330 research outputs found

    X-ray measurement of electron and magnetic-field energy densities in the west lobe of the giant radio galaxy 3C 236

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    X-ray emission associated with the west lobe of the giant radio galaxy, 3C 236, was investigated with the Suzaku observatory, to evaluate the energetics in the lobe. After removing contamination from X-ray sources detected with Chandra and subtracting the X-ray and non-X-ray backgrounds, the Suzaku spectrum from the lobe was reproduced by a power-low model with a photon index of Ξ“=2.23βˆ’0.38βˆ’0.12+0.44+0.14\Gamma = 2.23_{-0.38-0.12}^{+0.44+0.14} where the first and second errors represent the statistical and systematic ones, respectively. Within the errors, the X-ray index was consistent with the radio synchrotron one, Ξ“R=1.74Β±0.07\Gamma_{\rm R} = 1.74 \pm 0.07, estimated in the 326 -- 2695 MHz range. This agreement supports that the X-ray emission is attributed to the inverse-Compton (IC) radiation from the synchrotron electrons filling the lobe, where the cosmic microwave background photons are up-scattered. This result made 3C 236 the largest radio galaxy, of which the lobe has ever been probed through the IC X-ray photons. When the photon index was fixed at Ξ“R\Gamma_{\rm R}, the X-ray flux density at 1 keV was measured as SX=12.3Β±2.0Β±1.9S_{\rm X} = 12.3 \pm 2.0 \pm 1.9 nJy. A comparison of the X-ray flux to the radio one (SR=1.11Β±0.02S_{\rm R} = 1.11 \pm 0.02 Jy at 608.5 MHz) yields the energy densities of the electrons and magnetic field in the west lobe as ue=3.9βˆ’0.7βˆ’0.9+0.6+1.0Γ—10βˆ’14u_{\rm e} = 3.9_{-0.7 -0.9}^{+0.6 +1.0} \times 10^{-14} ergs cmβˆ’3^{-3} and um=0.92βˆ’0.15βˆ’0.35+0.21+0.52Γ—10βˆ’14u_{\rm m} = 0.92_{-0.15 -0.35}^{+0.21 +0.52}\times 10^{-14} ergs cmβˆ’3^{-3}, respectively, indicating a mild electron dominance of ue/um=4.2βˆ’1.3βˆ’2.3+1.6+4.1u_{\rm e}/u_{\rm m} = 4.2_{-1.3 -2.3}^{+1.6 +4.1}. The latter corresponds to the magnetic field strength of B=0.48βˆ’0.04βˆ’0.10+0.05+0.12B = 0.48_{-0.04 -0.10}^{+0.05 +0.12} ΞΌ\muG.These are typical among the lobes of giant radio galaxies. A compilation of the ueu_{\rm e}-size relation for the IC-detected radio galaxies implies that the west lobe of 3C 236 is still actively energized by its jet.Comment: Accepted for PASJ, 9 figures, 7 table

    Mass Function of Binary Massive Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    If the activity of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is predominantly induced by major galaxy mergers, then a significant fraction of AGNs should harbor binary massive black holes in their centers. We study the mass function of binary massive black holes in nearby AGNs based on the observed AGN black-hole mass function and theory of evolution of binary massive black holes interacting with a massive circumbinary disk in the framework of coevolution of massive black holes and their host galaxies. The circumbinary disk is assumed to be steady, axisymmetric, geometrically thin, self-regulated, self-gravitating but non-fragmenting with a fraction of Eddington accretion rate, which is typically one tenth of Eddington value. The timescale of orbital decay is {then} estimated as ~10^8yr for equal mass black-hole, being independent of the black hole mass, semi-major axis, and viscosity parameter but dependent on the black-hole mass ratio, Eddington ratio, and mass-to-energy conversion efficiency. This makes it possible for any binary massive black holes to merge within a Hubble time by the binary-disk interaction. We find that (1.8+-0.6%) for the equal mass ratio and (1.6+-0.4%) for the one-tenth mass ratio of the total number of nearby AGNs have close binary massive black holes with orbital period less than ten years in their centers, detectable with on-going highly sensitive X-ray monitors such as Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image and/or Swift/Burst Alert Telescope. Assuming that all binary massive black holes have the equal mass ratio, about 20% of AGNs with black hole masses of 10^{6.5-7}M_sun has the close binaries and thus provides the best chance to detect them.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ. The draft was significantly revised. The major differences from the previous version are as follows: (1)The circumbinary disk is assumed to be a steady, axisymmetric, geometrically thin, self-gravitating, self-regulated but non-fragmenting. (2)The stellar scattering process is taken account of in the merging process of binary black hole

    Suzaku investigation into the nature of the nearest ultraluminous X-ray source, M33 X-8

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    The X-ray spectrum of the nearest ultraluminous X-ray source, M33 X-8, obtained by Suzaku during 2010 January 11 -- 13, was closely analyzed to examine its nature. It is, by far, the only data with the highest signal statistic in 0.4 -- 10 keV range. Despite being able to reproduce the X-ray spectrum, Comptonization of the disk photons failed to give a physically meaningful solution. A modified version of the multi-color disk model, in which the dependence of the disk temperature on the radius is described as r^(-p) with p being a free parameter, can also approximate the spectrum. From this model, the innermost disk temperature and bolometric luminosity were obtained as T_in = 2.00-0.05+0.06 keV and L_disk = 1.36 x 10^39 (cos i)^(-1) ergs/s, respectively, where i is the disk inclination. A small temperature gradient of p = 0.535-0.005+0.004, together with the high disk temperature, is regarded as the signatures of the slim accretion disk model, suggesting that M33 X-8 was accreting at high mass accretion rate. With a correction factor for the slim disk taken into account, the innermost disk radius, R_in =81.9-6.5+5.9 (cos i)^(-0.5) km, corresponds to the black hole mass of M \sim 10 M_sun (cos i)^(-0.5). Accordingly, the bolometric disk luminosity is estimated to be about 80 (cos i)^(-0.5)% of the Eddington limit. A numerically calculated slim disk spectrum was found to reach a similar result. Thus, the extremely super-Eddington luminosity is not required to explain the nature of M33 X-8. This conclusion is utilized to argue for the existence of intermediate mass black holes with M > 100 M_sun radiating at the sub/trans-Eddington luminosity, among ultraluminous X-ray sources with L_disk > 10^(40) ergs/s.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, PASJ accepte

    Suzaku diagnostics of the energetics in the lobes of the giant radio galaxy 3C 35

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    The Suzaku observation of a giant radio galaxy 3C 35 revealed faint extended X-ray emission, associated with its radio lobes and/or host galaxy. After careful subtraction of the X-ray and non-X-ray background and contaminating X-ray sources, the X-ray spectrum of the faint emission was reproduced by a sum of the power-law (PL) and soft thermal components. The soft component was attributed to the thermal plasma emission from the host galaxy. The photon index of the PL component, Ξ“=1.35βˆ’0.86+0.56\Gamma = 1.35_{-0.86}^{+0.56}βˆ’0.10+0.11_{-0.10}^{+0.11} where the first and second errors represent the statistical and systematic ones, was found to agree with the synchrotron radio index from the lobes, Ξ“R=1.7\Gamma_{\rm R} = 1.7. Thus, the PL component was attributed to the inverse Compton (IC) X-rays from the synchrotron electrons in the lobes. The X-ray flux density at 1 keV was derived as 13.6Β±5.4βˆ’3.6+4.013.6\pm 5.4_{-3.6}^{+4.0} nJy with the photon index fixed at the radio value. The X-ray surface brightness from these lobes (∼0.2\sim 0.2 nJy arcminβˆ’2^{-2}) is lowest among the lobes studied through the IC X-ray emission. In combination with the synchrotron radio flux density, 7.5Β±0.27.5 \pm 0.2 Jy at 327.4 MHz, the electron energy density spatially averaged over the lobes was evaluated to be the lowest among those radio galaxies, as ue=(5.8Β±2.3βˆ’1.7+1.9)Γ—10βˆ’14u_{\rm e} = (5.8 \pm 2.3 _{-1.7}^{+1.9}) \times 10^{-14} ergs cmβˆ’3^{-3} over the electron Lorentz factor of 10310^{3} -- 10510^{5}. The magnetic energy density was calculated as um=(3.1βˆ’1.0+2.5u_{\rm m}=(3.1_{-1.0}^{+2.5}βˆ’0.9+1.4)Γ—10βˆ’14_{-0.9}^{+1.4}) \times 10^{-14} ergs cmβˆ’3^{-3}, corresponding to the magnetic field strength of 0.88βˆ’0.16+0.310.88_{-0.16}^{+0.31}βˆ’0.14+0.19_{-0.14}^{+0.19} ΞΌ\muG. These results suggest that the energetics in the 3C 35 lobes are nearly consistent with equipartition between the electrons and magnetic fields.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for Ap
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