4 research outputs found

    Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone: TARIA‐MeDALL hypothesis

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    Asthma, rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis (AD) are interrelated clinical phenotypes that partly overlap in the human interactome. The concept of “one-airway-one-disease,” coined over 20 years ago, is a simplistic approach of the links between upper- and lower-airway allergic diseases. With new data, it is time to reassess the concept. This article reviews (i) the clinical observations that led to Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA), (ii) new insights into polysensitization and multimorbidity, (iii) advances in mHealth for novel phenotype definitions, (iv) confirmation in canonical epidemiologic studies, (v) genomic findings, (vi) treatment approaches, and (vii) novel concepts on the onset of rhinitis and multimorbidity. One recent concept, bringing together upper- and lower-airway allergic diseases with skin, gut, and neuropsychiatric multimorbidities, is the “Epithelial Barrier Hypothesis.” This review determined that the “one-airway-one-disease” concept does not always hold true and that several phenotypes of disease can be defined. These phenotypes include an extreme “allergic” (asthma) phenotype combining asthma, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Granulosa theca cell tumors in 93 mares

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    Se estudiaron 93 neoplasmas de los cordones sexuales y del estroma ovárico en yeguas (todos fueron tumores de las células granulosotecales), analizándoles aspectos clínicos, funcionales y morfológicos. Ellos estuvieron constituidos por una población mixta de células de la granulosa y la teca, organizándose la primera en varios patrones. Veinte neoplasmas presentaron desde pequeñas a grandes áreas de células neoplásicas, semejantes a las células de Sertoli de los testículos. Células similares a las de Leydig del testículo estuvieron presentes entre las células de la teca interna en 24 tumores. En 58 de las 93 yeguas con neoplasmas se observaron cuatro patrones de conducta anormal: anestro (21), estros intermitentes (6), estros continuos (9) y manifestaciones de conducta similares al macho (22). En veinte y dos de las 93 yeguas con tumores, medimos concentraciones de testosterona en plasma periférico y eran mayores a los valores normales en nuestro laboratorio (15-20 pg/ml de plasma). Cuatro de los animales con manifestaciones de conducta similares al macho mostraron concentraciones de testosterona superiores a 100 pg/ml de plasma y el mayor número de células similares a las de Leydig en la teca. Diez y ocho yeguas, cuyas concentraciones de testosterona eran inferiores a 100 pg/ml de plasma, presentaron manifestaciones de anestro (5), estros intermitentes (2) y estros continuos (5). En las seis yeguas restantes no hubo reportes de patrones de conducta anormal. Se describieron en 51 casos el ovario no afectado, resultando pequeño e inactivo en 49 yeguas y normal en 2 casos.222 - 228TrimestralNinety- three sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary in mares were studied (all were granulosa-theca cell tumors). The clinical, functional and structural characteristics were analyzed. The granulosa-theca cell tumors were made up of a mixture of granulosa and theta cells arranged in various patterns: Leydig-like cells were presented in the theca interna in 24 tumors and in twenty neoplasms there were small or large areas of Sertoli-like cells. In fifty-eight of the 93 mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors abnormal behavior patterns were reported, four patterns predominated: anestrus (21), intermittent estrus (6), continuos estrus (9) and mate-like behavior (22). In twenty two of the 93 mares with granulosa-theca cells tumors, concentrations of testosterone in peripheral plasma were measured. All of the them showed higher concentrations of testosterone than normal. In the laboratory 15-20 pg/ml plasma is considered normal in mares. Four animals which exhibited male-like behavior had testosterone concentrations higher than 100 pg/ml plasma and the largest number of Leydig-Like cells in the theta. Eighteen mares with concentrations of testosterone under 100 pl/ml plasma exhibited anestrus (5), intermittent estrus (2) and continuos estrus (5). No unusual behavior patterns were reported in the other six mares. The unaffected ovary of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors was described in 51 instances. They were small and inactive in 49 mares and of normal size in 2 cases

    Primary germinal cell tumors of the ovary in bitches

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    Se estudiaron 8 neoplasmas de las células germinales primarias de ovario. Ellos incluyeron 6 (75%) Teratomas y 2 (25%) Disgerminomas. La edad promedio de los animales afectados fue de 4.6 años. Las características clínicas y morfológicas más importantes fueron descritas. Los 6 Teratomas se diagnosticaron como benignos y en 1 de los 2 Disgerminomas se evidenció metástasis a varios órganos y tejidos. Los neoplasmas fueron clasificados de acuerdo al criterio de la Organización Mundial de la Salud.40 - 46BimestralEight primary germinal cell tumors of the ovary were studied. They included 6 (75%) Teratomas and 2 (25%) Dysgerminomas. The mean age of the animals affected was of 4.6 years old. The most important clinical and morphologycal features were described. Six Teratomas were diagnosed as benigns and 1 of the 2 Dysgerminomas showed metastasis to various organs and tissues. The neoplasms were classified according to the criteria of the World Health Organization

    Incidence of lesions in pigs at slaughterhouse in Venezuela (I): Lungs and heart's lesions

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    Se estudiaron quinientos grupos de vísceras torácicas de 27 granjas ubicadas en diferentes zonas de Venezuela, provenientes de cerdos faenados en una planta beneficiadora del estado Aragua, en el año 1995. Los animales fueron seleccionados al azar, y las vísceras provenían de cerdos de engorde. Los órganos evaluados fueron pulmones y corazón. El estudio de las lesiones macroscópicas observadas fueron evaluadas de acuerdo a diferentes métodos referidos en la literatura; y los métodos seleccionados para el estudio microscópico de los órganos fueron las descritas por Dungworth, Robinson y Grant. La frecuencia de lesiones en los órganos inspeccionados fue: pulmones 95,6% y corazón 59,6%. Las lesiones observadas más relevantes fueron: Neumonía enzoótica en primer lugar de incidencia con un 93,6%, mientras que la Degeneración muscular cardíaca y hemorragias inespecíficas coexistieron en un 32,6% de los casos estudiados; la incidencia de Pleuritis alcanzó un 27,0%, Neumonía enzoótica crónica activa 21,4%, Pericarditis 12,8%, Pleuroneumonía 8,8% y Abscesos 1,6%. Se estimó el porcentaje de granjas con animales afectados y el promedio de cerdos con lesiones por las granjas; la incidencia de Neumonía enzoótica fue del 100% de granjas con animales afectados, al igual que Degeneración muscular cardíaca y Hemorragias in específicas.243 - 250BimestralFive hundreds of slaughtered fattering pigs thoracic viscera from 27 farm, of different place of Venezuela, during 1995 were studied. The viscera came from pigs ready to market, at slaughterhouse of Aragua state and were picked up at random. The evaluated organs were: lungs and heart. Gross lesions observed in the affected organs were evaluated according to differents methods and the microscopy methods used: Dungworth, Robinson and Grant. The frecuency of lesions in inspected organs were as follows: lungs 95.6% and heart 59.6%. Among the described lesions, the first place was occuped for Chronic Enzootic Pneumonia with 93.6% of incidence, followed by Heart muscle degeneration additional to non specific haemorhages both of them had 32.6% of all the studied samples. The Pleuritis occurrence reached 27.0%, Active Chronic Enzootic pneumonia 21.4%, Pericarditis 12.8%, Pleuropneumonia 8.8% and Abscess 1.6%. The affected farms percentage was estimated, and average of lesioned pigs in this farms which incidence of Enzootic pneumonia reached 100% as well as heart muscle degeneration and inespecific haemorhages