304 research outputs found

    On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton

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    Starting from first principles and general assumptions Newton's law of gravitation is shown to arise naturally and unavoidably in a theory in which space is emergent through a holographic scenario. Gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. A relativistic generalization of the presented arguments directly leads to the Einstein equations. When space is emergent even Newton's law of inertia needs to be explained. The equivalence principle leads us to conclude that it is actually this law of inertia whose origin is entropic.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Fast Scramblers, Horizons and Expander Graphs

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    We propose that local quantum systems defined on expander graphs provide a simple microscopic model for thermalization on quantum horizons. Such systems are automatically fast scramblers and are motivated from the membrane paradigm by a conformal transformation to the so-called optical metric.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Added further discussion in section 3. Added reference

    Comments on black holes I: The possibility of complementarity

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    We comment on a recent paper of Almheiri, Marolf, Polchinski and Sully who argue against black hole complementarity based on the claim that an infalling observer 'burns' as he approaches the horizon. We show that in fact measurements made by an infalling observer outside the horizon are statistically identical for the cases of vacuum at the horizon and radiation emerging from a stretched horizon. This forces us to follow the dynamics all the way to the horizon, where we need to know the details of Planck scale physics. We note that in string theory the fuzzball structure of microstates does not give any place to 'continue through' this Planck regime. AMPS argue that interactions near the horizon preclude traditional complementarity. But the conjecture of 'fuzzball complementarity' works in the opposite way: the infalling quantum is absorbed by the fuzzball surface, and it is the resulting dynamics that is conjectured to admit a complementary description.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, v3: clarifications & references adde

    Massless particles on supergroups and AdS3 x S3 supergravity

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    Firstly, we study the state space of a massless particle on a supergroup with a reparameterization invariant action. After gauge fixing the reparameterization invariance, we compute the physical state space through the BRST cohomology and show that the quadratic Casimir Hamiltonian becomes diagonalizable in cohomology. We illustrate the general mechanism in detail in the example of a supergroup target GL(1|1). The space of physical states remains an indecomposable infinite dimensional representation of the space-time supersymmetry algebra. Secondly, we show how the full string BRST cohomology in the particle limit of string theory on AdS3 x S3 renders the quadratic Casimir diagonalizable, and reduces the Hilbert space to finite dimensional representations of the space-time supersymmetry algebra (after analytic continuation). Our analysis provides an efficient way to calculate the Kaluza-Klein spectrum for supergravity on AdS3 x S3. It may also be a step towards the identification of an interesting and simpler subsector of logarithmic supergroup conformal field theories, relevant to string theory.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    The hidden horizon and black hole unitarity

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    We motivate through a detailed analysis of the Hawking radiation in a Schwarzschild background a scheme in accordance with quantum unitarity. In this scheme the semi-classical approximation of the unitary quantum - horizonless - black hole S-matrix leads to the conventional description of the Hawking radiation from a classical black hole endowed with an event horizon. Unitarity is borne out by the detailed exclusive S-matrix amplitudes. There, the fixing of generic out-states, in addition to the in-state, yields in asymptotic Minkowski space-time saddle-point contributions which are dominated by Planckian metric fluctuations when approaching the Schwarzschild radius. We argue that these prevent the corresponding macroscopic "exclusive backgrounds" to develop an event horizon. However, if no out-state is selected, a distinct saddle-point geometry can be defined, in which Planckian fluctuations are tamed. Such "inclusive background" presents an event horizon and constitutes a coarse-grained average over the aforementioned exclusive ones. The classical event horizon appears as a coarse-grained structure, sustaining the thermodynamic significance of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This is reminiscent of the tentative fuzzball description of extremal black holes: the role of microstates is played here by a complete set of out-states. Although the computations of unitary amplitudes would require a detailed theory of quantum gravity, the proposed scheme itself, which appeals to the metric description of gravity only in the vicinity of stationary points, does not.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures. Typos corrected. Two footnotes added (footnotes 3 and 5

    Entropy of three-dimensional asymptotically flat cosmological solutions

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    The thermodynamics of three-dimensional asymptotically flat cosmological solutions that play the same role than the BTZ black holes in the anti-de Sitter case is derived and explained from holographic properties of flat space. It is shown to coincide with the flat-space limit of the thermodynamics of the inner black hole horizon on the one hand and the semi-classical approximation to the gravitational partition function associated to the entropy of the outer horizon on the other. This leads to the insight that it is the Massieu function that is universal in the sense that it can be computed at either horizon.Comment: 16 pages Latex file, v2: references added, cosmetic changes, v3: 1 reference adde

    Holographic Magnetic Star

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    A warm fermionic AdS star under a homogeneous magnetic field is explored. We obtain the relativistic Landau levels by using Dirac equation and use the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation to study the physical profiles of the star. Bulk properties such as sound speed, adiabatic index, and entropy density within the star are calculated analytically and numerically. Bulk temperature increases the mass limit of the AdS star but external magnetic field has the opposite effect. The results are partially interpreted in terms of the pre-thermalization process of the gauge matter at the AdS boundary after the mass injection. The entropy density is found to demonstrate similar temperature dependence as the magnetic black brane in the AdS in certain limits regardless of the different nature of the bulk and Hawking temperatures. Total entropy of the AdS star is also found to be an increasing function of the bulk temperature and a decreasing function of the magnetic field, similar behaviour to the mass limit. Since both total entropy and mass limit are global quantities, they could provide some hints to the value of entropy and energy of the dual gauge matter before and during the thermalization.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, comments and references added, to appear in JHE

    Cardy and Kerr

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    The Kerr/CFT correspondence employs the Cardy formula to compute the entropy of the left moving CFT states. This computation, which correctly reproduces the Bekenstein--Hawking entropy of the four-dimensional extremal Kerr black hole, is performed in a regime where the temperature is of order unity rather than in a high-temperature regime. We show that the comparison of the entropy of the extreme Kerr black hole and the entropy in the CFT can be understood within the Cardy regime by considering a D0-D6 system with the same entropic properties.Comment: 20 pages; LaTeX; JHEP format; v.2 references added, v.3 Section 4 adde

    Lovelock gravity from entropic force

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    In this paper, we first generalize the formulation of entropic gravity to (n+1)-dimensional spacetime. Then, we propose an entropic origin for Gauss-Bonnet gravity and more general Lovelock gravity in arbitrary dimensions. As a result, we are able to derive Newton's law of gravitation as well as the corresponding Friedmann equations in these gravity theories. This procedure naturally leads to a derivation of the higher dimensional gravitational coupling constant of Friedmann/Einstein equation which is in complete agreement with the results obtained by comparing the weak field limit of Einstein equation with Poisson equation in higher dimensions. Our study shows that the approach presented here is powerful enough to derive the gravitational field equations in any gravity theory. PACS: 04.20.Cv, 04.50.-h, 04.70.Dy.Comment: 10 pages, new versio

    The temperature and entropy of CFT on time-dependent backgrounds

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    We express the AdS-Schwarzschild black-hole configuration in coordinates such that the boundary metric is of the FLRW type. We review how this construction can be used in order to calculate the stress-energy tensor of the dual CFT on the FLRW background. We deduce the temperature and entropy of the CFT, which are related to the temperature and entropy of the black hole. We find that the entropy is proportional to the area of an apparent horizon, different from the black-hole event horizon. For a dS boundary we reproduce correctly the intrinsic temperature of dS space.Comment: 19 pages, major revision, several comments added, version to appear in JHE
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