623 research outputs found

    BTZ Black Hole with Chern-Simons and Higher Derivative Terms

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    The entropy of a BTZ black hole in the presence of gravitational Chern-Simons terms has previously been analyzed using Euclidean action formalism. In this paper we treat the BTZ solution as a two dimensional black hole by regarding the angular coordinate as a compact direction, and use Wald's Noether charge method to calculate the entropy of this black hole in the presence of higher derivative and gravitational Chern-Simons terms. The parameters labelling the black hole solution can be determined by extremizing an entropy function whose value at the extremum gives the entropy of the black hole.Comment: LaTeX file, 11 page

    R^2 Corrections for 5D Black Holes and Rings

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    We study higher-order corrections to two BPS solutions of 5D supergravity, namely the supersymmetric black ring and the spinning black hole. Due in part to our current relatively limited understanding of F-type terms in 5D supergravity, the nature of these corrections is less clear than that of their 4D cousins. Effects of certain R2R^2 terms found in Calabi-Yau compactification of M-theory are specifically considered. For the case of the black ring, for which the microscopic origin of the entropy is generally known, the corresponding higher order macroscopic correction to the entropy is found to match a microscopic correction, while for the spinning black hole the corrections are partially matched to those of a 4D D0−D2−D6D0-D2-D6 black hole.Comment: 9 page

    Lodged in the throat: Internal infinities and AdS/CFT

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    In the context of AdS3/CFT2, we address spacetimes with a certain sort of internal infinity as typified by the extreme BTZ black hole. The internal infinity is a null circle lying at the end of the black hole's infinite throat. We argue that such spacetimes may be described by a product CFT of the form CFT-L * CFT-R, where CFT-R is associated with the asymptotically AdS boundary while CFT-L is associated with the null circle. Our particular calculations analyze the CFT dual of the extreme BTZ black hole in a linear toy model of AdS3/CFT2. Since the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS3, the dual CFT state is a corresponding quotient of the CFT vacuum state. This state turns out to live in the aforementioned product CFT. We discuss this result in the context of general issues of AdS/CFT duality and entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2 - some typos corrected, minor revision

    Generally covariant model of a scalar field with high frequency dispersion and the cosmological horizon problem

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    Short distance structure of spacetime may show up in the form of high freqency dispersion. Although such dispersion is not locally Lorentz invariant, we show in a scalar field model how it can nevertheless be incorporated into a generally covariant metric theory of gravity provided the locally preferred frame is dynamical. We evaluate the resulting energy-momentum tensor and compute its expectation value for a quantum field in a thermal state. The equation of state differs at high temperatures from the usual one, but not by enough to impact the problems of a hot big bang cosmology. We show that a superluminal dispersion relation can solve the horizon problem via superluminal equilibration, however it cannot do so while remaining outside the Planck regime unless the dispersion relation is artificially chosen to have a rather steep dependence on wavevector.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; New section added with discussion of solution to the cosmological horizon problem using superluminal dispersion, title changed to reflect new content, various additional minor change

    Entanglement Interpretation of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory

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    We show that the entropy resulting from the counting of microstates of non extremal black holes using field theory duals of string theories can be interpreted as arising from entanglement. The conditions for making such an interpretation consistent are discussed. First, we interpret the entropy (and thermodynamics) of spacetimes with non degenerate, bifurcating Killing horizons as arising from entanglement. We use a path integral method to define the Hartle-Hawking vacuum state in such spacetimes and discuss explicitly its entangled nature and its relation to the geometry. If string theory on such spacetimes has a field theory dual, then, in the low-energy, weak coupling limit, the field theory state that is dual to the Hartle-Hawking state is a thermofield double state. This allows the comparison of the entanglement entropy with the entropy of the field theory dual, and thus, with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black hole. As an example, we discuss in detail the case of the five dimensional anti-de Sitter, black hole spacetime

    How Does a Fundamental String Stretch its Horizon?

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    It has recently been shown that if we take into account a class of higher derivative corrections to the effective action of heterotic string theory, the entropy of the black hole solution representing elementary string states correctly reproduces the statistical entropy computed from the degeneracy of elementary string states. So far the form of the solution has been analyzed at distance scales large and small compared to the string scale. We analyze the solution that interpolates between these two limits and point out a subtlety in constructing such a solution due to the presence of higher derivative terms in the effective action. We also study the T-duality transformation rules to relate the moduli fields of the effective field theory to the physical compactification radius in the presence of higher derivative corrections and use these results to find the physical radius of compactification near the horizon of the black hole. The radius approaches a finite value even though the corresponding modulus field vanishes. Finally we discuss the non-leading contribution to the black hole entropy due to space-time quantum corrections to the effective action and the ambiguity involved in comparing this result to the statistical entropy.Comment: LaTeX file, 38 pages; v2: minor changes and added reference

    Topological censorship for Kaluza-Klein space-times

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    The standard topological censorship theorems require asymptotic hypotheses which are too restrictive for several situations of interest. In this paper we prove a version of topological censorship under significantly weaker conditions, compatible e.g. with solutions with Kaluza-Klein asymptotic behavior. In particular we prove simple connectedness of the quotient of the domain of outer communications by the group of symmetries for models which are asymptotically flat, or asymptotically anti-de Sitter, in a Kaluza-Klein sense. This allows one, e.g., to define the twist potentials needed for the reduction of the field equations in uniqueness theorems. Finally, the methods used to prove the above are used to show that weakly trapped compact surfaces cannot be seen from Scri.Comment: minor correction

    Entropy Function for Heterotic Black Holes

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    We use the entropy function formalism to study the effect of the Gauss-Bonnet term on the entropy of spherically symmetric extremal black holes in heterotic string theory in four dimensions. Surprisingly the resulting entropy and the near horizon metric, gauge field strengths and the axion-dilaton field are identical to those obtained by Cardoso et. al. for a supersymmetric version of the theory that contains Weyl tensor squared term instead of the Gauss-Bonnet term. We also study the effect of holomorphic anomaly on the entropy using our formalism. Again the resulting attractor equations for the axion-dilaton field and the black hole entropy agree with the corresponding equations for the supersymmetric version of the theory. These results suggest that there might be a simpler description of supergravity with curvature squared terms in which we supersymmetrize the Gauss-Bonnet term instead of the Weyl tensor squared term.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 pages; v2: references added; v3: minor addition; v4: minor change

    Black Hole Entropy Function and the Attractor Mechanism in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    We study extremal black hole solutions in D dimensions with near horizon geometry AdS_2\times S^{D-2} in higher derivative gravity coupled to other scalar, vector and anti-symmetric tensor fields. We define an entropy function by integrating the Lagrangian density over S^{D-2} for a general AdS_2\times S^{D-2} background, taking the Legendre transform of the resulting function with respect to the parameters labelling the electric fields, and multiplying the result by a factor of 2\pi. We show that the values of the scalar fields at the horizon as well as the sizes of AdS_2 and S^{D-2} are determined by extremizing this entropy function with respect to the corresponding parameters, and the entropy of the black hole is given by the value of the entropy function at this extremum. Our analysis relies on the analysis of the equations of motion and does not directly make use of supersymmetry or specific structure of the higher derivative terms.Comment: LaTeX file, 12page

    Non-Supersymmetric Attractors and Entropy Function

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    We study the entropy of non-supersymmetric extremal black holes which exhibit attractor mechanism by making use of the entropy function. This method, being simple, can be used to calculate corrections to the entropy due to higher order corrections to the action. In particular we apply this method for five dimensional non-supersymmetric extremal black hole which carries two magnetic charges and find the R^2 corrections to the entropy. Using the behavior of the action evaluated for the extremal black hole near the horizon, we also present a simple expression for C-function corrected by higher order corrections.Comment: 15 pages, Latex file, v2: references and some additional comments added, minor corrections, some comments about 5D supersymmetric BH added. v3:minor corrections, few comments added, refs. adde
