13 research outputs found

    Environmental Estimation of Radiation Equivalent Dose Rates in Soils and Waters of Northern Calabria (Italy)

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    In this study, the equivalent dose rate of natural radionuclides ( H T ) in 99 spring water and surface soil samples was determined using an alpha, beta, and gamma high sensitivity detector up within a Geiger-Muller tube and with an external probe NaI (Tl). The samples were collected in the Crati basin (southern Italy), and during sample collection, water quality parameters were detected in situ and at the University of Calabria laboratories. A Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was applied to identify and clarify the relationships between water physical-chemical properties and soil and water radioactivity. Results show that the mean H T for spring waters is 97.07 μSv/h. Furthermore, the mean H T for surface soils is 97.92 μSv/h, thus evidencing higher mean H T values than worldwide ones reported in a previous literature. Low correlation coefficients were detected between water H T and conductivity and pH. On the contrary, a reasonable correlation was found between H T in spring water and in soil. This relationship is associated with some rocks of the Sila Massif and of Coastal Chain, i.e., plutonic and metamorphic crystalline rocks. Finally, the estimation of the health risk was calculated: results did not evidence serious dangers for people living in the studied environment. The results from this survey for the H T evaluation provide an extensive assessment of the background exposure levels in the investigated area

    Geochemical Characterization of Spring Waters in the Crati River Basin, Calabria (Southern Italy)

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    The characterization of the spatial variation of geochemical parameters in spring waters, especially the ones used for drinking purpose, is essential to identify potential risks to humans. In this work, results of a qualitative analysis on 190 samples of spring waters collected in the largest catchment of the Calabria region (southern Italy) are shown. Several physical and chemical parameters were analysed and the Langelier-Ludwig diagram was built to evaluate the hydrochemical facies of the sampled waters. Additionally, the relationships between water temperature and altitude and electric conductivity (EC) and altitude were assessed. Geostatistical methods were used to map the physical and chemical parameters. Results showed a good quality status of the spring waters in the Crati basin, with a predominant Ca-Mg-type hydrochemical facies. Then, a connection between EC and temperature with elevation has been detected in some area of the basin. Finally, the spatial analysis allowed identifying the distribution of the concentration of the several parameters

    Release of nutrients into a forested catchment of southern Italy

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    This work aims to improve the knowledge of nutrient exchanges between soil and atmosphere through a comparative analysis of the contribution coming from atmospheric depositions and their release in water runoff. The study has been realized on a mountain catchment, crossed by Bonis stream, tributary of Cino river and located in Sila Greca plateau (Calabria, Southern Italy). This experimental basin, laying on a basement formed by inclusive and plutonic rocks, extends for an area of 139 hectares, spreading from 975 to 1301 m a.s.l. The catchment is forested for about 95 % of its surface area with the main presence of Pinus laricio Poiret populations differentiated for age, density, tree canopy cover and stand haracteristics within an area without human settlements and pollution sources. The basin has been instrumented, since 1986, to measure the main abiotic features in inflow and outflow discharges. These chemical and physical parameters, as N-NH4, N-NO2, N-NO3, P-PO4, S-SO4, Cl, pH and conductivity, have been analyzed on a fortnightly basis. From collected data, it has been estimated, for each nutrient, its annual and monthly mean weighed concentrations to value the basin resilience after external inputs and its rolling action after some events, as acid depositions. In conclusion, the monitoring of mountain catchments could supply useful data about the global changes of atmospheric chemistry and, as a consequence, on the variability in quality control of surface waters, considering that mountain catchments supply most of water resources of a good-quality level for mankind

    Release of nutrients into a forested catchment of southern Italy

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    The mountain catchments are the main source of a good quality water supply. A correct water management suggests policies aimed to the planning, the optimization and, above all, the protection of this valuable natural resource. To date, there are some models, more or less complex, used in the management of water resources or pretending the water supplies and the hydraulic loading of solutes. Some of these patterns disregard the extent of bottom pollution caused by site features and by atmospheric deposition affecting the fixation, volatilization, absorption and release of biogenic substances. This work aims to aid in the knowledge of the relationships between soil and atmosphere systems through the comparative analysis of nutrient depositions and their following release into water outflows in a small experimental catchment located in the Cosenza district of Sila Greca (Calabria, Italy) extending for a surface of 139 ha and without human settlements. The study area, expanded from 975 m. a.s.l. to 1300 m. a.s.l., is forested for about 95% of its surface of which 80 % is covered by Calabrian Pine (Pinus laricio, Poiret) with populations differentiated by age, density, tree canopy cover and stand characteristics. Small areas are interested by chestnut (Castanea sativa, Miller) reforestations. The remaining basin surface is composed by clearings (2%), sowable lands (1.4%) and catchment ditches (8.2%) colonized, to a large extent, by black alder (Alnus glutinosa, Linnaeus) and aspen (Populus tremuloides, Linnaeus). The climate data concerning Lake Cecita Station, located at 1.100 m. a.s.l. and ongoing from 1924 to 2010, are deduced from the Annals of Hydrographic Service of Catanzaro Unit. The rainfall regime, belonging to the Mediterranean type, shows an average annual value of 1046.6 mm distributed in 99 rainy days. On a monthly basis, the higher rainfall media data have been recorded in the months of October and November, even though the month with the highest rainfall, in all the measurement period, is January 1945 with 391.7 mm. The lowest values have been recorded in the months of June, July and August. Besides, it is pointed out a great monthly variability in the regarded period. Finally, July is the month lacking in rainfall during many years of the tested time. The average monthly temperature is 9.9 °C with a mean value of 2.0 °C in the coldest month and a mean value of 18.6 °C in the hottest month. The geological structure of the basin consists of a crystalline basement formed by intrusive and plutonic rocks generally fractured except some cutting valleys. The soils, greatly on plutonic rocks, lead to the “Typic Xerumbrepts” association and, in small way, to the “Ultic Haploxeralfs” in the surface layers of pleistocenic sediments (stream terrace)

    Ecoidrologia di alcuni corsi d’acqua della Provincia di Cosenza (Calabria)

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di valutare lo stato di salute ecologica e la funzionalità ecosistemica di alcuni tra i più significativi bacini idrografici della provincia di Cosenza. La valutazione dello stato di salute ecologica dei fiumi Abatemarco e Lao è stata realizzata attraverso l’applicazione dell’Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale (IFF) ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo n.152/06 e della Direttiva Quadro sulle acque 2000/60/CE. I risultati ottenuti indicano buoni livelli di funzionalità fluviale per entrambi i bacini, rispettivamente nel 50% e nel 47% dei tratti fluviali analizzati mentre il grado di efficienza fluviale tende a crescere nelle zone di trasporto di entrambi i sistemi fluviali mostrando, comunque, una notevole variabilità nelle loro zone di alimentazione. L’applicazione del metodo consente di individuare le maggiori criticità ambientali emergenti dallo studio ecosistemico dei bacini in esame e fornisce il supporto conoscitivo per indirizzare gli interventi in aree dove sia possibile il recupero e la rinaturalizzazione

    Indice di funzionalità fluviale in Calabria. Il caso del fiume Crati

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    Questo studio si propone di valutare lo stato di salute ecologica e la funzionalità ecosistemica del bacino idrografico del fiume Crati attraverso l'applicazione della nuova versione dell'Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale (Siligardi et al., 2007) ai sensi del D.Lgs.152/99 e della Direttiva Quadro sulle acque 2000/60/CE. I risultati evidenziano il buon grado di funzionalità fluviale del bacino idrografico in esame sebbene alcuni tratti nella zona di deposito siano compromessi nelle loro componenti biotiche ed abiotiche a causa della presenza di numerose captazioni e derivazioni idriche utilizzate anche a scopo irriguo ed agricolo. L'applicazione del metodo consente di individuare le criticità ambientali emergenti alle quali la sensibilità politico-amministrativa può porre rimedio se interviene in una direzione non più antropocentrica ma ecosistemica, così come suggerito nel metodo proposto. Questa sperimentazione, in forma estesa, del metodo IFF in Calabria conferma la notevole versatilità del nuovo indice e la grande valenza territoriale nell'ottica di una visione globale e sintetica degli ecosistemi fluviali

    Vulnerability to Nitrate Occurrence in the Spring Waters of the Sila Massif (Calabria, Southern Italy)

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    Knowledge of spring waters’ chemical composition is paramount for both their use and their conservation. Vast surveys at the basin scale are required to define the nature and the location of the springs and to identify the hydrochemical facies of their aquifers. The present study aims to evaluate the hydrochemical facies and the vulnerability to nitrates of 59 springs falling in the Sila Massif in Calabria (southern Italy) and to identify their vulnerability through the analysis of physicochemical parameters and the use of the Langelier–Ludwig diagram. A spatial analysis was performed by the spline method. The results identified a mean value of 4.39 mg NO3−/L and a maximum value of 24 mg NO3−/L for nitrate pollution in the study area. Statistical analysis results showed that the increase in electrical conductivity follows the increase in alkalinity values, a correlation especially evident in the bicarbonate Ca-Mg waters and linked to the possibility of higher nitrate concentrations in springs. These analyses also showed that nitrate vulnerability is dependent on the geological setting of springs. Indeed, the Sila igneous–metamorphic batholith, often strongly affected by weathering processes, contributes to not buffering the nitrate impacts on aquifers. Conversely, anthropogenic activities, particularly fertilization practices, are key factors in groundwater vulnerability

    Contributo alla riossigenazione naturale della zona eufotica dei corpi idrici dovuto all'attività fotosintetica

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    Dottorato di Ricerca in Igegneria Idraulica per l'Ambiente ed il Territorio, Ciclo XXII, a.a.2010Università della Calabri