22 research outputs found

    Viral hepatitis E: A disease of humans and animals

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    The hepatitis E virus is ubiquitous in all parts of the world where pig production exists. The infection occurs in several animal species and its course is mostly asymptomatic. Viral strains isolated from pigs and humans are genetically similar, which indicates a potential zoonotic nature of the disease, and the possibility that pigs, and perhaps also other species of animals diseased with viral hepatitis E are a source of infection to humans. The pig hepatitis E virus, which is similar to the hepatitis E virus in humans, was isolated and described for the first time in the USA in 1997. The infection of pigs with hepatitis E virus occurs through faeco-oral transmission, by ingestion of feed and water contaminated with the virus, or through direct contact between infected and healthy animals. The pathogenesis of this infection in pigs differs from its pathogenesis in humans and it has not been sufficiently examined in all its aspects. Even though viral hepatitis E in pigs has been described as a subclinical disease, some authors describe changes in the concentration of certain biochemical parameters in blood serum of the infected pigs. Histologically, a mild to moderate lymphotic-plasma cellular infiltration is observed in livers of infected pigs, as well as focal areas of hepatocyte necrosis. Viral hepatitis E is an endemic disease of humans in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In developed countries, hepatitis E sporadically occurs in humans, but it is becoming of increasing importance in particular in Japan, North America, and Europe, because the populations of these areas travel extensively to the endemic regions or as a result of the consumption of thermally untreated meat of wild boar and products made from thermally untreated meat. Pork products can be contaminated with hepatitis E virus. Further proof that indicates the zoonotic potential of this virus and places this diseases among the group of professional diseases of farmers and veterinarians is the finding of antibodies to hepatitis E virus in farmers and veterinarians who work on pig farms without showing any clinical signs of the disease. Having in mind the fact that viral hepatitis E has been proven in pig farms in Serbia and neighboruign countries, there should be strict respect of biosecutiry measures from the episootiological and epidemiological aspects, and the principle of good production and hygiene practice should be adhered to on pig farms. This disease should in future also be included in the legal regulations of our country in order to ensure the production of products of animal origin that are safe from the aspect of hygiene. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009 i br. TR 31062

    Makrakantarhinhoza svinja

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    Macracantarhynhosis are swine parasitoses caused by hookworm Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Development of parasites included intermediate host in genus Scarabidae (Melontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr.). Infection occurred when swine eat infected insects and usually occurred at extensive breeding. Adult hookworm are 10-17 cm long and 4-10 mm wide. They live in small intestine of swine, some carnivores and human. Pathology changes were at deep part of intestinal mucus where we found deep wund and bacterial infection at fixation places. Clinical signs are apathy.Makrakantarhinhoza je parazitoza uzrokovana sa akantocefalom Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. Razvoj parazita ide preko prelaznog domaćina - koleoptera iz roda Scarabidae (Melontha vulgaris, Cetonia aurata, Polyphilla fullo, Anomalia vitis i dr.). Infekcija nastaje kada svinje pojedu zaražene koleoptere, tako da se infekcije sreću u ekstenzivnom držanju. Paraziti su dugi 10-17 cm i Å”iroki 4-10 mm. Parazitiraju u tankim crevima svinja. PatoloÅ”ko delovanje se ispoljava u vidu dubokih rana u sluznici creva, toksičnim delovanjem metabolita i posledičnim bakterijskim infekcijama na mestu fiksacije. Od kliničkih simptoma prisutni su apatija, mrÅ”avljenje, anemija, konvulzija, a kod jakih infekcija i uginuća.

    Verminozni gastriti svinja

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    Verminal gastritis are swine parasitoses caused by nematodes of genus Spiruridea (Arduena strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum,Physocephalus sexalatus and Simondsia paradoxa) and Trichostrongylidae (Hyostrongylus rubidus and Ollulanus tricuspis). In Serbia H. rubidus were occurred at 3-6% farm breeding swine and infection with Arduena strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum, Physocephalus sexalatus and Hyostrongylus rubidus were occurredat extensive breeding condition. Pathology changes were at deep part of stomach mucus where we found deep wound and bacterial infection at fixation places. Clinical signs are apathy, slenderness, convulsion and at hard infection possibility died.Verminozni gastriti svinja je obolenje farmskih i ekstenzivno držanih svinja uzrokovano sa nematodama iz rodova Spiruridea i Trichostrongylidae. Obolenja su raÅ”irena Å”irom sveta. U naÅ”oj zemlji, H.rubidus se sreće kod 3-6% farmski držanih svinja, dok je u ekstenzivnom držanju ustanovljena infekcija sa Ascarops strongyllinae, Gnathostoma hispidum, Physocephalus sexalatus i Hyostrongylus rubidus ali prevalence nije poznata. PatoloÅ”ko delovanje se ispoljava u vidu dubokih rana u sluznici želuca i posledičnim infekcijama na mestu fiksacije. Od kliničkih simptoma prisutni su apatija, mrÅ”avljenje, anemija, a kod jakih infekcija i uginuća. Značaj koji verminozni gastriti imaju kod svinja daleko prevazilazi pažnju koja joj se poklanja u naÅ”oj sredini i morala bi biti predmet jednog studioznog istraživanja

    Comparative pathomorphological, mycological and molecular examination of turkey poults with different immunological status experimentally infected with aspergillus fumigatus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the pathological, mycological and molecular findings in turkey poults with different immunological status experimentally infected with Aspergillus fumigatus. The investigation was carried out 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after intratracheal inoculation of 5.056x10(7) spores of A. fumigatus to 14-day-old turkey poults in group G-1, as well as to turkey poults in group G-2 which were treated prior to infection with dexamethasone. A. fumigatus was isolated on day 1 p.i. in both groups, but the number of positive samples was bigger in group G-1. A. fumigatus was isolated from the respiratory organs of group G-1as early as on day 1 and 3 p.i. in 4 out of 12 examined specimens (33%). On day 7 p.i. A. fumigatus was possible to isolate from the respiratory organs of 50% of infected birds, on day 14 in 83.33% and on day 21 p.i. A. fumigatus was isolated in 6 out of 6 sacrificed turkey poults (100%). In dexamethasone-treated group A. fumigatus isolates from the respiratory organs on day 1 and 3 p.i. were same as in group G-1, whereas on days 7 and 14 p.i. the number of turkey poults positive to A. fumigatus increased in comparison with the untreated G-1 group. The histopathological lesions in turkey poults treated with dexamethasone developed earlier, were more intensive and extensive. The mycological and nested PCR results revealed a higher number of samples positive for the presence of A. fumigatus DNA in the group G-2, pretreated with dexamethasone

    Molecular diagnostics of swine infection caused by Mycoplasma suis

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    The presence of two types of haemoplasm can be established in the swine population. Pathogenic haemoplasm, named Mycoplasma suis (previously called Eperythrozoon suis) is the cause of swine eperythrozoonosis or swine ichtheroanaemia. The cause of this disease can also infect humans. The disease has spread all over the world. The most frequent form is latent infection of swine caused by M. suis. The disease is clinically manifest following action by the stress factor. The acute course of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of a febrile condition and ichtheroanaemia. The disease is usually diagnosed based on an epizootiological poll, a clinical examination, and a microscopic examination of a blood smear stained most often according to Giemsa. Contemporary methods of molecular biology have been developed, such as PCR, which are more sensitive and specific in making a diagnosis of swine infection caused by M. suis. In these investigations, the presence of M. suis on pig farms in the Republic of Serbia has been determined using the PCR test.

    Estimation of herd-basis energy status in clinically healthy Holstein cows: Practical implications of body condition scoring and shortened metabolic profiles

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    The objective of the study was to estimate herd-basis energy status (ES) using body condition scoring (BCS) and shortened metabolic profiles in multiparous clinically healthy dairy cows and to evaluate if such profiles can be informative in herd investigation to indicate on metabolic herd problems. A total of 180 Holstein cows from commercial herd were clinically examined and assigned to one of 3 equal groups: dry cows (15 days before expected calving), puerperal (10 days after calving) and cows at day 60 of lactation. Blood were sampled and analyzed for total protein, albumin, urea nitrogen (UN), Ī²-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose and total bilirubin. Liver samples by percutaneous biopsies were obtained at puerperal period and tested for lipid content. The cows had a mean BCS of 3.92Ā±0.03 at dry period, 3.08 Ā± 0.03 at puerperal period and 2.82 Ā± 0.02 at day 60 of lactation. Average total protein, albumin and glucose concentrations were within the physiological range, whereas UN was higher than physiologically accepted, at all examined periods. BHBA levels increased after calving and 61.66% of puerperal cows had BHBA levels above 1 mmol/L. Average total bilirubin concentration after calving was higher than recommended. Concentrations of UN, BHBA and total bilirubin were positively correlated, whereas concentrations of total protein and glucose were negatively correlated with fatty liver degree. Albumin concentration was not correlated with fatty liver degree. In conclusion, although clinically healthy the examined cows were not in adequate ES during the transition period. Consequently, 55% of the cows had moderate to severe fatty liver. A sufficient number of highly significant correlations suggest that employed metabolic profiles may offer an indirect means of estimation energy status on a herd basis

    Uporedno ispitivanje efikasnosti tulatromicina i florfenikola u lečenju bronhopneumonije junadi

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    The clinical efficacy of tulathromycin (TU) and florfenicol (FL) in the treatment of bronchopneumonia (BP) caused by Pasteurella multocida which was isolated from nose swabs of diseased calves has been examined. The symptoms of bronchopneumonia (BP) were quantified by means of the clinical score (CS) with a maximum of 47 points. In the current investigation the average CS in diseased calves was 23.5Ā± 0.15. The clinical efficacy of TU and FL was assessed every day in the first week after the administration of the drugs and was based on the decrease in CS and on microbiological findings on days 7, 28 and 35 after the completion of therapy. Tulathromycin was administered s.c., in the prescribed therapeutic dose (2.5 mg/kg BW), and florfenicol s.c., twice at a 48 h interval, in its respective therapeutic dose (40 mg/kg BW). In spite of the repeated administration of FL, TU was significantly more rapid to decrease the major clinical symptoms in the first four days following the application, in comparison with FL (P lt 0.05). On the fourth day after the administration, the clinical efficacy of TU in the therapy of BP in calves was 43.4Ā±1.5 %, and of florfenicol 27.2Ā±1.6 %. However, five days after the application of TU and two days after the repeated application of FL the assessed clinical efficacy of the two antibiotics was roughly the same. The average efficacy of TU was 57.1Ā±0.0%, and of florfenicol 58.5Ā±0.0%, both the individual and mean CS in the treated calves was 10 points, due to hyperthermia, which remained the only symptom. Six days after the administration of TU and three days after the repeated application of FL both antibiotics had equal maximum efficacy (100%) in the treatment of BP. The clinical efficacy remained unchanged on day seven. The recovery was confirmed by the absence of P. multocida in nose swabs sampled on the seventh day after the initial treatment. However, in 4 calves (21.05 %) of the 19 treated Streptococcus alpha haemolyticus was isolated. Four weeks after the completion of the treatment with TU and FL the recurrence of BP caused by P. multocida was noted in 30% of calves treated with TU and 22.22% with FL. Seven days after a single administration of TU and FL, all clinical symptoms of recurrent BP and the microbiological findings were negative. Given the obtained results of the investigation on the efficacy of TU and FL in calves, TU can be recommended as the drug of first choice in the treatment of BP caused by P. multocida. Its insufficient clinical efficacy in the first three days following the application may be enhanced by simultaneous administration of NSAID and bronchodilators.Ispitivana je klinička efikasnost tulatromicina (TU) i florfenikola (FL) u lečenju bronhopneumonije (BP) prouzrokovane vrstom Pasteurella multocida, izolovanom iz briseva nosa junadi. Simptomi BP su kvantifikovani da bi se dobio klinički skor (KS) koji definiÅ”e težinu kliničke slike kod životinja. Prema koriŔćenoj skali maksimalna vrednost KS parametara BP iznosi 47 bodova. U naÅ”em ogledu, vrednost prosečnog KS kod obolele junadi iznosila je 23,5Ā±0,15. Klinička efikasnost TU i FL procenjivana je svakodnevno, tokom sedam dana, na osnovu povlačenja kliničkih simptoma (smanjivanje vrednosti KS) i prisustva prouzrokovača BP u brisevima nosa 7, 28. i 35. dana od ukidanja terapije. Tulatromicin je aplikovan s.c., jednokratno u terapijskoj dozi od 2,5 mg/kg, a florfenikol s.c., dvokratno u razmaku od 48 h u terapijskoj dozi od 40 mg/kg tm. U ovom ispitivanju TU je u prva četri dana od aplikacije značajno brže od FL (P lt 0,05) dovodio do povlačenja bitnih kliničkih simptoma, iako je aplikacija FL u tom periodu ponovljena. Klinička efikasnost TU u lečenju BP junadi četvrtog dana od primene iznosila je 43,4Ā±1,5 %, a florfenikola 27,2Ā±1,6 %. Međutim, petog dana od aplikacije TU i FL i drugog dana od druge aplikacije FL ustanovljena je približno ista klinička efikasnost ovih antimikrobnih lekova u lečenju BP. Prosečna efikasnost TU bila je 57,1Ā±0,0%, a FL 58,5Ā± 0,0%. Vrednost individualnog i prosečnog KS kod junadi lečene TU i FL iznosila je 10 bodova. Od kliničkih simptoma jedino se hipertermija nije povukla. Å estog dana od aplikacije TU i FL i trećeg dana od druge aplikacije FL oba antibiotika imala su podjednaku, maksimalnu (100%) kliničku efikasnost u lečenju BP. Ista klinička efikasnost zabeležena je i sedmog dana ogleda. Izlečenje je potvrđeno odsustvom P. multocida u brisevima uzetim sedmog dana od početka lečenja. Međutim, kod 4 juneta (21,05 %) od ukupno 19 izolovan je Streptococcus alpha haemolyticus. Četiri nedelje od obustavljanja primene TU i FL uočen je recidiv BP prouzrokovane P. multocida kod 30% junadi lečene TU i 22,22% lečene FL. Posle jednokratne primene TU i FL, sedmog dana su se povukli svi klinički simptomi recidivirajuće BP, a mikrobioloÅ”ki nalaz bio je negativan. Sumirajući rezultate dobijene uporednim ispitivanjem efikasnosti TU i FL u lečenju BP junadi prouzrokovane P. multocida predlažemo da se TU koristi kao lek prvog izbora u lečenju ove respiratorne infekcije. Njegova efikasnost, nedovoljna u prva tri dana od aplikacije, može da se poveća istovremenom primenom lekova iz grupe NSAIL i bronhodilatatora

    Paratuberkuloza u zapatu krava rase crveni holŔtajn

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    This paper describes paratuberculosis in an isolated breeding herd of 25 high-yield dairy cows of the Red Holstein breed. The animals were examined clinically and then given the test for ldelayed type hypersensitivity and their blood serum was examined for the presence of specific antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The clinical examination revealed that two cows exhibited symptoms of the disease that indicated an advanced stage of paratuberculosis. The following parameters were examined in the blood of the cows that showed clinical signs of the disease: leukocytes and erythrocytes count, concentrations of total proteins, albumin, iron, sodium, potassium, and activity of creatine kinase. The analysis of the red blood cell count revealed certain digressions that indicated the existence of hypochromic microcytic anaemia. The number of leukocytes was within the physiological values, but the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio was disrupted and stood at almost 1:1. The results of the biochemical analyses of the blood serum of diseased cows indicated hypoproteinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, hypoferremia, hyposodiumaemia, hypokalemia, and increased activities of creatine kinase enzymes. A suspect reaction on the site of application of avian tuberculin was determined in two animals. Animals with clinical signs of the disease reacted negative to the test of delayed type hypersensitivity. The presence of specific antibodies against the cause of paratuberculosis was proven in four animals (16%), including two animals with clinical signs of the disease and one that had a suspect reaction on the site of application of avian tuberculin. Furthermore, one animal that died exhibited macroscopic and microscopic changes regarding the intensity and distribution of lesions, the type of cellular infiltrate, and the number of present acidresistent bacteria, and the changes were characterized as diffuse changes of multibacillary type. The cause of bovine paratuberculosis was isolated from the altered organs.U ovom radu opisana je paratuberkuloza u izolovanom zapatu od 25 visokomlečnih krava rase crveni holÅ”tajn. Životinje u zapatu su klinič ki pregledane, a zatim podvrgnute testu kasne preosetljivosti i ispitivanju krvnog seruma na prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). Kliničkim pregledom kod dve životinje uočeni su simptomi bolesti koji su ukazivali na uznapredovali stadijum paratuberkuloze. U krvi krava koje su pokazivale kliničke znake bolesti određivani su parametri crvene i bele krvne slike, koncentracija ukupnih proteina, albumina, gvožđa, natrijuma, kalijuma i aktivnost kreatin kinaze. Analizom parametara crvene krvne slike utvrđena su izvesna odstupanja koja su ukazivala na postojanje hipohromne mikrocitne anemije. Broj leukocita je bio u okviru fizioloÅ”kih vrednosti, ali je neutrofilno-limfocitni količnik bio naruÅ”en i iznosio skoro 1:1. Rezultati biohemijskih analiza krvnog seruma obolelih krava ukazali su na hipoproteinemiju, hipoalbuminemiju, hipoferemiju, hiponatremiju, hipokalemiju i povećanu aktivnost enzima kreatin kinaze. Sumnjiva reakcija na mestu aplikacije avijarnog tuberkulina je ustanovljena kod dve životinje. Životinje sa kliničkim znakovima bolesti su bile negativne na test kasne preosetljivosti. Prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv uzročnika paratuberkuloze dokazano je kod četiri životinje (16%), uključujući dve životinje sa kliničkim znakovima bolesti i jednu koja je imala sumnjivu reakciju na mestu aplikacija avijarnog tuberkulina. Pored toga, kod jedne uginule životinje opisane su makroskopske i mikroskopske promene u odnosu na intenzitet i distribuciju lezija, tip ćelijskog infiltrata i broja prisutnih acidorezistentnih bakterija, a promene su okarakterisane kao difuzne promene multibacilarnog tipa. Iz promenjenih organa izvrÅ”ena je izolacija uzročnika bovine paratuberkuloze

    Hemoragično-nekrotični enteritis kod roditelja brojlera

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    Ispitivanja su imala za cilj da se utvrdi uticaj Clostridium perfringens tip A na razvoj patomorfoloÅ”kog supstrata, njegov intenzitet i distribuciju kod teÅ”kih roditelja uzrasta petnaest nedelja. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na leÅ”evima 8 koka i 7 petlova teÅ”kih roditelja provenijencije COBB 500. Posle izvrÅ”ene obdukcije, za histopatoloÅ”ko ispitivanje uzeti su uzorci promenjenih delova jejunuma i jetre, a za bakterioloÅ”ko i molekularno ispitivanje crevni sadržaj jejunuma. Kod svih leÅ”eva u otvorenoj pleuroperitonealnoj Å”upljini, već in situ, uočava se promenjeni deo jejunuma. On je bio izrazito dilatiran celom dužinom, a njegov zid plavičasto-sive boje sa diseminiranim subseroznim punktiformnim krvnim ekstravazatima. Njegovim otvaranjem iz lumena je izlazio polutečni sadržaj u kojem plivaju krvni koagulumi i krpičasti delovi nekrotične mukoze. Mikroskopskim pregledom isečaka tkiva tankih creva bojenih HE metodom zapažena je difuzna nekroza crevnih resica. One su destruisane i zamenjene eozinofilnom bestrukturnom masom. Pored toga, uočava se edem submukoze, kongestija kapilara i krvni ekstravazati u mukozi, kao i infiltracija neutrofilnih granulocita u lamini propriji. Navedene mikroskopske alteracije oslikavaju hemoragično-nekrotični enteritis. Mikroskopskim pregledom isečka tankih creva bojenih Brown & Brenn metodom ustanovljene su kolonije bakterija u distalnim delovima submukoze. BakterioloÅ”kim ispitivanjem u anaerobnim uslovima, izolovana kultura je identifikovana kao Clostridium perfringens. Primenom multiplex PCR dobijeni izolat je genotipiziran kao Clostridium perfringens tip A. Na osnovu patomorfoloÅ”kih, bakterioloÅ”kih i molekularnih ispitivanja može da se zaključi da infekcija teÅ”kih roditelja Clostridium perfringens tipa A protiče sa slikom difuznog hemoragično-nekrotičnog jejunitisa, da uzročnik duboko penetrira u tkivo jejunuma i da su pÅ”enica i pÅ”enične mekinje činili favorizujući faktor za proliferaciju etioloÅ”kog agensa.The aim of the investigation was to determine the influence of Clostridium perfringens type A on the development of pathomorphological substrate, its intensity and distribution in fifteen weeks old heavy breeds broilers. The investigation was carried out on corpses of 8 hens and 7 roosters of heavy breeds of provenance COBB 500. After the completion of the autopsy, samples of altered parts of jejunum and liver were taken for histopathological examination, and jejunum intestinal contents for bacteriological examination. In all the corpses, in open pleuroperitoneal cavity, even in situ, an altered part of jejunum can be noticed. It was extremely dilated the entire length, and its wall was bluish-gray with disseminated subserous punctiform blood extravasates. When opened, semi-liquid content with blood coagulums and patches of necrotic mucosa went out of it. By microscopic examination of small intestine tissue cuttings, colored by HE method, there was observed a diffuse necrosis of intestinal villi. They were desroyed and replaced by eosinophilic structureless mass. Furthermore, there could be noticed submucose oedema, capillary congestion and blood extravasates in mucosa, as well as infiltration of neutrophilic granulocytes in lamina propria. These microscopic alterations reflect hemorrhagic necrotic enteritis. By microscopic examining of small intestine cuttings colored according to Brown & Brenn method, colonies of bacteria in distal parts of the submucosa were found out. Using bacteriological tests in anaerobic conditions, there was isolated a culture identified as Clostridium perfringens. After applying of multiplex PCR, the obtained isolate was genotyped as Clostridium perfringens type A. On the basis of pathomorphological, bacteriological and molecular examinations, it can be concluded that the infection of heavy breeds with Clostridium perfringens type A is manifested by appearance of haemorrhagic-necrotic jejunitis, that the causer penetrates deeply into jejunum tissue and that wheat and wheat bran were a favoring factor for proliferation of the etiological agent

    Procjena različitih terapijskih protokola u liječenju digitalnog dermatitisa krava.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the topical action of oxytetracycline (OTC) and copper sulphate (CuSO4) in digital dermatitis treatment (DD). A study was conducted on a high-yielding dairy herd, to estimate the topical antibiotic effect and non-antibiotic treatment of DD, with or without bandaging. Research was carried out on 171 Holstein cows with DD in this study. The cows were divided into four experimental groups and one control group. In all cases, surgical debridement of DD lesions was performed before treatment. Group 1 received local topical treatment with oxytetracycline three times, on the zero, second and fifth days, without bandaging. Group 2 received one topical treatment of oxytetracycline with bandaging. Group 3 received one topical treatment of 8% copper sulphate. Group 4 received one topical treatment of 8% copper sulphate, followed by bandaging. Group 5 was used as the control, to assess the possible effects of surgical debridement and bandaging. The most efficient result was obtained in Group 2, in which 86% of the animals recovered from DD. Bandaging is a very important part of DD therapy, because it protects the layers of skin exposed after surgical debridement.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti djelovanje lokalno primijenjenog oksitetraciklina i bakrenog sulfata u liječenju digitalnog dermatitisa krava. Istraživanje je provedeno na farmi mliječnih krava, a procjenjivana je učinkovitost liječenja antiboticima i neantibiotskim tvarima s uporabom povoja ili bez. Istraživanje je provedeno na 171 kravi holÅ”tajnsko-frizijske pasmine. Krave su bile podijeljene u četiri pokusne i jednu kontrolnu skupinu. Prije medikamentozne terapije vrÅ”ena je primarna kirurÅ”ka obrada lezija koja je podrazumijevala uklanjanje nekrotičnog tkiva, tkivnih proliferata, dlake, eksudata i sl. Skupina 1 bila je liječena oksitetraciklinom u spreju trokratno bez primjene povoja. Skupina 2 bila je liječena oksitetraciklinom u spreju, lokalno. Nakon nanoÅ”enja antibiotika, lezija je bila prekrivena povojem. Skupina 3 bila je obrađena 8%-tnom otopinom bakrenog sulfata, a skupina 4 bakrenim sulfatom uz previjanje. Skupina 5 poslužila je kao kontrolna skupina gdje je procjenjivan utjecaj debridmenta i povoja. Najbolji učinak liječenja bio je uočen u skupini 2 gdje se liječenje sastojalo od ukljanjanja propalog tkiva, jednokratnog lokalnoga nanoÅ”enja tetraciklina i postavljanja povoja. U skupini 2 učinkovitost terapije iznosila je 86,1%. Postavljanje povoja nakon kirurÅ”kog debridmenta i primjena lijekova pokazala se uspjeÅ”nom u liječenju digitalnog dermatitisa