657 research outputs found

    Free-electron Model for Mesoscopic Force Fluctuations in Nanowires

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    When two metal electrodes are separated, a nanometer sized wire (nanowire) is formed just before the contact breaks. The electrical conduction measured during this retraction process shows signs of quantized conductance in units of G_0=2e^2/h. Recent experiments show that the force acting on the wire during separation fluctuates, which has been interpreted as being due to atomic rearrangements. In this report we use a simple free electron model, for two simple geometries, and show that the electronic contribution to the force fluctuations is comparable to the experimentally found values, about 2 nN.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, reference correcte

    Quantum transport and momentum conserving dephasing

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    We study numerically the influence of momentum-conserving dephasing on the transport in a disordered chain of scatterers. Loss of phase memory is caused by coupling the transport channels to dephasing reservoirs. In contrast to previously used models, the dephasing reservoirs are linked to the transport channels between the scatterers, and momentum conserving dephasing can be investigated. Our setup provides a model for nanosystems exhibiting conductance quantization at higher temperatures in spite of the presence of phononic interaction. We are able to confirm numerically some theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Insights into the room temperature magnetism of ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures

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    The origin of room temperature (RT) ferromagneticlike behavior in ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors is still an unclear topic. The present work concentrates on the appearance of RT magnetic moments in just mixed ZnO/Co3O4 mixtures without thermal treatment. In this study, it is shown that the magnetism seems to be related to surface reduction of the Co3O4 nanoparticles, in which, an antiferromagnetic Co3O4 nanoparticle (core) is surrounded by a CoO-like shell. This singular superficial magnetism has also been found in other mixtures with semiconductors such as TiO2 and insulators such as Al2O3

    Statistical analysis of Ni nanowires breaking processes: a numerical simulation study

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    A statistical analysis of the breaking behavior of Ni nanowires is presented. Using molecular dynamic simulations, we have determined the time evolution of both the nanowire atomic structure and its minimum cross section (Sm(t)). Accumulating thousands of independent breaking events, Sm histograms are built and used to study the influence of the temperature, the crystalline stretching direction and the initial nanowire size. The proportion of monomers, dimers and more complex structures at the latest stages of the breaking process are calculated, finding important differences among results obtained for different nanowire orientations and sizes. Three main cases have been observed. (A) [111] stretching direction and large nanowire sizes: the wire evolves from more complex structures to monomers and dimers prior its rupture; well ordered structures is presented during the breaking process. (B) Large nanowires stretched along the [100] and [110] directions: the system mainly breaks from complex structures (low probability of finding monomers and dimers), having disordered regions during their breakage; at room temperature, a huge histogram peak around Sm=5 appears, showing the presence of long staggered pentagonal Ni wires with ...-5-1-5-... structure. (C) Initial wire size is small: strong size effects independently on the temperature and stretching direction. Finally, the local structure around monomers and dimmers do not depend on the stretching direction. These configurations differ from those usually chosen in static studies of conductance.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Ballistic resistivity in aluminum nanocontacts

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    One of the major industrial challenges is to profit from some fascinating physical features present at the nanoscale. The production of dissipationless nanoswitches (or nanocontacts) is one of such attractive applications. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge of the real efficiency of electronic ballistic/non dissipative transport limits future innovations. For multi-valent metallic nanosystems -where several transport channels per atom are involved- the only experimental technique available for statistical transport characterization is the conductance histogram. Unfortunately its interpretation is difficult because transport and mechanical properties are intrinsically interlaced. We perform a representative series of semiclassical molecular dynamics simulations of aluminum nanocontact breakages, coupled to full quantum conductance calculations, and put in evidence a linear relationship between the conductance and the contact minimum cross-section for the geometrically favored aluminum nanocontact configurations. Valid in a broad range of conductance values, such relation allows the definition of a transport parameter for nanomaterials, that represents the novel concept of ballistic resistivity

    Multi-shell gold nanowires under compression

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    Deformation properties of multi-wall gold nanowires under compressive loading are studied. Nanowires are simulated using a realistic many-body potential. Simulations start from cylindrical fcc(111) structures at T=0 K. After annealing cycles axial compression is applied on multi-shell nanowires for a number of radii and lengths at T=300 K. Several types of deformation are found, such as large buckling distortions and progressive crushing. Compressed nanowires are found to recover their initial lengths and radii even after severe structural deformations. However, in contrast to carbon nanotubes irreversible local atomic rearrangements occur even under small compressions.Comment: 1 gif figure, 5 ps figure

    Quantum Conductance in Semimetallic Bismuth Nanocontacts

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    Electronic transport properties of bismuth nanocontacts are analyzed by means of a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope. The subquantum steps observed in the conductance versus elongation curves give evidence of atomic rearrangements in the contact. The underlying quantum nature of the conductance reveals itself through peaks in the conductance histograms. The shape of the conductance curves at 77 K is well described by a simple gliding mechanism for the contact evolution during elongation. The strikingly different behaviour at 4 K suggests a charge carrier transition from light to heavy ones as the contact cross section becomes sufficiently small.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Connective neck evolution and conductance steps in hot point contacts

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    Dynamic evolution of the connective neck in Al and Pb mechanically controllable break junctions was studied during continuous approach of electrodes at bias voltages V_b up to a few hundred mV. A high level of power dissipation (10^-4 - 10^-3 W) and high current density (j > 10^10 A/cm^2) in the constriction lead to overheating of the contact area, electromigration and current-enhanced diffusion of atoms out of the "hot spot". At a low electrode approach rate (10 - 50 pm/s) the transverse dimension of the neck and the conductance of the junction depend on V_b and remain nearly constant over the approach distance of 10 - 30 nm. For V_b > 300 mV the connective neck consists of a few atoms only and the quantum nature of conductance manifests itself in abrupt steps and reversible jumps between two or more levels. These features are related to an ever changing number of individual conductance channels due to the continuous rearrangement in atomic configuration of the neck, the recurring motion of atoms between metastable states, the formation and breaking of isolated one-atom contacts and the switching between energetically preferable neck geometries.Comment: 21 pages 10 figure

    Sources of experimental errors in the observation of nanoscale magnetism

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    It has been recently reported that some non-magnetic materials in bulk state, exhibit magnetic behavior at the nanscale due to surface and size effects. The experimental observation of these effects is based on the measurement of very small magnetic signals. Thus, some spurious effects that are not critical for bulk materials with large magnetic signals may become important when measuring small signals (typically below 0.0001 emu). Here, we summarize some sources of these small magnetic signals that should be considered when studying this new nanomagnetismComment: 16 pages, 10 figure
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