27 research outputs found

    Kepentingan Rusia Dalam Memberikan Suaka Politik Kepada Edward Joseph Snowden

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    This research to explain interest of Russia with Snowden. Edward Joseph Snowden is a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and a former contractor for National Security Agency (NSA) who leaked classified information to The Guardian and The Washington Post. Snowden who leaked classified information have Surveillance program doing by United State of America. The Surveillance Program is a cooperate between 9 big companies from United States, which: Yahoo!, Facebook, Google, Apple, Skype, Microsoft, PalTalk, YouTube, and AOL. After leaked classified information, U.S put a label to Snowden as traitor and spy. And today, Snowden lives in Russia and granted asylum and protection from RussiaThis research uses qualitative research method. Data obtained from books, journals, articles, dictionaries and websites. The concept used in this research is the role concept and using the theory of International organization.This research shows the interest of Russia in dealing and granted asylum request from Snowden. Russia given permission to Snowden for live in Russia and he already lives for 4 years. United State of America ask Russia to extradite Snowden back, but Russia reject that proposal

    Kepentingan Indonesia Dalam Menggagas Perundingan Regional Comprehensive Economy Partnership

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    This research will explain about the benefit to be achieved by Indonesia in RCEP negotiations initiated within the framework of ASEAN upon its leadership in ASEAN. Negotiations is to discuss the free trade agreements between ASEAN and ASEAN cooperation partners who were previously part of the ASEAN Plus 1trade cooperation. The negotiations initiated because the WTO has failed in formulating multilateral trade rules in the Doha round. This study will also be discussed on how the challenges and opportunities for Indonesia RCEP. This research is a study using research methods literature study. This study uses perspectives and theories of liberalism and the concept of national interest expressed by Jack C. Plano and Olton Roy.The results of this study indicate that Indonesia RCEP initiated in 2011 is to increase trade Indonesia because RCEP high economic potential and Indonesia wants to increase cooperation, especially in the field of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Opportunities provided by RCEP is the ease in obtaining industrial raw materials more efficiently and quite promising

    Motivasi Swiss Melakukan Referendum Imigrasi Pada Tahun 2014

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    This research explains about motivation of Switzerland for a referendum as an effort to limit immigration and keeping national's security balance in 2014. Switzerland as the heart of Europe had agreement with European Union about Free Movement on Persons that will be the main reason of increasing immigrant and asylum seekers. Switzerland have long connection with immigrant and asylum seekers who have contribute and support for national economy. This research has been built by neo-realism perspective on International Relations and support by securitization and migration theories, and also concept of referendum. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative descriptive methods. Scope of this research is Switzerland's immigration referendum in 2014. This research found that immigrant and asylum seekers threaten Switzerland's security in many ways. This result shows that Switzerland fear about arising of criminality and highly social assistance that government spend for immigrant and asylum seekers. Immigration referendum is a result from people's want to limit immigration because their negative effect, also spreading of xenophobia and islamophobia in Switzerland. The main motivation of immigration referendum is to maintain security the security of Switzerland who were disturbed by the presence of immigrant and asylum seekers

    Implementasi Kebijakan Indonesia dalam Menangani Imigran Ilegal (Studi Kasus : Provinsi Riau)

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    This research explains the implementation of Indonesian policy in handling illegal immigrants in Riau province. Riau which is located very strategically and located on the border of the sea with other countries allows so many people who visit Riau for a tour as well as for asylum seekers. Due to the factors that make the asylum seekers make Riau as their place to go to their destination country that is AustraliaThe perspective used in this research is neorealism, the theory used is migration and policy. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained from field research and data collection were conducted using interviews based on structured questions. Secondary data is obtained through library research, and online computer search. The data obtained are then selected and then analyzed in a qualitative manner and prepared in the form of descriptive research reports.The study finds that now Indonesia can only accept the refugees until the third State for the refugees already exists. Increasingly, more and more foreign nationals are victims of conflict in their country who come to Indonesia. Because according to them Indonesia is a very good country. That way, Indonesia must continue to receive refugees because it is a mandate of the United Nations and Indonesia should keep. Coordination of fereign parties, Namely UNHCR and IOM determine and influence. In determining the status and facilities for asylum seeker and refugees

    Integrasi Etnis India Pasca Penetapan Kebijakan 1malaysia Policy

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    The diversity of Malaysian society which consists of Malay race, Chinese and India has a myriad of policies that make the country engaged in racial conflict. In 1971, Tun Abd Razak submit proposals regarding economic policy that NEP (New Economy Programme). The policy aims to protect the ethnic Malay. It was based on concerns raised that the residents are ethnic Chinese and Indians at the time had a better life than the residents are ethnic Malays. The condition is feared to turn off citizens to ethnic Malays, these policies have been positive discrimination a form of affirmative action policies designed to rectify the shortcomings of a group.One of the main objectives in the process of nation building in Malaysia is the formation of national identity, which previously no single identity that unites the various ethnic groups in Malaysia. Then development the Malaysian government thinking to make a policy formula to unite the community in strengthening the country in facing globalization for the sake of national achievement. In 2010, the Malaysian government has a new policy in the know with the policy of One Malaysia. This study aims to reveal how Integratin Of Ethnic Indian After The Determination Of 1Malaysia Policy. The reality of the existence of the theory of constructivism researchers used the National Integration Theory of Ethnicity and Nation State and National-Building concept in the process of this thesis research. Mechanical research is interview and direct observation by researchers.The results showed the Process Of Integration Of Ethnic Indians After The Determinationt Of 1Malaysia Policy has not gone well. Still there are some forms of discrimination against ethnic Indians in which the government is legally legalize discrimination