1,094 research outputs found

    Scheme dependence of instanton counting in ALE spaces

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    There have been two distinct schemes studied in the literature for instanton counting in A_(p−1) asymptotically locally Euclidean (ALE) spaces. We point out that the two schemes — namely the counting of orbifolded instantons and instanton counting in the resolved space — lead in general to different results for partition functions. We illustrate this observation in the case of N=2 U(N) gauge theory with 2N flavors on the A_(p−1) ALE space. We propose simple relations between the instanton partition functions given by the two schemes and test them by explicit calculations

    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Steady-State Thermodynamics

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    A system can be driven out of equilibrium by both time-dependent and nonconservative forces, which gives rise to a decomposition of the dissipation into two non-negative components, called the excess and housekeeping entropy productions. We derive thermodynamic uncertainty relations for the excess and housekeeping entropy. These can be used as tools to estimate the individual components, which are in general difficult to measure directly. We introduce a decomposition of an arbitrary current into excess and housekeeping parts, which provide lower bounds on the respective entropy production. Furthermore, we also provide a geometric interpretation of the decomposition, and show that the uncertainties of the two components are not independent, but rather have to obey a joint uncertainty relation, which also yields a tighter bound on the total entropy production. We apply our results to two examples that illustrate the physical interpretation of the components of the current and how to estimate the entropy production.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    教育予算と政治的要因 : 京都府の教育予算と知事選挙

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    本研究の目的は, 教育予算の策定にあたって, 知事選挙における優位性の確保のための政治的影響を摘出することである。その研究理由としては, 知事選挙の候補者が教育費を重要視すれば, ひいては, 府民の教育の行政サービスに繋がるものであり, 知事部局理事者側にとっても, 一定の配慮もありうると考えられるからである。研究方法については, 当初予算や教育費の経年変化の動向や, 知事選挙の状況などから, 特異な現象を摘出し, 検証しながら, 政治的要因を把握しようとするものである。その研究結果は, 分析領域内において, 1970 (昭和45) 年度, 1974 (昭和49) 年度, 1978 (昭和53) 年度,1982 (昭和57) 年度, 1994 (平成6) 年度の教育費予算の算定については, 知事選挙における優位性の確保のため, 十分配慮したものと思われる。つまり知事選挙の優位性の確保という政治的要因が働いたといえるだろう。更に, 本テーマについて, 研究を継続し, 結果についても一層多面的な視角から精査し, 次回の筆者の論文に繋げる予定である。The purpose of this research is to extract influence for the political factor to which the authorities have influence into the decision process of an educational budget for reservation of the predominancy in a governor’s election. It is because it is thought that consideration called operation of an education expense may have the reason for reservation of the predominancy in a governor’s election, and the operation also has the merit of being connected with the administrative services of education of the citizen of prefecture if the nominee of a governor’s election thinks an education expense as important.It is grasping a political factor, extracting and verifying a nontypical phenomenon from aging of an initial budget and an education expense, a governor’s election situation, etc. about a method of research.Considering research findings, [in an analysis domain], it is surmised that the authorities did compliment influence in the following fiscal years. We can point out about the education expense of 1970 (Showa 45) fiscal years, 1974 (Showa 49) fiscal years, 1978 (Showa 53) fiscal years, 1982 (Showa 57) fiscal years, and 1994 (Heisei 6) fiscal years

    Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Acute Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord Injury

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major complication in patients with acute spinal cord injury. There are few reports of VTE with acute thoracolumbar spinal cord injury (TLSCI). We assessed the incidence of VTE with acute TLSCI using color Doppler ultrasonography. We retrospectively assessed 75 patients with acute TLSCI (T1 to L1). All patients were surgically treated. VTE of the lower extremity and pelvis was assessed using color Doppler ultrasound regardless of whether symptoms were present. This retrospective study included patients who were assessed between 6 and 10 days (mean 8.1 days) after injury. VTE was detected in 27 of the 75 patients (35.7%) with or without paralysis. Of the 13 patients who had complete motor paralysis, 8 (62%) had VTE; of the 31 patients with incomplete motor paralysis, 10 (32%) had VTE, and of the 31 patients without motor paralysis, 9 (29%) had VTE. Among the patients with TLSCI, those with VTE had a significantly higher mean age than those without. The incidence of VTE in TLSCI patients is not related to the severity of paralysis in a Japanese population. The incidence appears to be related primarily to age

    Crystalline Silicate Feature of the Vega-like star HD145263

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    We have observed the 8-13 μ\mum spectrum (R\sim250) of the Vega-like star candidate HD145263 using Subaru/COMICS. The spectrum of HD145263 shows the broad trapezoidal silicate feature with the shoulders at 9.3 μ\mum and 11.44 μ\mum, indicating the presence of crystalline silicate grains. This detection implies that crystalline silicate may also be commonly present around Vega-like stars. The 11.44 μ\mum feature is slightly shifted to a longer wavelength compared to the usual 11.2-3 μ\mum crystalline forsterite feature detected toward Herbig Ae/Be stars and T Tauri stars. Although the peak shift due to the effects of the grain size can not be ruled out, we suggest that Fe-bearing crystalline olivine explains the observed peak wavelength fairly well. Fe-bearing silicates are commonly found in meteorites and most interplanetary dust particles, which originate from planetesimal-like asteroids. According to studies of meteorites, Fe-bearing silicate must have been formed in asteroidal planetesimals, supporting the scenario that dust grains around Vega-like stars are of planetesimal origin, if the observed 11.44 μ\mum peak is due to Fe-bearing silicates.Comment: accepted for Publication in ApJ

    IceCube -- Neutrinos in Deep Ice The Top 3 Solutions from the Public Kaggle Competition

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    During the public Kaggle competition "IceCube -- Neutrinos in Deep Ice", thousands of reconstruction algorithms were created and submitted, aiming to estimate the direction of neutrino events recorded by the IceCube detector. Here we describe in detail the three ultimate best, award-winning solutions. The data handling, architecture, and training process of each of these machine learning models is laid out, followed up by an in-depth comparison of the performance on the kaggle datatset. We show that on cascade events in IceCube above 10 TeV, the best kaggle solution is able to achieve an angular resolution of better than 5 degrees, and for tracks correspondingly better than 0.5 degrees. These performance measures compare favourably to the current state-of-the-art in the field