247 research outputs found

    CIMMYT - Proposed Five Year Plan, 1971-1975

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    Document discussed by CIMMYT Board in September 1970. Includes a brief history of CIMMYT and identification of new factors influencing the center's expanding operations and changes to its existing programs, including increased emphasis on the problems of small farmers who have thus far not benefited from CIMMYT generated "green revolution" technologies. Agenda item presented at Consultative Group Meeting, December 1971

    Memorandum de Entendimiento entre la Univerisidad Autonoma Agraria "Antonio Narro" y el Programa de Trigo del Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo, para Desarrollar un Proyecto Conjunto de Investigacion en Triticale Forrajero

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    MOU between CIMMYT and la Universidad Autonoma Agraria signed March 14, 1996 regarding cooperation in a research program. MOU is in Spanish and contains two annexes

    CRP 3.1 Financial Summary

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    Agreement on Swedish Contribution to CIMMYT Programme for Developing and Disseminating Stress Tolerant Maize for Sustainable Food Security

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    Agreement between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and CIMMYT made in Stockholm, Sweden on December 10, 1997 regarding Swedish contribution. A contribution amount of SEK 5,000,000 is to be awarded to the program, "Developing and Disseminating Stress Tolerant Maize for Sustainble Food Security in West, Central, and East Africa under the agreement and disbursed, accordingly, to the terms and conditions

    Working Plan for Collaboration between the National Academic Center of Agricultural Research of the Republic of Kazakistan

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    Working plan for collaboration between NACAR and CIMMYT signed on February 12, 1997. Plan outlines that activities CIMMYT would undertake in 1997 with NACAR in English

    Project Agreement between the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and Centro Interacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo

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    Agreement made on January 29, 1997 between ACIAR and CIMMYT. Agreement establishes that ACIAR grants funds to CIMMYT for the project, "Genetic Information Package for Wheat Researchers (Triticum GRIP); Phase II: Genetic data, data integrity, enhanced data quarry, and reference information.

    Agreement between Cornell University and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

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    Agreement between Cornell University and CIMMYT signed May 26, 1999. Agreement establishes research collaboration between the two parties for the Soil Management Cooperative Research Support Program and the Chakaria Food Systems Development Program. Attached to the agreement is a schedule and an exibit

    Agreement between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

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    Agreement between CAAS and CIMMYT signed in Beijing, China on September 25, 1997. Agreement establishes cooperation for the promotion and acceleration in research and training for the scientific improvement of wheat and maize for China and other countries set forth in nine articles

    Memorandum of Understanding between CIRAD-CA and CIMMYT regarding the Project: "Impacts of, and Factors Conducting to the Adoption of Conservation Tillage on Rainfed Maize-Based Production Systems"

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    MOU between CIRAD-CA and CIMMYT signed July 25, 1997. MOU establishes framework of the project, "Impacts of, and factors conducting to the adoption of conservation tillage on rainfed maize based production systems." A technical annex is attached to the agreement
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