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    Kemampuan Penalaran Adaptif Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Kelas VIII SMP Pontianak

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    : This article is the result of qualitative descriptive and quantitative analysis to explore the adaptive reasoning ability of students in solving problems at Junior High School 3 Grade VIII Class C. The subject of this research consists of 36 students. Collecting data tools were adaptive reasoning test on Geometry which related about Pythagoras Theorem and interview guidelines. The result showed that the adaptive reasoning ability of students mostly still in the category of low to very low, because there are 25 students (69,45%) was only able to achieve a score with a range of 8-16 (the scores maximum are 26), while nine students (25%) are in the medium category with a range of 17-20, and only two students (5,55%) at high category with score range 21-22. Students who achieve high category were not able to draw conclusions logically to a statement and was not able to present an allegation or conjecture correctly, but is able to generalize