several of the socioeconomic impacts from these events are not yet well-understood, and the literature is also sparse on specific recommendations for integrated risk management and adaptation options to reduce such risks. Also, past research has mostly focussed on concepts that have seen little application to real-world cases. We discuss relevant research needs and priorities for improved social-ecological impact assessment related to these major physical changes in the climate and oceans. For example, harmonised approaches are needed to better understand impacts from compound events, and cascading impacts across systems. Such information is essential to inform options for adaptation, governance and decision-making. Finally, we highlight research needs for developing transformative adaptation options and their governance

    Radiolarian fauna of sediment core MD96-2089 off LĂĽderitz, Namibia

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    The study of radiolarian assemblages from Core MD 962086 provides new information on the variability in the upwelling intensity and origin of upwelled water masses over the past 350 ky in one of the major filamentous regions of the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS), located off Lüderitz, Namibia. The use of key radiolarian species to trace the source of upwelled waters, and the use of a radiolarian-based upwelling index (URI) to reconstruct the upwelling intensity represent the first use of radiolarians for paleoceanographic reconstructions in the BUS. These radiolarian-based proxies indicate strongest upwelling during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 3, 5, and 8, which compares well with other studies. While during MIS 3 and 8, the radiolarian-based proxies indicate the influx of waters of Southern Ocean origin, they also point to the increased influence of tropical waters during the lower portion of MIS 5. During MIS 2, 4 and 6 the radiolarian assemblages indicate generally lower upwelling intensities, although this signal is complicated by the increased occurrence of organic carbon in the sediments during these intervals. During MIS 2 there appears to be less of an input of Southern Ocean waters to the BUS, although during the also glacial MIS 4 and 6, there is evidence for an increased influence of cold Antarctic waters. The comparison of the results from Core MD 962086 with other studies in the BUS area indicates a non-uniform pattern of upwelling intensity and advection of cold, southern waters into this system during MIS 2. Weaker upwelling signaled by the radiolarian-based proxy in MIS 4 is in contrast to other studies that indicate higher productivity during this time period. In general, the data show that there is a strong spatiotemporal complexity in upwelling intensity in the BUS and that the advection of water into it is not strongly tied to glacial–interglacial variations in climate

    Abundance and opal input of radiolarian species of two sediment cores from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean

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    Radiolarian-based paleoceanographic reconstructions generally use the abundance of selected radiolarian species. However, the recent focus on the opal flux and the development of isotope measurements in biogenic opal and the organic matter embedded in it demands a better knowledge of the origin of the opal. We present here an estimation of the opal content of the skeleton of 63 radiolarian species from two sites in the Southern Ocean. The skeletons are modelled as associations of simple geometrical shapes, and the volume thus obtained is combined with opal density to obtain the amount of opal. These data are, thus, used to determine the most important opal carriers in the radiolarian assemblage in both cores