194 research outputs found

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

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    The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined

    Hygienic Value and Mycotoxins Level of Grass Silage in Bales for Horses

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds which have adverse effects on humans, animals, and crops and result in illnesses and economic losses. The toxins may occur in storage under conditions favourable for the growth of the toxin-producing fungus or fungi. The highest forage concentration of toxins was found in horizontal storage methods such as bunker silos and feed piles, which were left open to oxygen. In any fermentation storage system, temperature and the presence of moisture is sufficient for toxin production. In a plastic covered storage system, oxygen penetration is slowed but not eliminated. The longer silage is stored, the greater the opportunity for significant fungus growth and toxin contamination. Although the effects of mycotoxins on horses are not well documented in scientific literature, in many situations mycotoxin problems appear to be significant e.g. colic, neurological disorders, paralysis and brain lesions. The aim of this study was to determine the level of mycotoxins in grass silage prepared in bales for horses

    The impact of childhood glaucoma on psychosocial functioning and quality of life: a review of the literature

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    We present a novel comprehensive literature review of studies of the psychosocial functioning (PF) and quality of life (QoL) of patients with childhood glaucoma and their caregivers. Our findings demonstrate variable study quality and approach, as well as inconsistent results relating to the association of glaucoma-specific factors and sociodemographic variables with measured PF and QoL. Future studies should focus on the development of culturally cognizant and standardized assessment tools, execution of multi-center longitudinal studies with global representation, evaluation of PF and QoL among siblings and childhood glaucoma providers, and implementation of interventions to improve patient and caregiver PF and QoL

    An Immunologically Privileged Retinal Antigen Elicits Tolerance: Major Role for Central Selection Mechanisms

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    Immunologically privileged retinal antigens can serve as targets of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU), a model for human uveitis. The tolerance status of susceptible strains, whose target antigen is not expressed in the thymus at detectable levels, is unclear. Here, we address this issue directly by analyzing the consequences of genetic deficiency versus sufficiency of a uveitogenic retinal antigen, interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP). IRBP-knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice on a highly EAU-susceptible background were challenged with IRBP. The KO mice had greatly elevated responses to IRBP, an altered recognition of IRBP epitopes, and their primed T cells induced exacerbated disease in WT recipients. Ultrasensitive immunohistochemical staining visualized sparse IRBP-positive cells, undetectable by conventional assays, in thymi of WT (but not of KO) mice. IRBP message was PCR amplified from these cells after microdissection. Thymus transplantation between KO and WT hosts demonstrated that this level of expression is functionally relevant and sets the threshold of immune (and autoimmune) reactivity. Namely, KO recipients of WT thymi generated reduced IRBP-specific responses, and WT recipients of KO thymi developed enhanced responses and a highly exacerbated disease. Repertoire culling and thymus-dependent CD25+ T cells were implicated in this effect. Thus, uveitis-susceptible individuals display a detectable and functionally significant tolerance to their target antigen, in which central mechanisms play a prominent role

    Abnormal Changes in NKT Cells, the IGF-1 Axis, and Liver Pathology in an Animal Model of ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressing fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective death of motor neurons (MN) in the spinal cord, and is associated with local neuroinflammation. Circulating CD4+ T cells are required for controlling the local detrimental inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases, and for supporting neuronal survival, including that of MN. T-cell deficiency increases neuronal loss, while boosting T cell levels reduces it. Here, we show that in the mutant superoxide dismutase 1 G93A (mSOD1) mouse model of ALS, the levels of natural killer T (NKT) cells increased dramatically, and T-cell distribution was altered both in lymphoid organs and in the spinal cord relative to wild-type mice. The most significant elevation of NKT cells was observed in the liver, concomitant with organ atrophy. Hepatic expression levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 decreased, while the expression of IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1 was augmented by more than 20-fold in mSOD1 mice relative to wild-type animals. Moreover, hepatic lymphocytes of pre-symptomatic mSOD1 mice were found to secrete significantly higher levels of cytokines when stimulated with an NKT ligand, ex-vivo. Immunomodulation of NKT cells using an analogue of α-galactosyl ceramide (α-GalCer), in a specific regimen, diminished the number of these cells in the periphery, and induced recruitment of T cells into the affected spinal cord, leading to a modest but significant prolongation of life span of mSOD1 mice. These results identify NKT cells as potential players in ALS, and the liver as an additional site of major pathology in this disease, thereby emphasizing that ALS is not only a non-cell autonomous, but a non-tissue autonomous disease, as well. Moreover, the results suggest potential new therapeutic targets such as the liver for immunomodulatory intervention for modifying the disease, in addition to MN-based neuroprotection and systemic treatments aimed at reducing oxidative stress
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