4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intrapreneurship Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Manufaktur Di Tangerang

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    This study aims to investigate the influence of intrapreneurship on theperformance of manufacturing companies in Tangerang. The population was managerof a manufacturing company in the province of Banten. This study developed andtested a theoretical model where the variable intrapreneurship shaped by factors ofinnovation, risk / uncertainty, risks / challenges, competitive energy, proactive andautonomy, and performance on financial performance variables, variables and variableproductivity growth and repair. Based on the questionnaire, which is selected usingpurposive sampling method of data obtained from a sample of 25 medium-sizedcompanies manufacturing in Tangerang. This study uses confirmatory analysis basedon structural equation modeling (SEM). This research model using AMOS 21.0. Theresults of this study revealed that intrapreneurship has a multidimensional structure.Innovation factors, risks / challenges, competitive and proactive energy can explainwell intrapreneurship. This model proved its effect on the growth and repair.Intrapreneurship affect the growth and repair. This study contributes to theoryhighlights the importance of intrapreneurship-forming factors and their effects in themodel. This is helpful for researchers looking for appropriate performance measuresand intrapreneurs aims to support their decisions and evaluate their performance

    Dampak Office Channelling terhadap Kenaikan Third Party Deposits dan Return On Assets Unit Usaha Syari'ah

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    The objectives of the research is to study and to analyze empirically the influence of office channelling on third party deposits and return on assets in Indonesian sharia business unit. Third party deposits and return on assets are used as indicators of sharia business unit performance after opening new branchs through office channelling program. The research uses korelasional method.The number of sharia business units taken as samples in the research cover about 10 sharia business unit in Indonesia which already publicate theirs own financial statements separated from their conventional banks financial statements. The data were analyzed using Ordinary Least Square Method.The result show that, firstly, office channelling statistically significant influence third party deposits, but secondly, office channelling statistically insignificant influence return on assets. This unpredicted result shows that the increase of third party deposits through office channelling program not automatically could increase return on assets. We found that the sharia business unit couldn't yet opfimally response the increase of third party deposits. The increasing of third party deposits were not followed yet by the good atocafions of fund


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    Informasi keuangan ataupun non keuangan adalah informasi yang dibutuhkan pihak manajemen dalam menjalankan fungsinya. Sebagai salah satu sumber informasi penting adalah informasi akuntansi manajemen berupa berbagai macam format yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan dari berbagai tingkatan manajemen. Akuntansi Manajemen atau Akuntansi Manajerial adalah sistem akuntansi yang berkaitan dengan ketentuan dan penggunaan informasi akuntansi untuk manajer atau manajemen dalam suatu organisasi dan untuk memberikan dasar kepada manajemen untuk membuat keputusan bisnis yang akan memungkinkan manajemen akan lebih siap dalam pengelolaan dan melakukan fungsi kontrol. Sedangkan sistem akuntansi managemen sendiri artinya adalah suatu sistem informasi yang menghasilkan suatu kesimpulan atau output atau informasi yang menggunakan data yang ada serta proses-proses yang diperlukan dalam memenuhi hasil akhir tertentu dari suatu manajemen. Proses-proses yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah berbagai kegiatan seperti pengumpulan, pengukuran, penyimpanan, analisis, pelaporan, dan pengelolaan informasi. Sedangkan Hasil informasi atau kesimpulan dapat berupa laporan khusus, harga pokok produk, biaya pelanggan, anggaran, laporan kinerja, dan komunikasi personal. Fungsi dari hasil informasi yang sudah ada di dalam manajemen ada beberapa hal yang bisa di rumuskan yaitu : Merumuskan strategi, proses perencanaan dan pengendalian, Pengambilan keputusan, optimalisasi keputusan, pengungkapan pemegang saham dan pihak luar, pengungkapan entitas organisasi bagi karyawan, perlindungan atas asset organisasi