257 research outputs found

    Faktor gangguan psikologi dalam kalangan mahasiswa universiti

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    Gangguan psikologi ialah suatu gangguan berkaitan dengan kognitif dan afektif. Setiap individu yang dilahirkan ke dunia akan mengalami perkembangan tingkah laku, emosi, kognitif dan rohani. Namun apabila seseorang individu tidak dapat bertoleransi dengan stres, kesemua komponen perkembangan ini akan mengalami gangguan psikologi. Walaupun mahasiswa boleh diandaikan sebagai golongan yang memiliki kecerdasan intelektual, kecerdasan emosi dan kecerdasan ruhaniah, namun sebagai manusia, terdapat dalam kalangan mereka yang mengalami gangguan psikologi. Oleh kerana itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk membincang faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya gangguan psikologi dalam kalangan mahasiswa universiti. Dari segi metodologi, makalah ini menggunakan data yang diperoleh melalui satu kajian deskriptif yang dilakukan melalui Borang Maklumat Klien dan Borang Bio-Psiko-Sosial terhadap 12 orang mahasiswa yang hadir sebagai klien dalam kaunseling individu. Mereka dipilih melalui persampelan mudah. Data daripada kedua-dua borang ini dianalisis secara deskriptif bagi mengenal pasti faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya gangguan psikologi dalam kalangan mahasiswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat dua faktor yang menyebabkan berlakunya gangguan psikologi dalam kalangan mahasiswa iaitu faktor dalaman dan luaran. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan terdapat tiga indikator gangguan psikologi yang boleh dikenal pasti oleh kaunselor iaitu masalah akademik, tidak yakin diri dan masalah keluarga. Ketiga-tiga indikator ini memberi implikasi kepada kaunselor dan institusi pengajian tinggi khususnya dalam konteks penggubalan model kaunseling pencegahan, pengembangan, pemulihan, intervensi krisis dan perundingan

    Matlamat kecerdasan rohaniah menurut perspektif Islam

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    Islam amat mementingkan kecerdasan yang seimbang dan komprehensif. Makalah ini adalah sebahagian dari penyelidikan yang dijalankan di Rumah Kebajikan Orang Tua yang berkaitan dengan kecerdasan rohaniah dalam Islam. Kajian ini menghuraikan matlamat kecerdasan rohaniah menurut perspektif Islam. Metodologi kajian ialah analisis kandungan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kajian ini menekankan pembentukan teori secara induktif. Tinjauan literatur terhadap data kajian saintifik, jurnal, artikel, dokumen yang berkaitan dengan matlamat kecerdasan rohaniah dalam Islam yang dianalisis menggunakan bantuan Nvivo 8. Hasil kajian mendapati empat matlamat kecerdasan rohaniah iaitu taat kepada Allah, mengembalikan fitrah, menguatkan diri, menghargai masa dan rasa tanggungjawab. Matlamat kecerdasan rohaniah ini mampu melahirkan manusia yang seimbang antara rohaniah dan jasmaniah

    Kecerdasan ruhaniah membentuk manusia unggul

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    Kecerdasan ruhaniah merupakan kecerdasan paling tinggi dalam diri seseorang. Ia mampu membina peribadi unggul dan berketerampilan. Kajian ini menghuraikan tentang kecerdasan ruhaniah mampu membina peribadi unggul dalam masyarakat. Kajian ini ialah sebahagian daripada penyelidikan berkaitan dengan kecerdasan ruhaniah dalam Islam. Metodologi kajian ialah analisis kandungan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Kajian ini menekankan pembentukan teori secara induktif. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat empat ciri utama manusia unggul kesan kecerdasan ruhaniah menurut perspektif Islam. Dengan demikian, kecerdasan ruhaniah mampu melahirkan manusia yang unggul dan berdaya maju

    Effects of low irradiance on growth, water uptake and yield of tomatoes grown by the nutrient film technique

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    A study was carried out on the effects of irradiance on growth and development of tomatoes grown using the Nutrient Film Technique(NFr). Plants were exposed to mean daily irradiance levels of 14. 7, 8.5, 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2day-l achieved by using different levels of shade. High irradiance (14.7 and 8.5 MJ m-2day-1) increased leaf area and dry weight, root and stem dry weight compared to the plants grown under lower irradiance. Plants under shade were up to 5 DC cooler than those under high irradiance. Plant water uptake and leaf nutrient concentrations in the leaves were generally lower in shaded plants than those in full sun. The highest fruit production was obtained with an irradiance of 14. 7 MJ m-2 day-l. Plants grown under 3.3 and 0.87 MJ m-2 day-J failed to fruit

    Pendekatan pencegahan kaunselor Muslim dalam menangani salah laku pelajar sekolah menengah di daerah Klang, Selangor

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    Muslim counselor in school is a professional guide who can help schools to reduce students’ misbehavior and to implement Islamic values as a way of life. The Islamic approach is the approach implemented by the school counselor in dealing student’s misbehavior. However, the practice of Islamic approach using by Muslim counselor at school in dealing with students’ misbehavior has not been studied extensively. This paper is aimed to discuss and analyze the Islamic approach adopted by the Muslim counselor as an effort to deal the students’ misbehavior in secondary schools in Klang District, Selangor. Data in this paper were collected through a quantitative survey research. By using purposive sampling, a total of 73 Muslim counselors from secondary schools in the Klang District were selected as respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. The study shows that Muslim counselor in schools has implemented the Islamic preventive approach through programs such as anti-smoking talks, HIV and AIDS talks, self-identity courses, leadership courses, religious talks, and visiting program to rehabilitation center. This study also shows that Muslim counselor practicing Islamic preventive approach in dealing students’ misbehavior such as guiding students to perform solat fardu five times a day, to respect human being and environment, to behave with persistence, to commit with a good or ma`ruf deed, and to select a good mass media. As a whole, the Islamic preventive approach by the Muslim counselor has given a huge implication especially to develop an Islamic counseling index in dealing students’ misbehavior

    Kualiti hidup dan harapan masa depan ibu tunggal melayu muslim di Pantai Timur Malaysia

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    This study seeks to analyze the quality of life of single Malay Muslim mothers in East Coast Malaysia. Using a convenience sampling technique, a total of 500 single Malay Muslim mothers residing in Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang were selected. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data. Major data for the quantitative analysis are derived from face-to-face interviews. Data of this study demonstrate that the average age of the respondents is 44.5 years old. Most of them become single mothers because of the death of their spouses, and only completed their education at primary school level. On a whole the study reveals that the level of quality of life of most of the single mothers is quite high. The study concludes that although these single mothers are facing various problems in daily life, but these problems do not affect their quality of life

    Pengajaran & pembelajaran Tilawah Al-Qur’an sekolah menengah di Malaysia

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    Age at First Marriage of Single Mothers in East Coast, Malaysia

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    This paper presents the results of a cross-sectional study conducted to explore age at first marriage of single mothers in three states in East Coast of Malaysia, which are Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang. East Coast is known with high prevalence of single mothers in Malaysia. The high prevalence of divorce in the East Coast of Malaysia makes the area an interesting site for examining the issue of divorce or single mothers in Malaysia. Research findings outside Malaysia show the incidence of single-parent families has increased significantly in recent years, and the majority of the single-parent is single mother. This present article analyzes age at first marriage of single mothers in rural areas in East Coast in Malaysia. More specifically, it analyzes; (1) sociodemographic profiles of single mothers in rural Malaysia; (2), age at first marriage of single mothers; and (3) reasons behind the early age at first marriage among single mothers in rural areas in East Coast in Malaysia. This study is basically employed descriptive research as the main objective of the study is to provide information about some aspects of single mothers in rural Malaysia. Descriptive research is employed if the researcher wants to study or answer questions such as what, and how. Descriptive research is directed at making careful observations and detailed documentation of a phenomenon of interest. To meet these objectives, 500 single mothers in East Coast, Malaysia were selected as respondents. They are selected for the study through a chain referral sampling. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, and analyzed descriptively. Results of the study reveal that the youngest age at first marriage of single mothers is 13, while the oldest is 47 years old, with the age at first marriage most commonly found is 18 years old. The incidence of marriage at early age amongst respondent occurred because of they are belong to the generation of the 1950s or earlier where at that time most of the population marry at young age. Min age at first marriage for all respondents is 20 years old, whilst median age at first marriage is also 20 years, which means half of the respondents commenced their marriage at the age of 20 years and below, and another half began their marriage at the age of 20 years and over. It was found that not many single mothers who began their marriage at the age of 30 years and over. Keywords: Family; single parent family; single mother; family chang