2,574 research outputs found

    Microscopics of Extremal Kerr from Spinning M5 Branes

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    We show that the spinning magnetic one-brane in minimal five-dimensional supergravity admits a decoupling limit that interpolates smoothly between a self-dual null orbifold of AdS_3 \times S^2 and the near-horizon limit of the extremal Kerr black hole times a circle. We use this interpolating solution to understand the field theory dual to spinning M5 branes as a deformation of the Discrete Light Cone Quantized (DLCQ) Maldacena-Stominger-Witten (MSW) CFT. In particular, the conformal weights of the operators dual to the deformation around AdS_3 \times S^2 are calculated. We present pieces of evidence showing that a CFT dual to the four-dimensional extremal Kerr can be obtained from the deformed MSW CFT.Comment: 5 page

    Introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    This is a pedagogical introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence, based on lectures delivered by the author at the third IDPASC school. Starting with the conceptual basis of the holographic dualities, the subject is developed emphasizing some concrete topics, which are discussed in detail. A very brief introduction to string theory is provided, containing the minimal ingredients to understand the origin of the AdS/CFT duality. Other topics covered are the holographic calculation of correlation functions, quark-antiquark potentials and transport coefficients.Comment: 64 pages, 12 figures;v2: minor improvements;v3: references adde

    New families of interpolating type IIB backgrounds

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    We construct new families of interpolating two-parameter solutions of type IIB supergravity. These correspond to D3-D5 systems on non-compact six-dimensional manifolds which are T^2 fibrations over Eguchi-Hanson and multi-center Taub-NUT spaces, respectively. One end of the interpolation corresponds to a solution with only D5 branes and vanishing NS three-form flux. A topology changing transition occurs at the other end, where the internal space becomes a direct product of the four-dimensional surface and the two-torus and the complexified NS-RR three-form flux becomes imaginary self-dual. Depending on the choice of the connections on the torus fibre, the interpolating family has either N=2 or N=1 supersymmetry. In the N=2 case it can be shown that the solutions are regular.Comment: 20 page

    On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton

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    Starting from first principles and general assumptions Newton's law of gravitation is shown to arise naturally and unavoidably in a theory in which space is emergent through a holographic scenario. Gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies. A relativistic generalization of the presented arguments directly leads to the Einstein equations. When space is emergent even Newton's law of inertia needs to be explained. The equivalence principle leads us to conclude that it is actually this law of inertia whose origin is entropic.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Wilson Loops in N=2 Super-Yang-Mills from Matrix Model

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    We compute the expectation value of the circular Wilson loop in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with N_f=2N hypermultiplets. Our results indicate that the string tension in the dual string theory scales as the logarithm of the 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures; v2: Numerical factors corrected, simple derivation of Wilson loop and discussion of continuation to complex lambda added; v3: instanton partition function re-analyzed in order to take into account a contribution of the hypermultiplet

    Conformal Symmetry for General Black Holes

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    We show that the warp factor of a generic asymptotically flat black hole in five dimensions can be adjusted such that a conformal symmetry emerges. The construction preserves all near horizon properties of the black holes, such as the thermodynamic potentials and the entropy. We interpret the geometry with modified asymptotic behavior as the "bare" black hole, with the ambient flat space removed. Our warp factor subtraction generalizes hidden conformal symmetry and applies whether or not rotation is significant. We also find a relation to standard AdS/CFT correspondence by embedding the black holes in six dimensions. The asymptotic conformal symmetry guarantees a dual CFT description of the general rotating black holes.Comment: 26 page

    Holographic duals of SQCD models in low dimensions

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    We obtain gravity duals to supersymmetric gauge theories in two and three spacetime dimensions with unquenched flavor. The supergravity solutions are generated by a set of color branes wrapping a compact cycle in a Calabi-Yau threefold, together with another set of flavor branes extended along the directions orthogonal to the cycle wrapped by the color branes. We construct supergravity backgrounds which include the backreaction induced by a smeared set of flavor branes, which act as delocalized dynamical sources of the different supergravity fields.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures;v2: typos correcte

    Can the correlated stability conjecture be saved?

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    Correlated stability conjecture (CSC) proposed by Gubser and Mitra [1,2] linked the thermodynamic and classical (in)stabilities of black branes. In [3] it was shown that the thermodynamic instabilities, specifically the negative specific heat, indeed result in the instabilities in the hydrodynamic spectrum of holographically dual plasma excitations. Counter-examples of CSC were presented in the context of black branes with scalar hair undergoing a second-order phase transition [4,5]. The latter translationary invariant horizons have scalar hair, raising the question whether the asymptotic parameters of the scalar hair can be appropriately interpreted as additional charges leading to a generalization of the thermodynamic stability criterion. In this paper we show that the generalization of the thermodynamic stability criterion of this type can not save CSC. We further present a simple statistical model which makes it clear that thermodynamic and dynamical (in)stabilities generically are not correlated.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; v2: JHEP versio

    Gluon Scattering Amplitudes in Finite Temperature Gauge/Gravity Dualities

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    We examine the gluon scattering amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills at finite temperature with nonzero R-charge densities, and in Non-Commutative gauge theory at finite temperature. The gluon scattering amplitude is defined as a light-like Wilson loop which lives at the horizon of the T-dual black holes of the backgrounds we consider. We study in detail a special amplitude, which corresponds to forward scattering of a low energy gluon off a high energy one. For this kinematic configuration in the considered backgrounds, we find the corresponding minimal surface which is directly related to the gluon scattering amplitude. We find that for increasing the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter, the on-shell action corresponding to our Wilson loop in the T-dual space decreases. For all of our solutions the length of the short side of the Wilson loop is constrained by an upper bound which depends on the temperature, the R-charge density and the non-commutative parameter. Due to this constraint, in the limit of zeroth temperature our approach breaks down since the upper bound goes to zero, while by keeping the temperature finite and letting the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter to approach to zero the limit is smooth.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, minor corrections (plus improved numerical computation for the non-commutative case

    The Holographic Dual of 2+1 Dimensional QFTs with N=1 SUSY and Massive Fundamental Flavours

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    The Maldacena Nastase solution is generalised to include massive fundamental matter through the addition of a flavour profile. This gives a holographic dual to N=1 SYM-CS with massive fundamental matter with a singularity free IR. We study this solution in some detail confirming confinement and asymptotic freedom. A recently proposed solution generating technique is then applied which results in a new type-IIA supergravity solution. In a certain limit the geometry of this solution is asymptotically AdS_4X Y, where Y is the metric at the base of the Bryant-Salamon G_2 cone, which has topology S^3XS^3.Comment: 31 pages plus appendices, 6 figures. v3: Typos corrected, version to appear in JHE
