14 research outputs found

    Production and composition of milk from tsigai sheep breed in Vojvodina

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    In this study the milk quality of Tsigai, like a most popular local sheep breed in northern part of Serbia are presented. The purpose of this paper is to review the several differences in physical-chemical quality aspects of sheep milk.. The average milk quantity are between 0,46 and 0,88 kg, and in 6 mounth milking period are up to 150 l. The milk is mostly processed into cheese and yoghurt. Compared results with other Tsigai breeds in Midle-East Europe area indicate that milk yield and composition are approximately the same, depending on pasture quality, keeping system and feeding

    Growth performances and hematological characterisation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

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    In present study correlations between hematologic characteristics and growth performances of rainbow trout were investigated. Fish were provided from a raceway trout farm located in the valley of the river Jerka near the city of Novi Pazar (N:43°13’67’’; E:20°43’96’’). The farm consists of 8 concrete lined production ponds (22 x 3 m x 1,2 m each) in which water is exchanged 75 times per day. After stocking fish from production ponds are being monthly classified into two groups depending on their body mass and body length and larger fish are transferred in separate ponds. For this study one year old fish were sampled. 25 from slower and 25 from faster growing group. Analyses were performed in 4 consecutive days in accordance with animal welfare regulations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia 41/2009). Fish growth performances were estimated from body mass, total and standard body length and Fulton condition factor. Hematological characterization of rainbow was established on the basis of Red Blood Cell (RBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin concentration, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Mean Corpuscular Volume of erythrocytes (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin in individual erythrocyte (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) in a liter of erythrocytes. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by SPSS. It was found out that there exist significant correlation between hematological and growth characteristics. High linear regression coefficients can explain mass and length gain by hematological parameters

    Sustainable agriculture and environmental protection

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    Human population growth caused the World Commission on Environment and Development to call attention to necesity of changes in strategies for attaining security in food production and conservation of natural resources and enviromental protection. Sustainable agriculture goals may be shortly abridged to stable market supply by biologically quality food, on employment of rural population and suppressing of poverty, as well as natural resources management and environment protection on local and global level. For the system of such sustainable and organic agriculture, ecology provides basic conditons through the development of diversified agroecological systems. Integration of plant and animal biodiversity which improves ineractions and sinergy is the advantage. It enables biological regulation of harmfull organisms, nutrition circling, biomass production and accumulation. The end result is improvement of economical and ecological agroecology system maintenance. In accomplishing these aims new initiatives in education, application of economical stimulations and development of relevant new technologies are included

    Drinking water quality in rural regions of different hydrographic areas

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    Drinking water researches were conducted in rural regions of different hydrographic areas. In regions of Lijevče polje population mainly use for drinking water from the wells and water pumps, while in Eastern Herzegovina use water from springs and by capping groundwater. Water analysis form chosen locality was conducted four times during a year by season aspects on chosen springs. Results show that the water Vrijeka spring (Eastern Herzegovina) satisfies basic physicochemical and microbiological criteria for water that is used for drinking. Water from the well in village Berek (Lijevče) is not safe for the health because it is slightly acidic, muddy and has increased concentration of orthophosphates and suspended substances, while the water on the Trošelji locality correspond to the drinking water, by monitored criteria

    Evaluation of environmental conditions by fish hematology

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    In the work are shown basic principles of application of the haematological status in determination of physiological status of fishes, also a review of a number of research from this area is given. One part of the research includes analysis of parametres of hematological status of the individuals in their natural habitat, while the other part is focused on the research of these parametres in experimantal conditions based on changes of some of the factors. Review include erythrocyte line parameters (erythrocyte number, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, MCV, MCH and MCHC) in different conditions in species: Barbus balcanicus, Sqalius cephalus, Thymallus thymallus, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Carassius gibelio, Perca fluviatilis, Cyprinus carpio

    Growth performances and hematological characterisation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

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    In present study correlations between hematologic characteristics and growth performances of rainbow trout were investigated. Fish were provided from a raceway trout farm located in the valley of the river Jerka near the city of Novi Pazar (N:43°13’67’’; E:20°43’96’’). The farm consists of 8 concrete lined production ponds (22 x 3 m x 1,2 m each) in which water is exchanged 75 times per day. After stocking fish from production ponds are being monthly classified into two groups depending on their body mass and body length and larger fish are transferred in separate ponds. For this study one year old fish were sampled. 25 from slower and 25 from faster growing group. Analyses were performed in 4 consecutive days in accordance with animal welfare regulations (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia 41/2009). Fish growth performances were estimated from body mass, total and standard body length and Fulton condition factor. Hematological characterization of rainbow was established on the basis of Red Blood Cell (RBC) and White Blood Cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin concentration, Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Mean Corpuscular Volume of erythrocytes (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin in individual erythrocyte (MCH) and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) in a liter of erythrocytes. The results obtained were statistically analyzed by SPSS. It was found out that there exist significant correlation between hematological and growth characteristics. High linear regression coefficients can explain mass and length gain by hematological parameters