4 research outputs found

    The Proportionality Critique Still Stands

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    Transcriptome data comparison. Comparison of genes reported as temperature-dependent in a DNA microarray [52] and asRNAs we identified opposite to them. (XLSX 11 kb

    Additional file 10: Table S3. of Temperature-dependent sRNA transcriptome of the Lyme disease spirochete

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    Genes with antisense and 5′ UTR sRNAs. The table contains information about all of the genes with antisense and 5′ UTR sRNAs associated with them. Gene ontology terms (GO terms) for biological processes (BP) are also given for each gene. The column titled, “Norgard FoldChange” contains the fold-change of that particular gene as reported by Revel et al. [52] via microarray after a temperature shift. (XLSX 221 kb

    Additional file 12: Figure S8. of Temperature-dependent sRNA transcriptome of the Lyme disease spirochete

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    Manual curation of peaks. Intragenic RNA peaks called in genes bb0311 and bb0312 were manually curated based on the coverage patterns. The deep-sequencing results are displayed as described in the caption of Additional file 4: Figure S2. The - strand coverage is shown in blue. Note that the y-axis scale is different between the peak calling libraries (peak) and the biological replicates used for differential expression analyses (23 °C and 37 °C). The genomic context is illustrated below the coverage maps: black arrows indicate the annotated genes; the yellow box indicates the region called as a small intraRNA by our peak caller. The peaks appear to be broad and similar in height across the gene, suggesting they are degradation products of the mRNA, not stable sRNAs. (PDF 2229 kb

    Additional file 15: Table S5. of Temperature-dependent sRNA transcriptome of the Lyme disease spirochete

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    Oligonucleotides used in this study. Sequences and names of all oligonucleotides used in this study. (DOCX 15 kb