24 research outputs found

    Otpadne vode industrije mleka

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    The problem of pollution and wastewater creation from dairy plants has not been adequately researched in our scientific journals. Problems of wastewater origin and purification were mostly considered. However, modern principles of sustainable development initiate wide aspect of environmental protection. In this way environmental protection becomes component of technological production process which leads to final goal, technology without waste. Sustainable development implies maximum rationalization of consumption of all natural resources, along with maximum recycling or processing in new technological procedures of all byproducts. It demands detail analysis of technological processes, whose goal is to establish critical phases for wastewater origin, prevention and reduction. In this paper, basic principles of production rationalization in dairy industry by applied methodology of critical points determination, waste material origination, waste prevention methods, as well as recycling possibility or waste processing were considered. Also, characteristic data of water consumption, wastewater origin and characteristics are given in this paper. Basic principles of water management and ways of overcoming wastewater problems were also considered.Problematici nastajanja i zagađivanja otpadnih voda u industriji mleka u domaćoj literaturi nije poklonjena zadovoljavajuća pažnja. Uglavnom su razmatrani problemi nastajanja i prećišćavanja otpadnih voda. Međutim savremeni principi održivog razvoja uvode širi aspekt zaštite životne sredine, kojim ona postaje sastavni deo tehnološkog postupka i koji vodi konačnom cilju, tehnologiji bez otpada. Održiv razvoj podrazumeva maksimalnu racionalizaciju potrošnje svih prirodnih resursa i maksimalnu reciklažu ili preradu u novim tehnološkim postupcima svih pratećih proizvoda. To zahteva detaljnu analizu tehnoloških postupaka s ciljem utvrđivanja kritičnih faza za nastajanje otpadnih proizvoda i sprovođenje mera radi sprečavanja ili smanjenja nastajanja otpada. Poštujući principe održivog razvoja, u ovom radu su razmotreni osnovni principi racionalizacije proizvodnje u industriji mleka primenom metodologije određivanja kritičnih tačaka nastajanja otpadnih materija, načina sprečavanja nastajanja otpada, kao i mogućnosti reciklaže ili prerade otpada, koji se ne može izbeći. U radu su takođe dati karakteristični podaci o potrošnji vode, nastajanju i karakteristikama otpadnih voda. Razmotreni su osnovni principi upravljanja vodom i načinima rešavanja problema otpadnih voda

    Uticaj krioprotektivnog medijuma sa glicerolom na liofilizaciju bakterija mlečne kiseline

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    The aims of lyophilization (freeze-drying) of lactic acid bacteria are to preserve pure cultures or to prepare starters for the dairy industry. In both cases, the choice of the cryoprotectant is very important. In this work, samples of Bifidobacterium breve A71 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BbTD were freeze-dried in a new cryoprotective medium containing lactose, gelatin and glycerol (medium B). The reference medium contained saccharose, gelatin and skim milk (medium A). Before lyophilization, the eutectic points of both media were determined, because the products must be cooled to a temperature below its freezing point. The success of the cryoprotectants was estimated in terms of the number of surviving organisms after lyophilization. Bifidobacterium breve A71 and Bifidobacterium bifidum BbTD freeze-dried in media A and B showed high survival rates. Bifidobacterium breve A71 showed a greater percentage survival in combination with medium B than with medium A. These results could be utilized in the manufacture of Bifidobacterium breve A71 as a starter in the diary industry because it is a human isolate which, except for acidification, has probiotic activity.Bakterije mlečne kiseline se liofilizuju (suše u zamrznutom stanju) sa ciljem čuvanja kultura na duže vreme ili u formi startera za mlečnu industriju. U oba slučaja važan je izbor krioprotektanata. U ovom radu praćena je liofilizacija Bifidobacterium breve A71 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BbTD u novom krioprotektivnom medijumu sa laktozom, želatinom i glicerolom (medijum B). Referentni medijum sadrži saharozu, želatin i obrano mleko (medijum A). Liofilizaciji prethodi određivanje eutektičke temperature jer se faza zamrzavanja odvija na nešto nižoj temperaturi od eutektičke. Efikasnost krioprotektanata ispitivana je u smislu preživljavanja kultura nakon liofilizacije. Bifidobacterium breve A71 i Bifidobacterium bifidum BbTD liofilizovani u medijumima A i B ostaju u visokom procentu vijabilne. Obe kombinacije krioprotektanata daju relativno visok procenat preživljavanja. Bifidobacterium breve A71 u kombinaciji sa medijumom B ima veći procenat preživljavanja nego u kombinaciji sa medijumom A. Ovi rezultati mogu poslužiti u proizvodnji liofilizovanog Bifidobacterium breve A71 - startera u mlečnoj industriji jer je to humani izolat sa potencijalno dobrim probiotskim osobinama

    Uporedna ispitivanja biohemijske aktivnosti intestinalnih izolata Lactobacillus sp. V3 i Bifidobacterium sp. A71 u različitim supstratima

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    The two intestinal isolates Lactobacillus sp. V3 and Bifidobacterium sp. A71 were selected for soymilk fermentation according to their acidification activity in soymilk. Beetroot juice and carrot juice were chosen for soymilk supplementation as additional sources of carbohydrates and brewer's yeast as an extra source of nitrogen. The fermentation was carried out for eight hours at 42 ºC. The fermentation was monitored by standard analytical and microbiological tests for changes of acidity (decreasing pH and increasing acid content), the contents of soluble dry substances, sugars and α-amino acids as well as changes in the number of viable cells. The samples were collected at the beginning and subsequently every two hours until the end of the fermentation. The results showed that there were differences between the tested isolates in terms of their ability to ferment soymilk. The mix with brewer's yeast had a better stimulating effect on the growth of both strains compared to those with juices alone. In addition, the carrot juice stimulated the growth of Bifidobacterium sp. A71 better than beetroot juice, while the opposite effect was found for the growth of Lactobacillus sp. V3.Intestinalni izolati Lactobacillus sp. V3 i Bifidobacterium sp. A71 su izabrani za fermentaciju sojinog mleka prema pokazanoj acidifikacionoj aktivnosti u sojinom mleku. Sok cvekle i mrkve su izabrani za obogaćivanje sojinog mleka kao dodatni izvor ugljenih hidrata a autolizat pivskog kvasca kao dodatni izvor azota. Fermentacija je vršena u toku osam sati na 42 ºC i praćena je standardnim analitičkim i mikrobiološkim testovima koji su obuhvatali promenu aciditeta (pad pH i povećanje sadržaja kiselina), promenu sadržaja rastvorne suve supstance, promenu sadržaja šećera (izraženih preko glukoze) i α-amino azota, kao i promenu broja živih ćelija. Uzorkovanje je vršeno pre početka fermentacije i na svaka dva sata do kraja praćenog perioda fermentacije. Rezultati su pokazali da postoje razlike između testiranih izolata u pogledu sposobnosti fermentacije sojinog mleka. Smeša pojedinačnih sokova sa autolizatom pivskog kvasca je pokazala bolji stimulativni efekat na rast i biohemijsku aktivnost oba soja, u poređenju sa samim sokovima. Dodatno, sok mrkve je bolji stimulant za rast soja Bifidobacterium sp. A71 u poređenju sa sokom cvekle, dok je obrnuti efekat utvrđen za rast Lactobacillus sp. V3

    Comparative study on biochemical activity of the intestinal isolates Lactobacillus sp. V3 and Bifidobacterium sp. A71 in different substrates

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    The two intestinal isolates Lactobacillus sp. V3 and Bifidobacterium sp. A71 were selected for soymilk fermentation according to their acidification activity in soymilk. Beetroot juice and carrot juice were chosen for soymilk supplementation as additional sources of carbohydrates and brewer's yeast as an extra source of nitrogen. The fermentation was carried out for eight hours at 42°C. The fermentation was monitored by standard analytical and microbiological tests for changes of acidity (decreasing pH and increasing acid content), the contents of soluble dry substances, sugars and a-amino acids as well as changes in the number of viable cells. The samples were collected at the beginning and subsequently every two hours until the end of the fermentation. The results showed that there were differences between the tested isolates in terms of their ability to ferment soymilk. The mix with brewer's yeast had a better stimulating effect on the growth of both strains compared to those with juices alone. In addition, the carrot juice stimulated the growth of Bifidobacterium sp. A71 better than beetroot juice, while the opposite effect was found for the growth of Lactobacillus sp. V3

    The Influence of Brewer’s Yeast Autolysate and Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Production of a Functional Food Additive Based on Beetroot Juice Fermentation

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    The importance of »functional foods« in the world is increasing, and the procedures for their production are under intense development. The goal of this paper is to optimise the production of a functional food additive based on beetroot juice (Beta vulgaris L.) using brewer’s yeast autolysate. In order to improve the nutritive properties of the product and to preserve it, the possibility of beetroot juice fermentation using a Lactobacillus species has been investigated. Comparative investigations of three bacteria cultures (L. plantarum A112, L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 and L. acidophilus NCDO1748) during fermentation in two media, beetroot juice and a mixture of beetroot juice with an autolysate of brewer´s yeast, have been performed. The poorest fermentative activity and growth in both substrates was observed using the L. acidophilus NCDO1748 culture. The two cultures demonstrated better fermentative activity in the mixture of tested substrates, while acidifying activity (production of lactic acid and a decrease in pH) of the L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 culture was considerably better than that of the L. plantarum A112 culture. L. plantarum A112 culture showed better growth than L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3. From the results obtained, it has been concluded that the L. plantarum A112 and L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 can be successfully used for fermentation of the mixture of beetroot juice and brewer’s yeast autolysate in order to obtain a functional food additive

    Ethanol is a strategic raw material

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    Uticaj parametara sistema na cirkulaciju čestica u fontansko-fluidizovanom sloju sa centralnom cevi

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    Fluid-mechanical investigations of fountain-fluidized bed with the central pipe were conducted on a cylindrical column of 250mm diameter, 45şC conical bottom, 50mm nozzle and built-in central pipe of 250mm diameter with the changeable distance from the column bottom and changeable total length. The bed was made of non-spherical polyethylene particles of 3.2mm equivalent diameter. The analysis was performed for the effect of air flow from the annulus to the jet on the bed bottom, in the zone below the central pipe and it was found that the fountain-fluidized bed with the central pipe were limited in respect to the maximum value of the fluid flow rate in the bed annulus.U ovom radu su vršena fluidno-mehanička istraživanja fontansko-fluidizovanog sloja sa centralnom cevi, na cilindričnoj koloni prečnika 250 mm, koničnog dna 45o, sa mlaznicom od 50 mm i ugrađenom centralnom cevi prečnika 65 mm promenljivog rastojanja od dna kolone i promenljive ukupne dužine. Sloj je obrazovan od nesferičnih polietilenskih čestica ekvivalentnog prečnika 3,2 mm. Praćen je uticaj fluidno-mehaničkih i geometrijskih parametara sistema na cirkulaciju čestica sloja. Analiziran je efekat prostrujavanja vazduha iz anulusa ka mlazu na dnu sloja u zoni ispod centralne cevi i uočeno je ograničenje fontansko-fluidizovanih slojeva sa centralnom cevi u pogledu maksimalne vrednosti protoka fluida u anulusu sloja

    Strategija uvođenja čistije proizvodnje u prehrambenoj industriji

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    Although negative effects of immoderate profitable development on the environment obtained global dimensions, industry keeps forming large amounts of harmfully, often toxic waste. Demands for processing waste to form which is not harmful for the environment, or complete waste destruction ("End of pipe" approach) did not give expected results, because it demanded significant investments in facilities and manipulation. Today this demand is replaced with cleaner production concept, which is accepted developed countries. This concept is based on sustainable development principles and strongly supported in EU. By maximal raw material and energy savings, recirculation or utilization of by-products, maximal reducing of toxic and harmful influences on people and environment, cleaner production should fulfill "benefit for all". In order to achieve this it is necessary to modernize technological processes and revitalize technological equipment. In this paper a review of present state is given and previous activities in cleaner production appliance in food industry are considered. Till nowadays a little has been done in introduction of cleaner production in food industry. Therefore this economic branch is still significant environment polluter.Iako su negativni efekti neumerenog profitabilnog razvoja na životnu sredinu dobili globalne dimenzije, industrija i dalje nastavlja sa formiranjem velikih količina štetnog, a često i toksičnog otpada. Zahtevi da se štetni otpad obradi do oblika koji nije štetan za okolinu ili potpuno uništi (eng. "End of pipe" pristup) nije dao rezultate koji su očekivani, jer je zahtevao značajna ulaganja u postrojenja i njihov rad. Taj zahtev danas je zamenjen konceptom čistije proizvodnje koji je prihvaćen u zemljama razvijenog sveta, snažno podržan u EU, a baziran je na principima održivog razvoja. Čistijom proizvodnjom treba da se ostvari "korist za sve" maksimalnim uštedama sirovina i energije, recirkulisanjom pratećih proizvoda ili njihovim korišćenjem kao sekundarnih sirovina, maksimalnim smanjenjem toksičnih i štetnih uticaja na ljude i okolinu. Zato je u industrijskim pogonima potrebno izvršiti modernizaciju tehnoloških procesa i revitalizaciju tehnološke opreme. U radu je dat pregled sadašnjeg stanja i razmotrene su dosadašnje aktivnosti na planu primene "čistije proizvodnje" u prehrambenoj industriji. Konstatovano je da je u prehrambenoj industriji u celosti do danas malo učinjeno na planu uvođenja "čistije proizvodnje", zbog čega je ova privredna oblast i dalje značajan zagađivač životne sredine

    The influence of brewer's yeast autolysate and lactic acid bacteria on the production of a functional food additive based on beetroot juice fermentation

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    The importance of much greater thanfunctional foodsmuch less than in the world is increasing, and the procedures for their production are under intense development. The goal of this paper is to optimise the production of a functional food additive based on beetroot juice (Beta vulgaris L.) using brewer's yeast autolysate. In order to improve the nutritive properties of the product and to preserve it, the possibility of beetroot juice fermentation using a Lactobacillus species has been investigated. Comparative investigations of three bacteria cultures (L. plantarum A112, L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 and L. acidophilus NCDO1748) during fermentation in two media, beetroot juice and a mixture of beetroot juice with an autolysate of brewer's yeast, have been performed. The poorest fermentative activity and growth in both substrates was observed using the L. acidophilus NCDO1748 culture. The two cultures demonstrated better fermentative activity in the mixture of tested substrates, while acidifying activity (production of lactic acid and a decrease in pH) of the L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 culture was considerably better than that of the L. plantarum A112 culture. L. plantarum A112 culture showed better growth than L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3. From the results obtained, it has been concluded that the L. plantarum A112 and L. acidophilus BGSJ15-3 can be successfully used for fermentation of the mixture of beetroot juice and brewer's yeast autolysate in order to obtain a functional food additive

    Ispitivanje probiotičkih svojstava potencijalnih bioprotektivnih kultura iz rodova Lactobacillus sp. i Bifidobacterium sp. namenjenih proizvodima od mesa

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    Probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have been widely used in dairy industry but it was only recently that there were attempts to apply them in meat products. The previous results suggested that the probiotic LAB can be applied as probiotics, bioprotective culture or starter culture in meat products. The aim of this work was to examine the probiotic properties (growth in presence of native bile, in different concentrations of NaCl survivability at pH 2 and 3, auto aggregation ability) of natural human isolates of LAB strains of Lactobacillus sp. (Lactobacillus sp. V3 and Lb. acidophilus TMF6) and Bifidobacterium sp. (Bifidobacterium sp. A71 and Bifidobacterium sp. A72). These strains demonstrated wide inhibitory spectrum against pathogens in the previous investigations. The results showed good growth ability in presence of 0.3% native bile for all the examined strains. Bifidobacterium sp. strains showed better salt- and acid tolerance than Lactobacillus sp. strains. However, the autoagreggation rate of lactobacilli was higher than that of bifidobacteria. As final conclusion it can be summarized that the examined strains of Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. may be accepted as probiotics with bioprotective properties which may be applied in meat products.Probiotičke bakterije mlečne kiseline (BMK) se široko koriste u industriji mleka i mlečnih proizvoda, dok je mogućnost njihove primene u proizvodima od mesa počela da se ispituje od skora. Dosadašnja ispitivanja potvrđuju da se probiotičke BMK mogu koristiti kao probiotici, bioprotektivne kulture ili fermentabilne starter kulture i u proizvodima od mesa. U ovom radu su ispitivana probiotička svojstva (rast u prisustvu žuči, različitih koncentracija NaCl, preživljavanje pH 2 i 3, sposobnost autoagregacije) prirodnih humanih izolata bakterija mlečne kiseline iz rodova Lactobacillus sp. (Lactobacillus sp. V3 i Lb. acidophilus TMF6) i Bifidobacterium sp. (Bifidobacterium sp. A71, Bifidobacterium sp. A72). Ovi sojevi su u prethodnim ispitivanjima pokazali širok inhibitorni spektar prema patogenima. Rezultati su pokazali dobru sposobnost rasta u prisustvu 0,3% žuči kod svih ispitivanih sojeva. Bifidobacterium sp. sojevi su pokazali veću tolerantnost na prisustvo kuhinjske soli i niske vrednosti pH u odnosu na sojeve Lactobacillus sp. Međutim, stepen autoagregacije kod laktobacila je bio veći nego kod bifidobakterija. Kao krajnji zaključak može se reći da ispitivani sojevi rodova Lactobacillus sp. i Bifidobacterium sp. mogu biti prihvaćeni kao probiotici sa bioprotektivnim svojstvima koji se moguprimeniti u proizvodima od mesa