32 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Datayasa Komputer

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    Sistem Informasi Akuntasi merupakan komponen organisasi yang mengumpulkan, mengklasifikasikan, mengolah, menganalisa dan mengkomunikasikan informasi finansial dan pengambilan keputusan yang relevan bagi pihak luar Perusahaan dan pihak ekstern. Datayasa adalah sebuah Perusahan yang menjalankan bisnis penjualan barang dan jasa service. Pencatatan penjualan pada Datayasa telah menggunakan sistem informasi, namun belum mencakup system akuntansinya. Proses pencatatan akuntansi dibuat secara konvensional, yang belum diintegrasikan dengan system penjualan yang ada. Sehingga pembuatan laporan keuangan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh pimpinan tidak dapat buat secara cepat. Penelitian ini akan membuat rancangan sistem informasi akuntansi di Datayasa, dengan menggunakan pendekatan Zachman Framework. Pengembangan aplikasi menenggunakan pendekatan pemodelan berorientasi object, dengan Bahasa UML. Pembuatan prototype aplikasi menggunakan PHP dengan database MySQL server

    Design Tools to Safe Guard Distance Four Wheel Drive Microcontroller At89s51

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    Designing tools to guard the safe distance of the automobile-based Microcontroller AT89S51 intended to reduce the number of accidents particularly for four-wheeled vehicle that almost happen every day either street or highway within the highway. This happens because not all vehicles have a range of security system that serves as a critical distance when the distance a vehicle warner they are too close to another vehicle. Equipment will be placed on front bumper which gives a warning if the distance is too close. With hopes of vehicle accidents can be avoided

    Led Scanning Matrix Using Ppi 8255

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    In order to connect a PC to the outside world, needed a tool called Interface. Interface in this case serves as a door exit and entry information digitally to the procedures and capabilities tailored to the program. So to use it requires a special program. In designing an interface must be determined beforehand in the memory area where these interfaces can work well and do not interfere with other peripherals. This is intended so that if later on that interface will be installed into the computer will not change the working procedures of the computer in general

    Space Security System Using Infra Red Technology

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    By leveraging existing technology and at this point, these tools can we design a smaller and simpler, without reducing the reliability of these tools. In the design of this tool there are some weaknesses, namely in the operation of the tool is basically due to the quality factor of the quality of each component is different from the standardization of a component

    Information on the Design of Failure Complex Detection House

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    Lack of attention to the developers of housing complexes in the matter of light,causing less terawatnya this facility. Thus we sometimes see in a housing complexthere are some lighting that is not functioning or damaged. If there are no complaintsfrom the residents, will require a long time to fix it or may not be completelyrepaired.Given the problems above, required a lighting failure detection system that canmonitor all the existing lighting at a housing complex. In this case, the authors use the8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface as an interface (interface) as a lightcontroller that uses the Turbo C as software that provides information to the operatortentrang housing complex lighting conditions

    Circuit Design House Door Controller Interface Using Programmableperipheral (Ppi)-based 8255 Personal Computer (Pc)

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    The design of the door controller series is a tool that serves to open and close the doorby automatically, without having moved by human power with the desired degrees (inmultiples of 7.2). This tool is very useful especially in the Jakarta metropolitan arealike this because it can minimize the occurrence of theft in the home or the usualdifficulties encountered daily in the open or close the door of the house.This tool uses a stepper motor controlled by the controlling circuit (stepper motordriver). With PPI 8255 as a controller that can be programmed, these devices can beconnected to personal computers or PC so that its operation becomes very easy justby pressing one button on the menu of available option

    Design Tool Room Door Alarm on At89c51 Microcontroller

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    In general, this door design tool can be applied easily. Optocoupler sensor responsetowards the open door can be detected properly. So also with the performance of LEDand buzzer as a timely warning when the sensor was detected.Specifically, the program for running the door alarm was spelled out successfully,because the microcontroller program commands can be processed and properlyinstructed