52 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Timbunan Sampah Zona Non-aktif Tpa Putri Cempo Surakarta

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    Garbage is a side product of human activity. For some people trash is worthless. Though the correct utilization of waste can be recycled so it has economic value. Putri Cempo has midden that can be reused. Potential of waste pile in Putri Cempo landfill consist 60,4% of organic waste and 6,7% of anorganic waste. The method used is to make the organic waste into organic fertilizer granules and recycled plastic as raw material for the manufacture of plastics that are ready for sale. Utilization is done by constructing a granule organic fertilizer plant which has a capacity of 15 tons per day and recycled plastic has a capacity of 150 kg per day. Utilization of waste pile facility is able to reduce landfill waste by 4039.2 tons per year. The cost needed to make this composting facility were Rp. 3.311.609.172,0

    Penyisihan Karbofuran Dan 2,4 Diklorofenoksisetat Menggunakan Teknologi Membran Nanofiltrasi

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    Seiring meningkatnya penggunaan pestisida dalam bidang pertanian, maka potensi terjadinya pencemaran pestisida dalam air semakin meningkat. Berbagai teknologi seperti karbon aktif dan oksidasi menggunakan kombinasi H2O2 dan Ozon dirasa belum efektif untuk menyisihkan pestisida dalam air. Membran nanofiltrasi merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan mikropolutan seperti pestisida. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan karbofuran dan 2,4Diklorofenoksiasetat (2,4D) yang merupakan jenis pestisida yang banyak digunakan di Indonesia dengan konsentrasi awal 25ppm. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besarnya rejeksi dan profil fluks dari karbofuran dan 2,4D. Selain itu, untuk mengetahui pengaruh adanya Natural Organik Matter (NOM) terhadap fluks dan rejeksi karbofuran dan 2,4D digunakan polisakarida berupa sodium alginat (SA) dengan konsentrasi 5ppm. Penelitian dilakukan pada tekanan 4, 5 dan 6 bar dengan menggunakan membran NF270. Konsentrasi pestisida dapat diketahui menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dengan panjang gelombang 276 nm dan 284nm untuk karbofuran dan 2,4D. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar tekanan operasi menyebabkan rejeksi 2,4D semakin rendah dengan fluks yang tidak jauh berbeda pada masing-masing tekanan. Rejeksi karbofuran terbesar pada tekanan 5 bar dan saat tekanan 6 bar rejeksi turun dengan nilai fluks yang tidak jauh berbeda pada ketiga tekanan. Dengan adanya penambahan SA dalam karbofuran tidak banyak mempengaruhi fluks dan menyebabkan rejeksinya meningkat. Sedangkan penambahan SA pada 2,4D meningkatkan nilai fluks dan menurunkan tingkat rejeksi

    Penyisihan Kadar Cod Dan Nitrat Melaluikultivasi Chlorella SP. Dengan Variasi Konsentrasi Limbah Cair Tahu

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    Limbah cair tahu merupakan salah satu jenis pencemar yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Kandungan bahan organiknya yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan penurunan kualitas lingkungan apabila langsung dibuang ke badan air. Produsen tahu masih didominasi oleh industri skala kecil, sehingga diperlukan pengolahan yang murah, mudah dan praktis penerapannya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi Chlorella sp. dalam meyisihkan kadar COD dan nitrat yang terkandung didalam limbah cair tahu dengan konsentrasi 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75 dan 100%. Parameter yang diamati adalah kelimpahan sel, laju pertumbuhan sel, nilai COD dan nitrat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan sel tertinggi teramati pada perlakuan konsentrasi 30% dengan nilai rata-rata 9.850.000 sel/mL. Sedangkan penyisihan kadar COD dan nitrat juga terlihat pada konsentrasi 30% sebesar 71,54% dan 30,03%

    Pengaruh Penambahan Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS) Sebagai Biostimulan Terhadap Laju Degradasi Lumpur IPAL PT. Indofood CBP

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    PT. Indofood CBP as one of the food industry that produces ingredients as its product does not miss from sludge treatment issues. The sludge inflicts troubles on the environment and PT. Indofood CBP, since there is no effective handling and processing. Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) as one of alternative sludge treatment. By varying volume of the sludge: 300 gr, 400 gr, and 450 gr, and mass of the EPS: 350 gr, 400 gr, and 450 gr DW, thus it could be indicated that the more EPS are given and the less amount of sludge volume then a greater degradation of sludge. Obtained data shows the reduction of COD is 65,16% in reactor 1, 69,15% in reactor 2, 81,78% in reactor 3, 53,19% in reactor 4, 57,85% in reactor 5, 65,82% in reactor 6, 44,55% in reactor 7, 45,88% in reactor 8, 47,21% in reactor 9, 36.57% in control reactor. And the reduction of BOD is 59,29% in reactor 1, 60,62% in reactor 2, 65,04% in reactor 3, 51,77% in reactor 4, 52,65% in reactor 5, 55,75% in reactor 6, 37,61% in reactor 7, 39,82% in reactor 8, 44.69% in reactor 9, 35,84% in control reactor

    Studi Kemampuan Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Dalam Menyisihkan Konsentrasi Tss, TDS, Dan Orp Pada Lindi Mengggunakan Tumbuhan Alang-alang (Typha Angustifolia)

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    In general, the leachate contains organic and inorganic substances with a high concentration that are toxic. Leachate TPS Industrial Estate Terboyo have TSS content of 530 mg / l, TDS 1930 ppm, and ORP value was 193 mv. Therefore, the processing of leachate is very important before being dumped directly into the recipient's body of water in order not give a bad influence on the quality of the environment. One of the technologies to manipulate the leachate i.e. using constructed wetlands. This research aims to know the decrease in concentration of TSS, TDS, and ORP with the system sub surface flow constructed wetland. The type of plant that used in this research is Typha angustifolia which has been used in several previous research (Hamdani, 2013) with a system of sub-surface flow constructed wetland to reduce the organic pollution load in wastewater. In addition, plant Typha angustifolia grows and develops around the site. The research was conducted with a residence time of 15 days. There are 4 reactors were observed and made in duplicate, with a variation of the number of plants, among other: 1 plant ,3 plants,5 plants, and without plant and the residence time variation among others: 3,6,9,12, and 15 days. Sampling was done with a variation interval of 3 days was based on the results of research conducted by Tangahu & Warmadewanthi (2001) and Ismaryanto (2012). System Vertical Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands by use of plant Thypa angustifolia could remove the concentration of TSS, TDS, and change the rate of ORP. Highest TSS removal efficiency in the reactor that contains 5 plants with a residence time of 15 days, amounting to 97.55% and for TDS occur in the reactor which contains 1 plant with a residence time of 6 days, by 77%. While the ORP value changes are not too significant, which is about 200 mV in the overall residence time

    Pengaruh Jumlah Tumbuhan Typha Angustifolia Dan Ukuran Media Pasir Yang Berbeda Terhadap Penyisihan Bod Dan Cod Dalam Lindi Dengan Sub Surface Flow Constructed Wetland

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    Leachate is liquid waste arising as a result of water ingress into external middens,. Leachate contain organic and inorganic substances with high concentration. Therefore, the processing of leachate is very important before being dumped directly into the recipient's body of water. One of the technologies to manipulate the leachate i.e. using constructed wetlands. Artificial wetlands (constructed wetland) is a wastewater treatment system that is suitable for tropical and developing countries like Indonesia because it is cheap, easy to operate and cared for as well as sustainable (Meutia, 2000) this research aims to know the decrease in concentration of COD and BOD with the system sub surface flow constructed wetland was constructed using plant typha angustifolia. In addition, the impact of the number of varieties of plants and the size of the diameter of the sand will be analyzed. Laboratory research conducted for 15 days with 12 reactors. The reactor consists of A 3 diameter 0.2-sand reactor 0, 02mm the number of plants of the 1,3 and 5. The B reactor is made up of 3 sand reactor diameter 2 mm 2-0, the number of plants 1, 3, 5 and 5 C reactor, made up of three reactor sand 20-2 mm diameter, the number of plants of the 1,3 and 5. Each reactor is filled with as many as 4 liters of water lindi. Sampling done every 3 days and measure the concentration of COD and BOD. The amount of allowance in each reactor is as follows: Allowance for BOD reactor with A 13.69-25.83 mg/l, B reactor 35.95-19.76 mg/l, C reactor 42.03-33.93 mg/l. Allowance for COD reactor A with 101.60-54.11 mg/l, B reactor 145.82-68.85 mg/l, C 191.67-reactor 129.44 mg/l

    Analisa Hubungan Jumlah Kendaraan Dan Faktor Meteorologi (Suhu, Kelembaban Udara Dan Kecepatan Angin) Terhadap Peningkatan Konsentrasi So2 Pada Persimpangan Jalan Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus : Jl. Karangrejo Raya, Jl. Sukun Raya Dan Jl. Ngesrep Timur V)

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    Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas, non-flammable and has odour can cause irritate respiration. Sources of SO2 come from anthropogenic and natural source. One of anthropogenic source from vehicles gas emissions, and that source estimated can contribute 1/3 of SO2 in atmosphere. Ammount of SO2 in excessive consentrations (20 ppm) can cause negative impacts for human health, especially cause irritation of respiration system and sight. Motor vehicles that passing and queuing at the intersection due to traffic lights can increase the concentration of SO2. This is because when the queue happens, incomplete combustion occurs resulting in a much larger emissions. The purposes of this study are to analiysis ammount of vehicle, meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity and wind speed to concentration of SO2 and comparing SO2 concentration in Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road. SO2 concentration measurements carried out at the junction of Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road with two sampling points, are points near the traffic lights and 150 meters from the traffic lights. SO2 sampling and calculation of the number of passing vehicles is done 3 times a day : at morning (07:00 to 08:00), daytime (13:00 to 14:00) and afternoon (16:00 to 17:00). Based on the results of the study, the concentration of SO2 produced by Karangrejo Raya Road was 15-21 μg/Nm3, the concentration of SO2 in the Sukun Raya Road was 14-18 μg/Nm3 and SO2 concentrations in East Ngesrep V Road was 0.4 to 6 V μg/Nm3. From the results of research and analysis, the concentration of SO2 in the Karangrejo Raya roads is the highest concentration, compared with Sukun Raya roads and East Ngesrep V roads. This is because more types of motor vehicle diesel fuel passing the Karangrejo Raya roads

    Pengaruh Penambahan Nano- Zno dan Nano-al2o3 sebagai Agen Anti Bakteri dalam Pembuatan Membran Selulosa Asetat-kitosan terhadap Biofouling yang Disebabkan oleh Bakteri Gram Negatif

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    Biofouling akibat keberadaan bakteri dalam air menjadi salah satu kendala dalam teknologi membran terutama membran selulosa asetat. Walaupun kitosan telah ditambahkan namun belum optimal dalam mencegah fenomena ini. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini membran selulosa asetat-kitosan dibuat dengan blending nanopartikel ZnO dan Al2O3 variasi konsentrasi 0-4% untuk meningkatkan sifat antibakteri membran. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kedua nanopartikel terhadap karakteristik membran dan membandingkan keefektifan antara keduanya maka dilakukan beberapa uji karakterisasi yang meliputi uji fluks, analisa gugus fungsi (FTIR), dan morfologi membran (SEM) serta uji antibakteri dengan metode zona hambat. Diperoleh nilai fluks membran modifikasi optimum pada konsentrasi nano-ZnO 2% senilai 169.37 (L.m-2.jam-1) dan nano-Al2O3 3% senilai 757.49(L.m-2.jam-1). Morfologi dan susunan gugus fungsi dalam matriks membran dapat dilihat dengan uji SEM dan FTIR. Bakteri yang digunakan sebagai uji sifat antibakteri membran adalah bakteri E.coli. Dari uji zona hambat terlihat penambahan nanopartikel belum menghasilkan sifat antibakteri yang optimal dimana zona Bening yang terbentuk tipis pada konsentrasi ZnO 1% dan Al2O3 1 %. Nanopartikel dalam konsentrasi tinggi memicu terjadinya aglomerasi yang menyebabkan berkurangnya sifat antibakteri
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