15 research outputs found

    The First 50 Years and the Next: ISER and Rural Alaska

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    Since 1961… ISER has been enhancing “the well-being of Alaskans and others, through nonpartisan research that helps people understand social and economic systems and supports informed public and private decision-making.” (ISER Mission Statement)Northrim Ban

    1962 Survey of Manufacturing in Alaska

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    State of Alask

    Alaska Native Arts and Crafts Potential For Expansion

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    State of Alask

    Higher Education Facilities in Alaska 1967 - 1968

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    The State of AlaskaLIST OF TABLES INTRODUCI'ION, PART I. Location of Alaskan Colleges and Universities The Institutions •••••••••••••• - Methodology ••••• ENROLLMENT S'l'ATISTICS, PART II, ROOM INVENTORY • PART III. ROOM UTILIZATION , , Schools With Permanent Facilities Schools Without Permanent Facilities. APPENDIXES A. Definitions of Organizational Units B, Classification of Subject Fields.·. C. Classification of Room Types. D. Definitions of Types of Instructional Roon~ *· i ~ Page . . . . ii ·l •.. . . . . . 2 3 6 8 . . . . . 22 44 45 • 104 . 132 135 . 137 • 141 ,/ LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 1 Academic and Non-Academic Students, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: Yall Semester, 1967 ••••••••••••••• 12 2 Full-Time Students, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: Fall Semesters, 1958 to 1967, Inclusive •• ~ ••••••••• ~ • 13 3 Part-Time Students, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: Fall Semesters, 1958 to 1967, Inclusive • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 4 Full-Time and Part-Time s_tudents, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: .. Fall Semesters, 1958 t9 1967, Inclusive •••••••• 15 5 Full-Time Student Credit-Load Equivalent, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: Fall Semesters, 1958 to 1967, Inclusive ••••• 16 6 First-Time Students, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska: Fall Semesters, 1958 to 1967, Inclusive , • , , • • • • • • • • • • 17 7 Percentage Distribution Weekly Credit-Hour Load of Non-Extension Students, Colleges and Universities, State of Alaska, Fall Semester, 8 9 1967 • ••.• . . . . . . . . . . . •. . Non-Extension Post-Graduate Enrollrr~nt, 4-Year Universities, State of Alaska: Fall Semester, 1967 ••••••••••••• Bachelors' Degrees Granted by Field, 4-Year Universities, State of Alaska: School Year 1967-1968 •••••••••••• 10 Masters' and Doctors' Degrees Granted by Field, 4-Year Universities, 18 19 20 . State of Alaska: School Year 1967-1968 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 "'· 11 Inventory of Physical Facilities, University of Alaska. . . . . . . 24-25 12 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Alaska Methodist University , . . 26-27 13 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Sheldon Jackson College . . . . . 28-29 14 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Anchorage Regional Center (Elmendorf AFB -- Ft. Richardson Unit), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 15 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Anchorage Community College . . . 32-33 16 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Juneau-Douglas Community College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 17 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Kenai Peninsula Com.munity College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 ii ( C .,, Number Title Page 18 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Ketchikan Community College • 38-39 19 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Matanuska-Susitna Conununity. College ••••••••••••••••••••••••• · ••••• 40-41 20 Inventory of Physical Facilities, Sitka Community College • 21 Uni versi.ty of Alaska -- Instructional Space -- Rooms, Student Stations, and Floor Area by Building and by Type • 42-43 of Space, Fall, 1967. • • • • • • • • _. • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • 50 22 University of Alaska -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar_Week -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ••••••• ; ••••••••••••••••••••• 51 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Day Classes) Fall, 1967 .•••••••••••••••••••• ; •••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Day Classes) Fall, 1967 ••••••••••••••••••••••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Heek -- Teaching Laboratories (Day Classes) Fall, 1967 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 •••••••••••••••••••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Evening Classes) Fall, ~67 . ....•................... University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- Teaching Laboratories (Evening Classes) Fall, 196 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- All Instructiooal Space (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 ••••••••••••••••••• · ••••••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- General Classrooms (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967. ~ ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• University of Alaska -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- Teaching Laboratories (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 . ...... - ............... . iii . . . . . 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 \,~. Number \ ) ,· · I J 'l'i tle 32 Universify of Alaska -- Summary of Utilization Data by Building Page on a WeeklYj Basis -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 •••••• 61 33 University of Alaska -- Summary of Utilization Data by Building ori a Weekly Basis -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967. • • • 62 34 35 36 University of Alaska -- Summary of Utilization Data by_ Building on a Weekly Basis -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 University of Alaska -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ••••••• University of Alaska -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Rooms -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 ••••••••• . . . . 37 University of Alaska -- Stm~ary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 •••••••• 38 University of Alaska -- Distribution of Instructional Rooms by Number of Hours Used per t'leek -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ••••••••• 39 Alaska Methodist University -- Instructional Space -- Rooms, Student Stations, and Floor Area by Building and by Type of . . . 63 64 65 66 67 ~pace, Fall, 1967 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 68 40 Alaska Methodist University -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 •••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . 41 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Day 69 Classes) Fall, 1967 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 70 42 Alaska !lethodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Day Classes) Fall, 1967 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 43 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- Teaching Laboratories (Day Classes) 44 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 •••••••••••••••••••••••• 73 45 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 •••••••••••••••••••• iv 74 ( ,I Number Title .Page 46 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- Teaching Laboratories (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967. ~ .••. , .••••••••••.••••• 75 47 Alaska Methodi&t University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- All Instructional Space (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 •.••...••.•••• , .• ~. , •••• 76 48 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- General Classrooms (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 ............ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 49 so 51 52 53 54 55 Alaska Methodist University -- Utilization of Instruction~l Space by Hours of the.Day -- Teaching Laboratories (4-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 ..• , . , .. , .•••••••• , •• Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Building on a Weekly Basis -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 .................. • • • • Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Building on a Weekly Basis -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 .................. • . • • • • Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Building on a Weekly Basis -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 19 6 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room-~ All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 •. Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 .. , .• ... Alaska Methodist University -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 . ~. 56 Alaska Hethodist University -- Distribution of Instructional Rooms by Number of Hours Used per Week -- All Instructional Space Fall, 1967. 57 Sheldon Jackson College -- Instructional Space -- Rooms, Student Stations, and Floor Area by Building and by Type of Space, Fall, 1967 .•.•..••.•.•.••••. 58 Sheldon Jackson College -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 Fall, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 V { Number 59 i I Title ., '\ Sheld9'n Jackson Co'llege -- Utilization of Instructional Spat~by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Day Classes). Fall, 1967 ....... , ..... , I ' 60 Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space bj Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Day Classes) Page 88 Fall, ~967 .. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 61 62 63 64 65 66 - Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- Teaching Laboratories (Day Classes) Fall, 1967 ....•... , .... , ..... Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilizatirin of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- All Instructional Space (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 ... , .... , , . , , , Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- General Classrooms (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 . , .. , . , .. , , .. , Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Days of the Week -- Teaching Laboratories (Evening Classes) Fall, 1967 ..... , .. , . , , , , Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- All Instructional Space (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 ...•..•.....•... Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- General Classrooms (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 .....•.•........ , .... 67 Sheldon Jackson College -- Utilization of Instructional Space by Hours of the Day -- Teaching Laboratories (5-Day Basis) Fall, 1967 ........•.•...•.•... ·, ~ .. . 68 Sheldon Jackson College -- Sw:1mary of Utilization Data by Building on a Weekly Basis -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ..................... . 69 Sheldon Jackson College -- Summary of Utilization Data ild on 70 Sheldon Jackson College -- Summary of Utilization Data .by 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Building on a Weekly Basis -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967. 99 71 Sheldon Jackson College -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967, .. , , , . 100 vi / :' \ ,I Number. Title Page 72 Sheldon Jackson College -- Summary· of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 ..• , •• , , , 101 73 Sheldon Jackson College -- Summary of Utilization Data by Size of Room -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 ...••••• 102 74 75 Sheldon Jackson College -- Distribution of Instructi~nal Rooms By Number of Hours Used per Week -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ................... • • .. • . Anchorage Regional Center -- Summary of Instructional Space, All Instructional Space, Fall 1967 .... · , .•• , • , , • 76. Anchorage Regional Center -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, 103 106 Fall, 1967 .......... · ................. 107 77 Anchorage Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967. ~ ..•.••••••. , . 108 78 Anchorage Community College -- Summary of Instruc.tional Space -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 •.•....•.••...••. 109 79 Anchorage Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 ...•..•..••.•••• 110 80 Anchorage Community College -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 ...•... ~ ••..•.•. , .•.•••• 111 81 Juneau-Douglas Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- All Instructional Space~ Fall, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . 112 82 Juneau-Douglas Cor.ununity College -- Summary of Instructional . . Space -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967 .....•..•.. . • 113 83 Juneau-Douglas Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . 114 84 Juneau-Douglas Conununity College-:- Total Room-Hours Scheduled Fall, 1967 .. • 115 85 Kenai Peninsula Community College -- Summary of Instructional _Space -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . 116 86 Kenai Peninsula Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967. . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 87 Kenai Peninsula Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 . . . . . . . . .. . . 118 vii ,, Number Title Page 88 Kenai Peninsula Community College -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967, , , .•••••• , , , •.•• 119 89 Ketchikan Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- All Instructional Space, Fall, .1967 ... , • , , ••• 120 90 Ketchikan Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967. , , ~ , , , , • , , , . 121 91 Ketchikan Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 , . , , • , • , •.• 122 92 Ketchikan Community College -- Total at any Time During the Calendar Week · Space, Fall, 1967 ..• , , , , , , . Room-Hours Scheduled -- All Instructional 123 93 Matanuska-Susitna Community College -- Summary of Instructional ~pace -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967 , • , , , , , , , . 124 94 Matanuska-Susitna Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- General Classrooms, Fall, 1967, . , . , , , , • , , • , 125 95 Matanuska-Susitna Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 , , . , , , , , , •• 126 96 Matanuska-Susitna Community College -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Cal~ndar Week, Fall, 1967 , . , 127 97 Sitka Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- All Instructional Space, Fall, 1967, • , , , • , . , , , , •• , 128 98 Sitka Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Genet~l Classrooms, Fal~, 1967 ... , , , ••• , ...•• , . 129 99 Sitka Community College -- Summary of Instructional Space -- Teaching Laboratories, Fall, 1967 .. , , .•• , ..•...•. 130 100 Sitka Community College -- Total Room-Hours Scheduled at any Time During the Calendar Week -- All Instructional Space, G " "' " % ti " <1 " 11 e " e II o o o o e 111 o e o o o 13

    The Western Gulf of Alaska A Summary of Available Knowledge

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    This report is the result of a joint effort by the staffs of the University of Alaska's Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) and the Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research (ISEGR), under the direction of David Hickok and Victor Fischer, respectively. The overall coordination of the project was conducted by Richard T. Buffler and Eugene II. Buck of AEIDC. The following staff personnel had the primary responsibility for compiling data for the respective sections; Geomorphology-L. Lau, AEIDC; Climate-H. W. Searby, AEIDC: Oceanography-F. F. Wright, and R. L. Seitz, AEIDC; Geology-R. T. Buffler, AEIDC; Hydrology-L. Lau, AEIDC; Biota-E. II. Buck, K. Hulett, L. Lau, AEIDC; Socioeconomic David Kresge, T. F. Gasbarro, S. Fison, ISEGR; Impact of Environment Staff, AEIDC and ISEGR. Graphics for the project were supervised by E. Cote and were completed mainly by M. Aho with the assistance of S. Ward and R. Arend, AEIDC. Editing of the report was carried out primarily by L. McNicholas and J. Brogan, AEIDC. The report attempts to present all available factual cata in an unbiased manner. Portions of the text, however, reflect the individual staff member's personal experience and knowledge of the subject. Portions of the report also represent personal communications with numerous other persons. Research for the report and preparation of a primary draft was carried out during the months of July through October 1973. From November 19 73 through January 19 74, the draft was reviewed by the Bureau of Land Management, both the Division of Marine Minerals, Washington, D.C. and the Alaska OCS office, Anchorage. Concurrently, the draft was reviewed internally by AEIDC staff plus numerous other pertinent government and industry persons most knowledgeable about various aspects of the report. February and March 1974 we^e spent incorporating pertinent review comments and preparing the final reportThe State of Alask

    Benefits of Alaska Native Corporations and the SBA 8(a) Program to Alaska Natives and Alaska

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    Senator Begich’s office asked ISER for assistance assembling information to document the social and economic status of Alaska Natives and the benefits of the 8(a) program. His purpose is to brief Missouri Senator McCaskill and her committee which is reviewing the status of ANC contracts awarded under SBA’s 8(a) program. This review was triggered by a 2006 GAO report recommending increased SBA oversight to 8(a) contracting activity. Highlights of the GAO report are provided in Tab A.1; a letter dated May 15, 2009, from Senators Begich and Murkowski to Sentaor McCaskill, outlining their concerns is provided in Tab A.2. As the Congressional Research Service report (Tab A.3) explains, the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program targeting socially and economically disadvantaged individuals was operating under executive authority from about 1970, and under statutory authority starting in 1978. A series of amendments from 1986 to 1992 recognized Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) as socially and economically disadvantaged for purposes of program eligibility, exempted them from limitations on the number of qualifying subsidiaries, from some restrictions on size and minimum time in business, and from the ceiling on amounts for sole-source contracts. Between 1988 and 2005, the number of 8(a) qualified ANC subsidiaries grew from one to 154 subsidiaries owned by 49 ANCs. The dollar amount of 8(a) contracts to ANCs grew from 265millioninFY2000to265 million in FY 2000 to 1.1 billion in 2004, approximately 80 percent of which was in sole-source contracts. (GAO Highlights, Tab A.1) The remainder of this briefing book is divided in three sections. Section 2 addresses changes in the social and economic status of Alaska Natives from 1970--the year before the enactment of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and the subsequent creation of the ANCs--to the present. ISER’s report on the “Status of Alaska Natives 2004” (Tab B.1) finds that despite really significant improvements in social and economic conditions among Alaska Natives, they still lag well behind other Alaskans in employment, income, education, health status and living conditions. A collection of more recent analyses updates the social and economic indicators to 2008. There were many concurrent changes throughout this dynamic period of Alaska’s history and we cannot attribute all the improvements to the ANCs, though it is clear that they play an important catalyst role. In the final part of section 2 we attempt to provide some historical context for understanding the role ANCs have played in improving the well-being of Alaska Natives. Section C. documents the growth in ANCs and their contributions to Alaska Native employment, income, social and cultural programs and wellbeing, and their major contributions to the Alaska economy and society overall. Section D. Looks specifically at the 8(a) program. Although there are a handful of 8(a) firms with large federal contracts, the majority are small, village-based corporations engaged in enterprise development in very challenging conditions. A collection of six case studies illustrate the barriers to business development these small firms face and the critical leverage that 8(a) contracting offers them.Mark BegichIntroduction / Status of Alaska Natives 1970 to 2000 / Benefits from Alaska Native Corporations / Benefits from the 8(a) progra

    Alaska Statewide Economic Model

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    The State of Alask

    Higher Education Facilities Inventory Manual for Alaska

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    The State of Alask

    Bethel Housing Project Economic Impact Study

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    The State of Alask