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    Para pihak pelaku usaha melaksanakan kompetisi yang sangat kera guna menarik simpati dari pihak konsumen. Sebagian konsumen yaitu sekitar 24 juta penduduk Indonesia adalah Warga Negara Berkebutuhan Khusus atau disabilitas. Individu dengan hambatan intelektual mempunyai keterbatasan dalam hal fungsi di dalam adaptif dan juga fungsi dalam pikir, hal ini disebabkan oleh tingkatan dari kecerdasannya yang pada umumnya di bawah rata-rata. Hal itu tampak dalam keterbatasan mereka ketika berkomunikasi dan dalam keterampilan bersosialisasi. Program Studi (Prodi) Manajemen Pemasaran untuk Warga Negara Berkebutuhan Khusus (MP-WNBK) Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ) memfasilitasi individu dengan disabilitas untuk dapat turut mendapatkan pendidikan vokasional tingkat diploma. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini ialah guna melaksnakan penganalisisan berkenaan dengan pengaruh dari faktor-faktor yang memberikan sumbangan pengaruh pada keputusan pembelian pada keputusan pembelian produk pada WNBK. Metode yang dipergunakan di dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ialah observasi dan kuesioner. Lokasi penelitian di Program Studi MP-WNBK PNJ dengan membuat ruangan simulasi yang berisi rak-rak berisi aneka produk minuman dalam kemasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor pengambilan keputusan bagi Warga Negara Berkebutuhan Khusus adalah faktor psikologi dan faktor sosial


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    The year 2020 was shaken by the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The viral pandemic occurred has changed the way of life of the world, at least from a social and economic perspective. Predictions of a recession began to emerge as the economy weakened due to the spread of the virus forcing large parts of the population to be laid off. Many businesses experience losses and even go out of business, or at least experience a decline in profits (Brewer, 2020). The economic impact of this disaster is likely to continue for several years to come. Gema Insani is a publishing company in Depok which has been directly affected by the pandemic. A proper marketing strategy is needed so that even if there is a decline in the level of product sales, the decline is still under control or does not cause the company to go out of business. This study aims to analyze the marketing strategies that the Gema Insani company implemented during the pandemic. The research was conducted using qualitative methods and descriptive analysis. It can be concluded from the research results that the applied marketing strategy includes the marketing mix of product aspects, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. The most dominant aspect in dealing with and adapting to pandemic situation isΒ  promotion aspect, that is by optimizing online marketing and product sales (digital marketing). By optimizing digital marketing, online product sales increased by 30%.The year 2020 was shaken by the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The viral pandemic occurred has changed the way of life of the world, at least from a social and economic perspective. Predictions of a recession began to emerge as the economy weakened due to the spread of the virus forcing large parts of the population to be laid off. Many businesses experience losses and even go out of business, or at least experience a decline in profits (Brewer, 2020). The economic impact of this disaster is likely to continue for several years to come. Gema Insani is a publishing company in Depok which has been directly affected by the pandemic. A proper marketing strategy is needed so that even if there is a decline in the level of product sales, the decline is still under control or does not cause the company to go out of business. This study aims to analyze the marketing strategies that the Gema Insani company implemented during the pandemic. The research was conducted using qualitative methods and descriptive analysis. It can be concluded from the research results that the applied marketing strategy includes the marketing mix of product aspects, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. The most dominant aspect in dealing with and adapting to pandemic situation is  promotion aspect, that is by optimizing online marketing and product sales (digital marketing). By optimizing digital marketing, online product sales increased by 30%

    Penelitian mutu kulit sarung tangan golf samak krom

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    The Study aimed at improving the quality of chrome-tanned leather for golf floves producted by Indonesian tanners. Samples used in this study were 32. They were visually inspected and tested on their chemical and physical properties. The results of the chemical and physical tests were analyzed using deviation standard in descriptive statistics. It was obtained from the visual inspection of the samples taken that the leather was soft enough, the colour was even, their hair was not loose, and it was flexible but not elastic. While from the Chemical Tests, the results obtained were : water content (13,78 – 16,94) %; Fat Content (6,04 – 11,38) % and pH Valueness (4,43 – 5,19). It was obtained from the physical tests that Thickness (0,32 – 0,64) mm; well tanned; Tensile Strength resistence (106,07 – 109,73) kg/cm2; Flexibility (53,11 – 103,07) %; Slit Tear Resistance (13,48 – 39,22) kgf/cm; Stitch Tear Strength (74,51 – 137,79) kgf/cm, wet rub fastness tst shown a little discolourisation while dry rub fastness test shown no discolourisation