13 research outputs found

    Influence of the homogenization pressure on the ice cream mix quality

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    U radu je ispitana primjena različitih tlakova homogenizacije na izgled i kvalitetu sladoledne smjese. Sladoledne smjese u kojima je izvor masti bio maslac, vrhnje ili biljna mast, uzimane su iz zrijača te podvrgnute različitim tlakovima homogenizacije nakon čega se pomoću mikroskopa sa skalarom određivala veličina masne globule. Tlakovi pod kojima su u sladolednim smjesama dobivene masne kapljice veličine od 1 - 2 Ī¼m bez nakupina, okarakterizirani su kao tlakovi pogodni za određenu vrstu masti i udio masti u toj sladolednoj smjesi. Kako se količina masti u sladolednoj smjesi povećava, tako se optimalni tlak homogenizacije mora smanjivati. Sladolednim smjesama s 2% biljne masti odgovara tlak homogenizacije od 200 bara, onima s 6% odgovara 190 - 200 bara, a smjesama s 8% biljne masti 170 bara. Smjesama u kojima je bilo 8% masti i gdje je izvor masti bio maslac, optimalan tlak je 190 - 200 bara. Za smjese s 10% maslaca optimalan tlak je 150 bara, a s 12% maslaca 135 bara. Optimalan tlak homogenizacije za smjese s 8% vrhnja je 200 bara, za 10% vrhnja 190 bara, za 12% vrhnja je 125 bara i za 14% vrhnja 90 bara.In this paper the suitability of different homogenization pressures on appearance and quality of ice cream mix was determined. The ice cream mix were taken from ageing tank, and depending on the source of fat in ice cream mix (butter, vegetable fat or cream) they were homogenized under different pressures. Afterwards, by microscope with scalar, fat globule size was determined. The homogenization pressures reduce the fat globule size to 1-2 Ī¼m without clumping and these pressures have been characterized as adequate pressures for specific type of fat and specific portion of fat in the ice cream mixture. The higher the fat in the mixture, the lower the pressure should be. The optimal pressure for ice cream mixture containing 2% vegetable fat was 200 bars, for 6% 190-200 bars, and for 8% 170 bars. The optimal pressure for ice cream mixture that contained 8% butter was 190-200 bars, for 10% 150, and for 12% 135 bars. For ice cream mixture containing 8% of cream, optimal pressure was 200 bars, 10% cream was 190, 12% cream was 125 bars and 14% cream was 90 bars

    Dermatomyositis as paraneoplastic syndrome of peritoneal and ovarian relapse after long-term complete remission in patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer [Dermatomiozitis kao paraneoplastički sindrom peritonealnog i ovarijalnog relapsa nakon dugog perioda potpune remisije u bolesnice s metastatskim bilateralnim rakom dojke]

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    Dermatomyositis is a rare disease characterised by inflammatory muscle affection and characteristic cutaneous changes. When occuring in a patient with cancer, dermatomyositis may indicate recurrence or progression and poor outcome. Herein, the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, metastatic pattern, characteristics of long-term survivors, and link between dermatomyositis and breast cancer are discussed and the literature reviewed. We report a 57-year old female patient with metastatic bilateral breast cancer whose ovarian and peritoneal relapse after long-term remission was disclosed by occurence of paraneoplastic dermatomyositis. The patient previously had a 15-year long disease free-period after primary treatment for breast cancer before onset of pulmonary dissemination. Following antracycline-based chemotherapy, the complete remission lasting another 15 years was accomplished. Dermatomyositis had been resolved upon induction of second-line taxane-based chemotherapy. After completion of six cycles of gemcitabine and paclitaxel chemotherapy, check-up revealed further progression. The patient subsequently underwent six cycles of third-line CAP chemotherapy (cyclofosfamide, doxorubicine, cisplatin) but disease progressed and oral capecitabine chemotherapy was initiated. The patient received four cycles of capecitabine followed by further vast progression and finally expired following massive pulmonary embolism. Our case stresses the need of thorough staging and check-up when dermatomyositis arises in patients with breast cancer, regardless of previous stable long-term complete remission. Furthermore, we believe that treatment with curative intent in young patients with metastatic breast cancer, who have good performance statuses and no comorbidities is required, because it is more likely to produce long-term complete remission. However, following disease relapse a poor outcome can be expected

    Breast and gynecological cancers in Croatia, 1988-2008

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    AIM: To analyze and interpret incidence and mortality trends of breast and ovarian cancers and incidence trends of cervical and endometrial cancers in Croatia for the period 1988-2008. ----- METHODS: Incidence data were obtained from the Croatian National Cancer Registry. Themortality data were obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) mortality database. Trends of incidence and mortality were analysed by joinpoint regression analysis. ----- RESULTS: Joinpoint analysis showed an increase in the incidence of breast cancer with estimated annual percent of change (EAPC) of 2.6% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9 to 3.4). The mortality rate was stable, with the EAPC of 0.3%. Endometrial cancer showed an increasing incidence trend, with EAPC of 0.8% (95% CI, 0.2 to 1.4), while cervical cancer showed a decreasing incidence trend, with EAPC of -1.0 (95% CI, -1.6 to -0.4). Ovarian cancer incidence showed three trends, but the average annual percent change (AAPC) for the overall period was not significant, with a stable trend of 0.1%. Ovarian cancer mortality was increasing since 1992, with EAPC of 1.2% (95% CI, 0.4 to 1.9), while the trend for overall period was stable with AAPC 0.1%. ----- CONCLUSION: Incidence trends of breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancers in Croatia 1988-2008 are similar to the trends observed in most of the European countries, while the modest decline in cervical cancer incidence and lack of decline in breast cancer mortality suggest suboptimal cancer prevention and control

    Radioterapija raka prostate vođena magnetskom rezonancom: nova paradigma liječenja

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    Radiotherapy is one of the key treatment modalities for primary prostate cancer. During the last decade, significant advances were made in radiotherapy technology leading to increasing both physical and biological precision. Being a loco-regional treatment approach, radiotherapy requires accurate target dose deposition while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. Conventional radiotherapy is based on computerized tomography (CT) images both for radiotherapy planning and image-guidance, however, shortcomings of CT as soft tissue imaging tool are well known. Nowadays, our ability to further escalate radiotherapy dose using hypofractionation is limited by uncertainties in CT-based image guidance and verification. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a well established imaging method for pelvic organs. In prostate cancer specifically, MRI accurately depicts prostate zonal anatomy, rectum, bladder, and pelvic floor structures with previously unseen precision owing to its sharp soft tissue contrast. The advantages of including MRI in the clinical workflow of prostate cancer radiotherapy are multifold. MRI allows for true adaptive radiotherapy to unfold based on daily MRI images taken before, during and after each radiotherapy fraction. It enables accurate dose escalation to the prostate and intraprostatic tumor lesions. Technically, MRI high-strength magnetic field and linear accelerator high energy electromagnetic beams are hardly compatible, and important efforts were made to overcome these technical challenges and integrate MRI and linear accelerator into one single treatment device, called MRI-linac. Different systems are produced by two leading vendors in the field and currently, there are around 100 MRI-linacs worldwide in clinical operations. In this narrative review paper, we discuss historical perspective of image guidance in radiotherapy, basic elements of MRI, current clinical developments in MRI-guided prostate cancer radiotherapy, and challenges associated with the use of MRI-linac in clinical practice.Radioterapija je temelj liječenja raka prostate. Radioterapija je zadnjih godina značajno napredovala Å”to je omogućilo njenu preciznost. Radioterapija zahtjeva točnu isporuku radioterapijske doze na tumor uz maksimalnu poÅ”tedu okolnog zdravog tkiva. Konvencionalna radioterapija se bazira na slikama kompjuterizirane tomografije (CT) za sve faze radioterapijskog procesa, iako su slike CT-a slabe rezolucije za prikaz mekih tkiva. Danas je naÅ”a sposobnost da joÅ” viÅ”e podižemo radioterapijsku dozu limitirana nedovoljnom jasnoćom CT slika. Magnetska rezonanca (MR) za razliku od CT-a ima odličan kontrast za meka tkiva zdjelice te odlično oslikava prostatu i zdjelične strukture. Mnoge su prednosti uključenja MR u radioterapijski proces raka prostate. MR omogućava pravu adaptivnu radioterapiju na osnovi MR slika uzetih prije, tijekom i nakon radioterapije. Omogućuje eksalaciju doze na intraprostatičke tumorske strukture. Napredak tehnike je omogućio integraciju snažnog magnetskog polja MR-a i visokoenergetskih X-zraka linearnog akceleratora u jedan jedinstveni uređaj - MRI-linac. Dva su MR-linac komercijalna sustava dostupna na tržiÅ”tu, a u svijetu ima instalirano preko 100 ovakvih uređaja. U ovom preglednom članku razmatramo razvoj slikovnog vođenja u radioterapiji, trenutno stanje magnetom vođene radioterapije raka prostate, kao i izazove u primjeni ove inovativne metode

    Mogućnosti primjene gabiona

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    Gabioni su žičane koÅ”are ispunjene kamenom, ali ispuna može biti i od drugoga materijala (cigla, drvo, ukrasno staklo). Počeci upotrebe takvih sustava sežu joÅ” u najranije civilizacije, a svoju su primjenu zadržali do danas. Tri su osnovna oblika gabiona: gabionska koÅ”ara, gabionski madraci i vrećasti gabioni. Gabionske koÅ”are uglavnom služe (Brooks i Nielsen 1992) kao potporni ili ogradni zid, a rjeđe kao stabilizacija. Gabionski su madraci svojevrsni žičani Ā»jastuciĀ« ispunjeni kamenim materijalom koji služi za oblaganje riječnih korita, kanala, potoka i bujica radi regulacije vodenih tokova i sprečavanja erozije tla. Vrećasti gabioni (gabionske vreće) u posljednje se vrijeme najčeŔće upotrebljavaju pri radovima na učvrŔćivanju korita rijeka i podnožja nasipa. Gabioni danas služe u mnogim područjima ljudske djelatnosti, a najvažniji je doprinos zaÅ”titna funkcija pri regulaciji vodotokova i pokosa na cestama. Stabilizacija i utvrđivanje nasipa gabionima potvrđuje njihovu Å”iroku primjenu. Dodatan je doprinos i njihova dekorativna funkcija zbog koje se upotrebaljavaju pri uređenju okoliÅ”a. Zbog Å”iroke mogućnosti primjene gabione danas priznaje većina inženjera diljem svijeta kao standardni građevinski materijal. Prednosti i nedostaci primjene gabiona polazna su točka u njihovoj upotrebi te poticaj za daljnja istraživanja

    Dozimetrijska verifikacija radioterapijskih planova intezitet-modulirajuće radioterapije u bolesnika s rakom prostate

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    Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has become widely used as a standard radiation therapy technique for the treatment of localized prostate cancer. The transition from conformal radiotherapy (3D CRT) to a more complex IMRT technique triggered the need for more thorough verification of the accuracy in the dose delivery. In this work we present the clinical workflow and the results of patient specific quality assurance (PSQA) procedures for 40 prostate cancer patients who have been treated with step and shot IMRT ever since its implementation in our routine clinical practice. PSQA procedures include dosimetric verification of each treatment plan with dedicated rotational phantom and high-resolution matrix detector system Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg) that allows three-dimensional comparison of the calculated and delivered radiation dose distribution. Our results proved the compliance with the universal tolerance limits recommended for those procedures (1), assuring the safety of the treatment and providing the possibility for the adoption of more stringent constraints in the future.Radioterapija moduliranog intenziteta (eng. intensity modulated radiotherapy ā€“IMRT) u posljednjem desetljeću je postala uobičajena radioterapijska metoda za terapiju lokaliziranih karcinoma prostate. Prelazak s konformalne radioterapije na napredniju i tehnički složeniju IMRT tehniku, donio je i potrebu za detaljnijom i sveobuhvatnom provjerom točnosti isporuke doze zračenja. U ovom radu predstavljamo provođenje postupaka dozimetrijske verifikacije radioterapijskih planova poznatih pod engleskim nazivom patient specific QA (PSQA) te rezultate za 40 bolesnika s karcinomom prostate koji su primili IMRT terapiju. U tu svrhu koristimo posebni dozimetrijski sustav s rotacijskim fantomom i visoko razlučivom detektorskom matricom, Octavius 4D (PTW Freiburg). Pokazalo se kako su sva dobivena odstupanja između planirane i mjerene trodimenzionalne raspodjele doze bila unutar preporučenih tolerancija (1) Å”to nam daje povjerenje u sigurnost provođenja ovakve terapije te otvara mogućnost za primjenu strožijih ograničenja u budućnosti

    Morphological analysis of cable cranes

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    Cilj je ovoga diplomskog rada izvrÅ”iti morfoloÅ”ku analizu različitih tipova Å”umskih žičara te na osnovu rezultata ukazati na posebnosti njihovih dimenzijskih i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih značajki te ekoloÅ”ku pogodnost Å”umskih žičara na prigodnim terenima MorfoloÅ”kom analizom utvrđuje se trenutačno stanje, svojstva i zakonitosti, te pokuÅ”avamo budući trend razvoja Å”umskih žičara. Rezultati ovog rada mogu poslužiti Å”umarskoj struci pri izboru novih tehnologija u radovima pridobivanja drva u brdskim i planinskim područjima. Masa, duljina, Å”irina, visina stupa, snaga motora Å”umske žičare, te nosivost kolica Å”umske žičare ovisi o cijeni Å”umske žičare i kolica Å”umske žičare. Upravo visoke cijene su najveća prepreka u odabiru ovih sustava u sustavu pridobivanja drva u Hrvatskoj

    Quality of life of Croatian breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant treatment--comparison to long-term breast cancer survivors [Kvaliteta života u bolesnice s rakom dojke koje primaju adjuvantnu terapiju - usporedba s bolesnicama koje su dugotrajno preživjele rak dojke]

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    Quality of life (QoL) is an important outcome in assessment of breast cancer treatment. Data comparing QoL after different adjuvant treatments and QoL data on long-term survivors are modest. The aim of this study was to compare QoL scores of patients receiving adjuvant treatment with long-term breast cancer survivors, and to correlate QoL scores with clinical data. Sixty patients were recruited for the study: 20 during adjuvant radiotherapy, 20 during adjuvant chemotherapy, and 20 long-term breast cancer survivors. QoL was assessed using the self-administered EORTC core questionnaire QLQ-C30 and breast cancer-specific module QLQ-BR23. QoL scores between groups were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test and effects of clinical factors on QoL domains were tested using multiple regression analysis. No differences between three groups were observed in terms of all QoL scores. As measured by QLQ-C30, least affected QoL scales were cognitive functioning, social functioning, and physical functioning in all three patients group, while insomnia and pain scales were the most detrimentally affected. Among the groups, the highest scores of global health status and other functional scales were in adjuvant chemotherapy group. Measured by QLQ-BR23, body image scale was most affected, while sexual functioning scale was minimally affected, in all three groups. Multiple regression analysis has shown that the patient age were the only statistically significant predictor for global health status scale, and constipation scale. Our results demonstrated similar and favorable QoL in all three groups of patients and provided basic information on QoL in Croatian breast cancer patients