3 research outputs found

    Silver nanoparticles in orthodontics, a new alternative in bacterial inhibition: in vitro study

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    Background The purpose of the study is to assess the antiadherent and antibacterial properties of surface-modified different orthodontic brackets with silver nanoparticles against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, using radiomarker. Methods In this study evaluated quantitatively the adherence of Streptococci to orthodontic brackets, 300 samples of orthodontic brackets were selected and classified in to 10 groups as follow: GIn (InVu-Roth), GIIn (System-AlexanderLTS), GIIIn (Gemini-Roth), GIVn (NuEdge-Roth), GVn (Radiance plus-Roth), GVI (InVu-Roth), GVII (System-AlexanderLTS), GVIII (Gemini-Roth), GIX (NuEdge-Roth), GX (Radiance plus-Roth). All the samples were sonicated and Streptococci were cultivated by gender. A radioactive marker (3H) was used to codify the bacteria and measure them. After that, the brackets were submerged in a radiolabelled solution, and the radiation was measured. The statistical analysis was calculated with ANOVA test (Sheff猫 post hoc). Results The results showed significant differences were found among the groups. GIIIn shown the lowest scores for both bacteria; in contrast, GIX for Streptococcus mutans and GVI for Streptococcus sobrinus were the highest values. Conclusions Surface modification of orthodontic brackets with silver nanoparticles can be used to prevent the accumulation of dental plaque and the development of dental caries during orthodontic treatment

    Estudio de adherencia bacteriana de Streptococcus mutans y Streptococcus sobrinus a brackets ortod贸nticos y su resistencia al descementado: estudio in vitro

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    Los brackets de ortodoncia son aditamentos fijos que se colocan en los 贸rganos dentales para la correcci贸n de las maloclusiones dentales, estando en contacto directo con la superficie del esmalte dental y, debido a varios factores como su complejo dise帽o, la duraci贸n del tratamiento y la dificultad en la higiene bucal del paciente, producen una mayor acumulaci贸n de biofilm oral, aumentando los niveles de bacterias acid贸genas, m谩s notablemente el S. mutans y el S. sobrinus; logrando reducir el pH de la biopel铆cula en pacientes con ortodoncia, provocando lesiones de mancha blanca alrededor del bracket, siendo la lesi贸n inicial de caries dental. Gorelick inform贸 que la desmineralizaci贸n del esmalte ocurre desde el primer mes despu茅s de la colocaci贸n de aparatos fijos, y se estima que la prevalencia de la lesi贸n de mancha blanca en el esmalte de los pacientes tratados con ortodoncia var铆a de 12.6% a 50%. En este estudio el m茅todo de agregaci贸n de AgNPs desarrollado por Bala permiti贸 observar una s铆ntesis efectiva y una distribuci贸n homog茅nea de las mismas sobre la superficie de los brackets de ortodoncia, tanto de brackets est茅ticos como met谩licos, asi como un potente efecto antibacteriano logrando la formaci贸n de halos estables y bien definidos en las pruebas microbiol贸gicas por contacto directo con cepas tanto Gram positivas como Gram negativas. De igual manera disminuy贸 la adhesi贸n de S. mutans y S. Sobrinus a los brackets de ortodoncia, lo que demuestra sus propiedades antibacterianas. La modificaci贸n de la superficie de los brackets de ortodoncia con nanopart铆culas de plata puede prevenir el desarrollo de placa dental y caries dentales durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia ayudando a reducir eficazmente la incidencia y prevalencia de lesiones de manchas blancas, sin embargo, es necesario realizar m谩s investigaciones in vivo en pacientes tratados con ortodoncia. La incorporaci贸n de nanopart铆culas de plata disminuy贸 la resistencia al descementado, sin embargo, la mayor铆a de los grupos cumplieron con los criterios necesarios para una adecuada resistencia al descementado en ortodoncia. Es importante resaltar la implementaci贸n de estudios posteriores para encontrar el tipo de nanopart铆cula que garantice efecto antibacterial, una adecuada fuerza de adhesi贸n y evite la decoloraci贸n en brackets est茅ticos

    Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles on Orthodontic Brackets: A New Alternative in the Prevention of White Spots

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used for their powerful antibacterial effect and their ability to adhere to surfaces due to their size; they are used in different areas of life, mainly in the area of health as medicine. More recently, in dentistry, the synthesis and characterization of AgNPs attracted significant attention due to their antibacterial properties. In this study, the AgNPs were synthesized using the most effective method on different orthodontic brackets (metallic and esthetic) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Their antimicrobial effect was tested against the widely used standard human pathogens Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-negative) and Escherichia coli (Gram-positive). Our results showed that, via a simple chemical method, AgNPs can be synthesized on the surface of orthodontic brackets with good antimicrobial activity and the possibility of reducing dental decay, periodontal disease and white spots generated during orthodontic treatment