903 research outputs found

    A Remark on Wick Ordering of Random Variables

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    This paper is a small note on the notation : ⁣q(X) ⁣:\,:\! q(X)\!:\,, for the Wick ordering of polynomials qq of random variables X=(X1,,Xn)X = (X_1,\dotsc,X_n), as introduced by Segal in [6]. We argue that expressing q(X)q(X) as another polynomial pp of a different set of random variables Y=(Y1,,Ym)Y = (Y_1,\dotsc,Y_m), does not give rise to a different Wick ordered random variable : ⁣p(Y) ⁣:\, : \! p(Y) \! : \,, provided the new random variables YjY_j are linear combinations of the XiX_i's

    Bilagsrapport 8: Scenarier for det fremtidige affaldssystem i Århus Kommune

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    LCA af dagrenovationssystemet i syv nordsjællandske kommuner

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