17 research outputs found

    Assault on the Judiciary: Judicial Response to Cirticism Post-\u3cem\u3eSchiavo\u3c/em\u3e

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    Spatiotemporal relationships between the cell shape and the actomyosin cortex of periodically protruding cells

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    We investigate the dynamics of cell shape and analyze the actin and myosin distributions of cells exhibiting cortical density traveling waves. These waves propagate by repeated cycles of cortical compression (folding) and dilation (unfolding) that lead to periodic protrusions (oscillations) of the cell boundary. The focus of our detailed analysis is the remarkable periodicity of this phenotype, in which both the overall shape transformation and distribution of actomyosin density are repeated from cycle to cycle even though the characteristics of the shape transformation vary significantly for different regions of the cell. We show, using correlation analysis, that during traveling wave propagation cortical actin and plasma membrane densities are tightly coupled at each point along the cell periphery. We also demonstrate that the major protrusion appears at the wave trailing edge just after the actin cortex density has reached a maximum. Making use of the extraordinary periodicity, we employ latrunculin to demonstrate that sequestering actin monomers can have two distinct effects: low latrunculin concentrations can trigger and enhance traveling waves but higher concentrations of this drug retard the waves. The fundamental mechanism underlying this periodically protruding phenotype, involving folding and unfolding of the cortex-membrane couple, is likely to hold important clues for diverse phenomena including cell division and amoeboid-type migration

    Time-Lapse Analysis and Mathematical Characterization Elucidate Novel Mechanisms Underlying Muscle Morphogenesis

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    Skeletal muscle morphogenesis transforms short muscle precursor cells into long, multinucleate myotubes that anchor to tendons via the myotendinous junction (MTJ). In vertebrates, a great deal is known about muscle specification as well as how somitic cells, as a cohort, generate the early myotome. However, the cellular mechanisms that generate long muscle fibers from short cells and the molecular factors that limit elongation are unknown. We show that zebrafish fast muscle fiber morphogenesis consists of three discrete phases: short precursor cells, intercalation/elongation, and boundary capture/myotube formation. In the first phase, cells exhibit randomly directed protrusive activity. The second phase, intercalation/elongation, proceeds via a two-step process: protrusion extension and filling. This repetition of protrusion extension and filling continues until both the anterior and posterior ends of the muscle fiber reach the MTJ. Finally, both ends of the muscle fiber anchor to the MTJ (boundary capture) and undergo further morphogenetic changes as they adopt the stereotypical, cylindrical shape of myotubes. We find that the basement membrane protein laminin is required for efficient elongation, proper fiber orientation, and boundary capture. These early muscle defects in the absence of either lamininβ1 or lamininγ1 contrast with later dystrophic phenotypes in lamininα2 mutant embryos, indicating discrete roles for different laminin chains during early muscle development. Surprisingly, genetic mosaic analysis suggests that boundary capture is a cell-autonomous phenomenon. Taken together, our results define three phases of muscle fiber morphogenesis and show that the critical second phase of elongation proceeds by a repetitive process of protrusion extension and protrusion filling. Furthermore, we show that laminin is a novel and critical molecular cue mediating fiber orientation and limiting muscle cell length

    Complete Budding and Asymmetric Division of Primitive Model Cells To Produce Daughter Vesicles with Different Interior and Membrane Compositions

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    Adverse Events Associated With Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of 20 821 Cases at 23 Centers

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    Importance Detailed information regarding perioperative risk and adverse events associated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) can guide clinical management. Much of the data regarding complications of MMS are anecdotal or report findings from single centers or single events. Objectives To quantify adverse events associated with MMS and detect differences relevant to safety. Design, Setting, and Participants Multicenter prospective inception cohort study of 21 private and 2 institutional US ambulatory referral centers for MMS. Participants were a consecutive sample of patients presenting with MMS for 35 weeks at each center, with staggered start times. Exposure Mohs micrographic surgery. Main Outcomes and Measures Intraoperative and postoperative minor and serious adverse events. Results Among 20 821 MMS procedures, 149 adverse events (0.72%), including 4 serious events (0.02%), and no deaths were reported. Common adverse events reported were infections (61.1%), dehiscence and partial or full necrosis (20.1%), and bleeding and hematoma (15.4%). Most bleeding and wound-healing complications occurred in patients receiving anticoagulation therapy. Use of some antiseptics and antibiotics and sterile gloves during MMS were associated with modest reduction of risk for adverse events. Conclusions and Relevance Mohs micrographic surgery is safe, with a very low rate of adverse events, an exceedingly low rate of serious adverse events, and an undetectable mortality rate. Common complications include infections, followed by impaired wound healing and bleeding. Bleeding and wound-healing issues are often associated with preexisting anticoagulation therapy, which is nonetheless managed safely during MMS. We are not certain whether the small effects seen with the use of sterile gloves and antiseptics and antibiotics are clinically significant and whether wide-scale practice changes would be cost-effective given the small risk reductions