17,864 research outputs found

    Distribution of enzymes cleaving pyridine nucleotides in animal tissues

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    A number of enzymes capable of splitting the pyridine nucleotides have been found in animal tissues. A portion of the DPNase (1) that hydrolyzes the nicotinamide ribose bond of DPN and TPN was reported in the microsomes of rat liver (1). The DPN pyrophosphorylase, first described by Kornberg (2), has been found by Hogeboom and Schneider to be largely localized in the nucleus (3). In previous investigations (4) an enzyme from pigeon liver which splits DPNH and not DPN at the pyrophosphate linkage was described. The present communication deals with the intracellular distribution of enzymes from various species that attack the pyridine coenzymes at the pyrophosphate linkage. The distribution and properties of DPNases from different species and tissues will also be presented

    Security Estimates for Quadratic Field Based Cryptosystems

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    We describe implementations for solving the discrete logarithm problem in the class group of an imaginary quadratic field and in the infrastructure of a real quadratic field. The algorithms used incorporate improvements over previously-used algorithms, and extensive numerical results are presented demonstrating their efficiency. This data is used as the basis for extrapolations, used to provide recommendations for parameter sizes providing approximately the same level of security as block ciphers with 80,80, 112,112, 128,128, 192,192, and 256256-bit symmetric keys

    “I will open my mouth in a parable”: “History” and “metaphor” in the Psalms

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    Metaphorical expression is profoundly transformative, both cognitively and theologically. However, not all metaphors are created equal, nor simplistically metaphorical in the strictest sense. Wheelwright (1962) identified two distinctive semantic movements in metaphor: epiphor and diaphor. Epiphor is the transference of a name to some other object, while diaphor works differently, creating meaning by juxtaposing the particulars of an old experience with new experiences, in order to transform despair to hope,lament to praise, complaint to trust. This article explores the semantic depth of the two ways in which metaphor functions, by investigating several historical references in the psalms with a view to understanding when history is history, when history is plainly metaphorical, and when history is best understood diaphorically

    Method for Enhancing Protective Cellular Responses to Genotoxic Stress in Skin

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    The present invention is directed to methods of using pro-NAD agents capable of enhancing the dermal and epidermal skin cell NAD content. These pro-NAD agents may be administered topically, orally, or parenterally to enhance DNA repair and other protective responses to DNA damage. The invention further relates to pharmaceutical compositions comprising pro-NAD agents that effectively elevate intracellular NAD content. Finally, the invention relates to the method of using the pro-NAD agents to treat disorders such as sunburn and other skin deterioration that results from DNA damage in skin cells

    John H. Jackson and the University of Michigan

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    A Tribute to John H. Jackso

    Assault on the Judiciary: Judicial Response to Cirticism Post-\u3cem\u3eSchiavo\u3c/em\u3e

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    Diversity and Democracy at War: Analyzing Race and Ethnicity in Squad Films from 1940-1960

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    Both the Second World War and the Korean War presented Hollywood with the opportunity to produce combat films that roused patriotic spirit amongst the American people. The obvious choice was to continue making the popular squad films that portrayed a group of soldiers working together to overcome a common challenge posed by the war. However, in the wake of various racial and ethnic tensions consistently unfolding in the United States from 1940 to 1960, it became apparent to Hollywood that the nation needed pictures of unity more than ever, especially if America was going to win its wars. Using combat as the backdrop, squad films consisting of men from all different backgrounds were created in order to demonstrate to its audiences how vital group cohesion was for the survival of the nation, both at home and abroad. This thesis explores how Hollywood’s war films incorporated racial and ethnic minorities into their classic American squads while also instilling the country’s inherent values of democracy

    A Tribute from a Political Scientist

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    Political scientists who specialize in international relations knew Bill Bishop as the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of International Law, the author of the classic text in international law, and the teacher of our former students. A fortunate few of us, at Princeton before he joined the faculty of the Michigan Law School and at Michigan after his formal retirement, knew him as a superb teacher of international law to undergraduate students in political science courses. However we knew him, we had and have immense respect, admiration, and affection for him

    The Crisis in Arms Control

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    There is general agreement among observers of contemporary international affairs, and national and international officials from all sides, that there is a serious crisis in arms control. As of January 1984, the Soviet Union had broken off two major arms control negotiations: the Intermediate- Range Nuclear Force Talks (INF) and the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START). Negotiations in the United Nations Conference on Disarmament (CD) on a variety of arms control issues were stalemated. The United States was engaged in a large-scale military build up, and there was no sign that the Soviet Union would abate the extensive military programs that it had started in the 1960\u27s; indeed, its leadership had declared that the USSR would match U.S. efforts. Rhetorical exchanges between the United States and the USSR were harsh. Each side had publicly accused the other of violating existing arms control agreements. Since the signing of the limited nuclear weapon test ban treaty the prospects for arms control had never appeared bleaker

    General considerations of matter coupling with the self-dual connection

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    It has been shown for low-spin fields that the use of only the self-dual part of the connection as basic variable does not lead to extra conditions or inconsistencies. We study whether this is true for more general chiral action. We generalize the chiral gravitational action, and assume that half-integer spin fields are coupled with torsion linearly. The equation for torsion is solved and substituted back into the generalized chiral action, giving four-fermion contact terms. If these contact terms are complex, the imaginary part will give rise to extra conditions for the gravitational and matter field equations. We study the four-fermion contact terms taking spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 fields as examples.Comment: 16 pages, late
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