7 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Childhood cancer incidence by ethnic group in England, 2001–2007: a descriptive epidemiological study

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    Sensitivity Analysis - Each cancer and all cancers by ethnicity, using imputed data. Sensitivity analyses for each cancer, and all cancers, by ethnicity (using multiple imputations of the missing ethnicity values based on age, sex, income and site of cancer). (PDF 3 kb

    Additional file 1: figure S1. of Incidence of prostate and urological cancers in England by ethnic group, 2001-2007: a descriptive study

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    Age-standardised incidence rates and rate ratios (adjusted by age, sex and income) for four urological malignancies by ethnic group, following multiple imputation for missing ethnicity values. (DOC 219 kb

    Number of cases , age standardised (per 100 000) cancer incidence rates and number of person-years of observation for White & Indian children in Leicester, and for children in Mumbai & Ahmedabad, India. (All rates are standardised to the age distribution of the Segi standard population).

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    <p>Number of cases , age standardised (per 100 000) cancer incidence rates and number of person-years of observation for White & Indian children in Leicester, and for children in Mumbai & Ahmedabad, India. (All rates are standardised to the age distribution of the Segi standard population).</p

    Rate Ratios (RRs) for cancers analysed for British White & British Indian children in Leicester.

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    <p>Rate Ratios (RRs) for cancers analysed for British White & British Indian children in Leicester.</p

    Age-standardized incidence rates and incidence rate ratios by ethnicity for all gliomas, all gliomas by sex, glioblastomas and other gliomas.

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    <p>Tests of heterogeneity by sex, between all ethnicities (White, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Black African, Black Caribbean and Chinese) and between the individual Black and South Asian ethnic groups are also shown.</p

    Demographic information for the study population, taken from the United Kingdom 2001 census.

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    <p>Low, Middle and High deprivation are the 1st, 2nd-4th and 5th quintile of the income domain of IMD 2007, respectively.</p

    Data S1 from Regulation between personality traits: individual social tendencies modulate whether boldness and leadership are correlated

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    Data from the experiment in .csv format. In the column names, S1 denotes data is from the first (day 1) single fish Y maze trial, S2 the second (day 2) single fish trial, P1 the first (day 1) paired fish test and P2 from the second (day 2) paired fish test. All times (“T”) are in seconds. SBL is the standard body length of each fish, in cm