15 research outputs found

    Biodegvielas ekonomika

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    Biodegvielas ekonomikas īstenošana risina vairākas problēmas transporta sektorā. Lai biodegvielas ekonomikas īstenošana būtu labvēlīga, to nepieciešams plānot un kontrolēt, kā arī jāanalizē iespējumie ieguvumi un trūkumi. Biodegvielas ekonomika sasaista kopā un labvēlīgi ietekmē trīs sfēras..

    Ekserģētiskā analīze – siltuma avota optimizācijas iespējas

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    Mūsdienu ražošanā nepārtraukti notiek ražošanas procesa uzlabošana, kas savukārt labvēlīgi ietekmē ekonomisko, sociālo un vides sfēru. Ekserģētiskā analīze ir rīks, kas palīdz uzlabot enerģijas ražošanas efektivitāti: samazināt zudumus sistēmā un kurināmā patēriņu, vides piesārņojumu, enerģijas tarifus u.c...

    Kurināmo diversifikācijas iespēju izpēte katlu mājai

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    Fosilā kurināmā diversifikācija ir viena no aktuālākajām tēmām mūsdienās, jo fosilā kurināmā diversifikācija samazina oglekļa dioksīda emisiju, nodrošina siltumenerģijas stabilitāti, veicina vietējās biomasas izmantošanu, kas savukārt samazina atkarību no importētā fosilā kurināmā. Vienam energoavotam var pastāvēt vairākas alternatīvas..

    The Evaluation of Feasibility of Heat Storage System in Riga TPP – 2

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    The thermal energy storage system (TES) installation provides the optimization of energy source, energy security supply, power plant operation and energy production flexibility. The aim of this research - evaluate the feasibility of thermal energy system installation at Riga TPP–2. The six modes were investigated: four for non–heating periods and two for heating periods

    Development of a System Dynamics Model for Evaluation of the Impact of Integration of Renewable Energy Sources on the Operational Efficiency of Energy Supply Facilities: Theoretical Background

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    Nowadays, energy companies operate in a highly competitive environment. To maintain the leader position, as a reaction to various changes energy companies must take appropriate steps in a timely manner

    The Evaluation of Feasibility of Thermal Energy Storage System at Riga TPP-2

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    The thermal energy storage system (TES) installation provides the optimization of energy source, energy security supply, power plant operation and energy production flexibility. The aim of this research - evaluate the feasibility of thermal energy system installation at Riga TPP–2. The six modes were investigated: four for non–heating periods and two for heating periods. Different research methods were used: data statistic processing, data analysis, analogy, forecasting, financial method and correlation and regression method. In the end, the best mode was chosen – the increase of cogeneration unit efficiency during the summer

    Rehabilitation of the Kegums 2 Hydropower Plant

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    Kegums Hydro Power Plant (HPP) forms the second stage of the Daugava River hydropower plants cascade. The Plant is located 70 km upstream from the Daugava River estuary. It consists of two separate power plants on the right (Kegums HPP-1) and left (Kegums HPP-2) banks of the Daugava River that were constructed at different times. Kegums HPP-1 is the oldest of the Daugava hydropower plants. Kegums HPP-2 rehabilitation project has the objectives to restore the units to full functionality, to minimize the future needs for extensive repairs and maintenance and to secure an extended life cycle of about 40 years. The main reconstruction works of Kegums HPP-2 include..

    Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Impact on District Heating Regulation

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    Discussions in Latvia are ongoing regarding the optimum solution to implementing Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency. This study analyses a scenario where a significant fraction of target energy efficiency is achieved by obliging energy utilities to implement user-end energy efficiency measures. Investment related costs are likely to be included in the energy prices and service tariffs therefore gains for the users are under question. The authors analyze ways to achieve a balance between user gains from energy end-use savings and increased energy prices and tariffs as a result of obligations imposed upon energy utilities including the energy supply sectors where supply tariffs are regulated. Authors also have assessed the disadvantages of the current Latvian district heating regulation and have marked the next steps for a transition from hard regulation towards the approximation of benchmarking and market principles

    Development of a System Dynamics Model for Evaluation of the Impact of Integration of Renewable Energy Sources on the Operational Efficiency of Energy Supply Facilities: Theoretical Background

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    Nowadays, energy companies operate in a highly competitive environment. To maintain the leader position, as a reaction to various changes energy companies must take appropriate steps in a timely manner. Correct assessment of the situation ensures implementation of adequate measures. The situation can be assessed correctly by using a complex approach and/or analysing it according to the specific circumstances. The complex approach also envisages designing of an appropriate model, which studies the impact of changes on the research object, while dealing with the object within a system and as part of the system. The article gives a theoretical background of the system dynamics model in order to evaluate the impact of integration of renewable energy sources (RES) on the operational efficiency of energy supply facilities (power and heat supply) on the national and regional levels, as well as provides the first modelling results

    Stokholmas siltumapgādes sistēmas attīstības tendences

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    Zviedrijā ap 65% siltumenerģijas tiek saražoti centralizētās siltumapgādes sistēmās. Stokholmas centralizētā siltumapgādes sistēma (CSS) ir viena no lielākajām ne tikai Zviedrijā, bet visā Eiropā. Stokholmas pilsētas siltumtīklus var nosacīti iedalīt trīs lielās siltumapgādes zonās - Dienvidu CSS, pilsētas centra CSS un Ziemeļrietumu CSS, kā arī citās mazākās siltumapgādes zonās..