11 research outputs found

    Hygiene, care and treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine of Slavonia and Baranja

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    Tradicionalna medicina prema definiciji svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) obuhvaća načine na koje su različite kulture čuvale i unapređivale zdravlje, te liječile bolesti svojih pripadnika. Preporuka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije jest da se za očuvanje zdravlja koriste sva provjerena medicinska iskustva i metode različitih civilizacija, a ne samo službene medicine Zapada. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj rada bilo je prikupljanje što većeg broja informacija o načinu i sredstvima za održavanje higijene u svakodnevnom životu, te ljekovitih pripravaka koji su se upotrebljavali za njegu i liječenje kože, tijekom prve polovine 20 stoljeća na području istočne Hrvatske (Slavonija, Baranja i zapadni Srijem). Sekundarni cilj bilo je utvrđivanje mogućeg racionalnog djelovanja narodnih pripravaka i postupaka - pokušaj racionalnog objašnjenja svrhe oživljavanja istih u suvremnoj narodnoj medicini. Nacrt studije: Istraživanje se sastojalo od bibliografskog i terenskog istraživanja. Ispitanici i metode: Bibliografskim istraživanjem obuhvaćene su knjige i publikacije namijenjene prosvijećivanju puka. Terensko istraživanje učinjeno je primjenom kvalitativnih etnoloških metoda. Prikazani su rezultati polustrukturiranog intervjua odabranih 27 ispitanika - kazivača, te dvaju grupnih razgovora - jednog s 18 stanovnica Iloka i drugog s 4 stanovnice iz Petrijevaca. Rezultati: Važno je istaknuti da ovaj rad nije rezultat istraživanja antropologa, niti povjesničara, nego liječnika praktičara, koji koristi neke od antropoloških metoda. Svojevrsna modifikacija metode i načina prikaza rezultata je bila nužna, jer temu ovog istraživanja nije bilo moguće prikazati na uobičajeni biomedicinski način. S druge pak strane, povijesni i antropološki elementi u istraživanju bili su okvir i potpora za dobivanje konkretnih informacija o ljekovitim pripravcima ili sredstvima za održavnje higijene. Zaključak: Ovaj rad pruža uvid u zdravstveno prosvjećivanje i zdravstvenu informiranost naroda u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća. Opisuje higijenske standarde i obrađuje najčešće primjenjivane tvari narodne medicine s naglaskom na vanjsku primjenu.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, traditional, folk medicine covers ways in which different cultures preserve and improve health and treat the diseases of its members. The World Health Organization's recommendation is to use all proven medical experiences and methods of different civilizations, not just the official Wester medicine, to preserve health and well being. Objectives: The aim was to collect as much information as possible about the way and means for maintaining hygiene in everyday life, and the medicinal preparations used for skin care and treatment during the first half of the 20th century in Eastern Croatia (Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem). The secondary goal was to determine the possible rational action of folk formulations and procedures - an attempt to rationalize the purpose of reviving them in contemporary folk medicine. Study Design: The research consisted of bibliographic and field research. Participants and methods: Bibliographic research included books and publications intended for educating the public. Field research has been carried out using qualitative ethnological methods. The results of the semi-structured interview of the selected 27 interviewees and two group discussions (one with 18 inhabitants of Ilok and the other with 4 residents of Petrijevci) are presented. Results: It is important to note that this paper is not the result of research done by an anthropologist, nor a historian, but a physician practitioner's, using some of the anthropological methods. A slight modification of the methods and results presentation was necessary because the topic of this research could not be presented in the usual biomedical way. On the other hand, the historical and anthropological elements of the research were the framework and support for obtaining specific information on medicinal remedies or products for hygiene maintenance. Conclusion: This paper provides insight into the health education and awareness of the people in the first half of the 20th century. It describes hygiene standards and the most commonly used substances in folk medine of that time, with an emphasis external application

    Treatment of scabies and pediculosis in health education publications and folk medicine of Eastern Croatia - Slavonija, Baranja and Western Srijem county

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    Scabies and pediculosis are common parasitic infestations of the skin and hair, manifesting with intense pruritus and effectively treated with modern medications. Because of the attached social stigma linking it with poverty and poor hygiene, patients will often attempt alternative folk-based remedies before confiding in their physicians. We conducted a comprehensive bibliographical study of historic folk literature and interviewed 70 individuals experienced in everyday application of folk medicine in order to categorize available remedies and provide a modern, scientific comment on their effectiveness and dangers. Compositions containing sulfur, copper sulfate, petroleum, coal, tar, and highly alkaline soaps and washing solutions undoubtedly have scabicidal and pediculicidal properties, but they are used either in high concentrations with greater possibility of intoxication and irritation or lower concentrations with questionable therapeutic benefit. These remedies, extracted from historical-cultural frameworks, are poorly adapted to modern standards and can lead to side-effects and complications. Physicians today have to be aware of the reasons their patients seek alternative remedies and know the substances and procedures they may use in self-healing, so as to be able to provide the help that may be needed if those complications occur.</p

    Prevalence, prognosis and the possibilities of prevention of ulcus cruris

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    Tijekom 1999. godine na Odjelu za kožne i spolne bolesti Kliničke bolnice Osijek pregledano je 185 bolesnika s ulkusom potkoljenice: 72,43% bile su žene, a 27,57% muškarci. Na bolničkom liječenju iste je godine bilo 137 bolesnika, što čini 26,39% ukupnog broja bolnički liječenih bolesnika. Prosječna je dužina boravka na odjelu bolesnika s ulkusom bila 17,6 dana, a broj dana provedenih na liječenju je iznosio ukupno 2423. Liječenje ulkusa predstavlja uglavnom veliki problem, financijski zahtjevan.During 1999. 185 patients with ulcus cruris were examined at the Department of Dermatovenerology, Osijek Clinical Hospital. 72.43% were females and 27.57% males. 137 patients were hospitalized which is 26,39% of all hospitalized patients. The average length of hospitalisation for those patients was 17.6 days. The total number of hospital days for patients with ulcus cruris was 2423. The management of ulcus cruris mostly presents a great problem and involves high cost

    Lingua villosa nigra – a case report

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    INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: Lingua villosa nigra (LVN) is benign hairy appearance of the dorsal surface of the tongue, caused by defective desquamation and reactive hyper- trophy of the filiform papillae. It is mostly related to poor oral hygiene, antibiotics, smoking and specific food/drink

    Liječenje običnih bradavica u narodnoj medicini

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    Common warts (verrucae vulgares) are the most common complaint in routine dermatological practice. Warts can be painful on pressure and are often an aesthetic problem, but they are not a major threat to the person’s general health. Treatment options are symptomatic and do not eradicate the causative agent. Dermatological surgery procedures such as cryotherapy, electrocauterization and excochleation can be painful, with common recurrences. These are the most important reasons for revival of the treatment procedures and remedies based on traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is still commonly practiced as a form of self-healing. This paper presents the most commonly used wart remedies of plant, animal and mineral origin, along with various magic practices. We emphasize that this paper is written from the viewpoint of physicians, practitioners of dermatology, not as a study in the history or culture. The main objective of the study was to explore various substances and methods people use as home remedies for warts. We performed a case study survey among the general population by interviewing 147 adult participants using a simple preliminary questionnaire inquiring about preferred treatment and knowledge about common warts.Obične bradavice su najčešći problem u rutinskoj dermatološkoj praksi. One nisu značajna zdravstvena poteškoća niti utječu na opće zdravstveno stanje, ali mogu biti bolne, naročito na pritisak i mogu biti estetski problem. Liječenje je simptomatsko i njime se ne utječe na eliminaciju uzročnika. Dermatokirurški postupci kao što su krioterapija, elektrokauterizacija i ekskohleacija su bolni, a recidivi česti. Ovo su najvažniji razlozi zbog kojih se u svrhu samoliječenja oživljavaju prakse iz narodne medicine. Ovaj rad predstavlja najčešće korištene pripravke biljnog, životinjskog i mineralnog podrijetla zajedno s različitim magijskim postupcima. Naglašavamo da je ovaj rad učinjen sa stajališta liječnika, dermatologa praktičara, a ne povjesničara ili etnologa. Glavni cilj studije bio je istražiti tvari i metode koje su ljudi koristili za samoliječenje bradavica. Proveli smo istraživanje anketiranjem 147 odraslih ispitanika iz opće populacije koristeći jednostavan upitnik o osnovnoj informiranosti o bradavicama i izboru liječenja

    Serumska vrijednost homocisteina u mladih bolesnika koji nisu primali sustavnu i biološku terapiju

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease, affecting approximately 1-3% of the population worldwide. Psoriasis patients are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascu- lar diseases and hyperhomocysteinemia; however, it remains elusive weather serum homocysteine levels correlate to disease activity and duration of disease. The aim of this study was to investigate serum levels of homocysteine in young patients with plaque psoriasis naïve for conventional systemic and biologic therapy. An additional aim was to determine correlation of homocysteine levels with disease severity, inflammation, folic acid and vitamin B12 supplies. Materials and methods: 26 subjects were enrolled to participate in this case-control study, including 13 adult psoriatic patients naïve for systemic therapy, without comorbidities, malignancies and infectious diseases, and 13 healthy unrelated, age and sex-matched volunteers. The disease severity and life quality were assessed using standardized tools – Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), respectively. Venous blood was collected and processed for analysis of differential blood count (DBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C reactive protein (hsCRP), serum levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folic acid in the routine clinical laboratory. Results Studied cohort consisted of young participants with average age around 35 years. According to the PASI index, disease severity ranged from mild (2.10) to moderate (15.2). There was no significant difference in hsCRP and DBC levels between the groups. Psoriasis patients had significantly higher levels of homocysteine compared to healthy subjects, but there was no evidence of hyperhomocystein- emia related to psoriasis. All subjects had normal serum levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid. A moderate negative correlation was found between plasma homocysteine level and vitamin B12 and folic acid. Furthermore, homocysteine levels did not correlate to hsCRP, total leukocytes, and thrombocytes count, but did significantly positively correlate to ESR. Conclusions: The risk of cardiovascular diseases should be considered among all psoriasis patients, regardless of age and disease severity, but larger prospective controlled studies are needed to estimate the role of homocysteine in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in psoriatic patients.Uvod: Psorijaza je imunološki posredovana kronična upalna bolest, koja pogađa otprilike 1-3% populacije u svijetu. Pacijenti oboljeli od psorijaze imaju veću vjerojatnost razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti i hiperho- mocisteinemije, međutim, ostaje nejasna povezanost serumske razine homocisteina s aktivnošću i trajanjem bolesti. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitati serumske vrijednosti homocisteina u mladih bolesnika s plak psorijazom, koji nisu do sada primali sustavnu, ili biološku terapiju. Dodatni cilj bio je utvrditi povezanost serumske razine homocisteina s težinom bolesti, razinom upale te razinom folne kiseline i vitamina B12. Materijali i metode U ovo istraživanje bilo je uključeno 26 ispitanika, uključujući 13 odraslih bolesnika s psorijazom naivnih za sustanu terapiju, bez komorbiditeta, malignih oboljenja i zaraznih bolesti te 13 zdravih, nepovezanih, dobno i spolno usklađenih dobrovoljaca. Težina bolesti i kvaliteta života procijenjena je korištenjem standardiziranih testova - Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) i Dermatološkog indeksa kvalitete života (DLQI). Iz venske krvi ispitanika, u rutinskom kliničkom laboratoriju, određena je diferenci- jalna krvna slika (DKS), brzina sedimentacije eritrocita (SE), C reaktivni protein (hsCRP) te serumske razine homocisteina, vitamina B12 i folne kiseline. Rezultati Istraživana skupina sastojala se od mladih sudionika, prosječne dobi oko 35 godina. Prema PASI indeksu, težina bolesti bila je u rasponu od blage (2,10) do umjerene (15,2) psorijaze. Nije bilo značajne raz- like u vrijednostima hsCRP-a i DKS-a između ispitivanih skupina. Ispitanici s psorijazom imali su statistički značajno više vrijednosti homocisteina u usporedbi sa zdravim ispitanicima, ali nije bilo dokaza hiperhomo- cisteinemije povezane s psorijazom. Svi ispitanici imali su normalne vrijednosti vitamina B12 i folne kiseline u serumu. Utvrđena je umjerena negativna povezanost između razine homocisteina u serumu i vitamina B12 te razine homocisteina i folne kiseline. Nadalje, serumska razina homocisteina nije bila povezana s hsCRP-om, ukupnim brojem leukocita i trombocita, ali je uočena značajna pozitivna povezanost serumske razine homocisteina i sedimentacije. Zaključak: Rizik od kardiovaskularnih bolesti treba razmotriti među svim pacijentima oboljelima od psori- jaze, bez obzira na njihovu dob i težinu bolesti. Potrebna su veća prospektivna, kontrolirana ispitivanja kao bi se procijenila uloga homocisteina u razvoju kardiovaskularnih bolesti kod psorijatičnih bolesnika

    Hygiene, care and treatment of skin diseases in folk medicine of Slavonia and Baranja

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    Tradicionalna medicina prema definiciji svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO) obuhvaća načine na koje su različite kulture čuvale i unapređivale zdravlje, te liječile bolesti svojih pripadnika. Preporuka Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije jest da se za očuvanje zdravlja koriste sva provjerena medicinska iskustva i metode različitih civilizacija, a ne samo službene medicine Zapada. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj rada bilo je prikupljanje što većeg broja informacija o načinu i sredstvima za održavanje higijene u svakodnevnom životu, te ljekovitih pripravaka koji su se upotrebljavali za njegu i liječenje kože, tijekom prve polovine 20 stoljeća na području istočne Hrvatske (Slavonija, Baranja i zapadni Srijem). Sekundarni cilj bilo je utvrđivanje mogućeg racionalnog djelovanja narodnih pripravaka i postupaka - pokušaj racionalnog objašnjenja svrhe oživljavanja istih u suvremnoj narodnoj medicini. Nacrt studije: Istraživanje se sastojalo od bibliografskog i terenskog istraživanja. Ispitanici i metode: Bibliografskim istraživanjem obuhvaćene su knjige i publikacije namijenjene prosvijećivanju puka. Terensko istraživanje učinjeno je primjenom kvalitativnih etnoloških metoda. Prikazani su rezultati polustrukturiranog intervjua odabranih 27 ispitanika - kazivača, te dvaju grupnih razgovora - jednog s 18 stanovnica Iloka i drugog s 4 stanovnice iz Petrijevaca. Rezultati: Važno je istaknuti da ovaj rad nije rezultat istraživanja antropologa, niti povjesničara, nego liječnika praktičara, koji koristi neke od antropoloških metoda. Svojevrsna modifikacija metode i načina prikaza rezultata je bila nužna, jer temu ovog istraživanja nije bilo moguće prikazati na uobičajeni biomedicinski način. S druge pak strane, povijesni i antropološki elementi u istraživanju bili su okvir i potpora za dobivanje konkretnih informacija o ljekovitim pripravcima ili sredstvima za održavnje higijene. Zaključak: Ovaj rad pruža uvid u zdravstveno prosvjećivanje i zdravstvenu informiranost naroda u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća. Opisuje higijenske standarde i obrađuje najčešće primjenjivane tvari narodne medicine s naglaskom na vanjsku primjenu.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, traditional, folk medicine covers ways in which different cultures preserve and improve health and treat the diseases of its members. The World Health Organization's recommendation is to use all proven medical experiences and methods of different civilizations, not just the official Wester medicine, to preserve health and well being. Objectives: The aim was to collect as much information as possible about the way and means for maintaining hygiene in everyday life, and the medicinal preparations used for skin care and treatment during the first half of the 20th century in Eastern Croatia (Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem). The secondary goal was to determine the possible rational action of folk formulations and procedures - an attempt to rationalize the purpose of reviving them in contemporary folk medicine. Study Design: The research consisted of bibliographic and field research. Participants and methods: Bibliographic research included books and publications intended for educating the public. Field research has been carried out using qualitative ethnological methods. The results of the semi-structured interview of the selected 27 interviewees and two group discussions (one with 18 inhabitants of Ilok and the other with 4 residents of Petrijevci) are presented. Results: It is important to note that this paper is not the result of research done by an anthropologist, nor a historian, but a physician practitioner's, using some of the anthropological methods. A slight modification of the methods and results presentation was necessary because the topic of this research could not be presented in the usual biomedical way. On the other hand, the historical and anthropological elements of the research were the framework and support for obtaining specific information on medicinal remedies or products for hygiene maintenance. Conclusion: This paper provides insight into the health education and awareness of the people in the first half of the 20th century. It describes hygiene standards and the most commonly used substances in folk medine of that time, with an emphasis external application

    Treatment of Scabies and Pediculosis in Health Education Publications and folk Medicine of Eastern Croatia - Slavonija, Baranja, and Western Srijem County

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    Scabies and pediculosis are common parasitic infestations of the skin and hair, manifesting with intense pruritus and effectively treated with modern medications. Because of the attached social stigma linking it with poverty and poor hygiene, patients will often attempt alternative folk-based remedies before confiding in their physicians. We conducted a comprehensive bibliographical study of historic folk literature and interviewed 70 individuals experienced in everyday application of folk medicine in order to categorize available remedies and provide a modern, scientific comment on their effectiveness and dangers. Compositions containing sulfur, copper sulfate, petroleum, coal, tar, and highly alkaline soaps and washing solutions undoubtedly have scabicidal and pediculicidal properties, but they are used either in high concentrations with greater possibility of intoxication and irritation or lower concentrations with questionable therapeutic benefit. These remedies, extracted from historical-cultural frameworks, are poorly adapted to modern standards and can lead to side-effects and complications. Physicians today have to be aware of the reasons their patients seek alternative remedies and know the substances and procedures they may use in self-healing, so as to be able to provide the help that may be needed if those complications occur